What are your feelings?



  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    In for future goal met post on this specific topic. I will be back...in about 18 months. :-)
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I'm more confident, that's for sure. Feeling better about my body has translated to other areas of my life. I move more comfortably in the world - I'm not trying to hide anymore. I take more risks and I'm more adventurous. I have freedom, my weight doesn't restrict me. For example, I took my 5 year old to an amusement park by myself last weekend. 2 years ago, I couldn't have done that for several reasons: I wouldn't have fit on the rides, I would have been too tired, I couldn't have walked around all day. It struck me midday that my life had definitely changed. Something as simple as an amusement park trip was possible, not unnerving.

    Has weight loss made me happier? I'd say yes, but only because of the positive changes I've made in my life and with my emotional state. It wasn't a magic fix towards happiness, but a catalyst for other changes that have made my life so much richer.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    This is something I have thought about a lot: Losing weight to feel happier.

    That whole concept.

    I am still far away from my goal, but have made some serious strides over the past year. I am significantly happier

    ...BUT I can't pin point what came first.

    Around the time I truly dedicated myself to lose weight (for the millionth attempt) I also took some steps to remove certain negative ppl from my life, and my career was starting to turn around.

    So one thing I always question - "what comes first?" Did losing weight help me be happier, or did getting happier help me lose weight? My guess it is a little from column A and a little from column B.

    TLDR version:

    If you are really unhappy, losing weight may not change that. You might need to figure out and address the real reason you are unhappy - in order to lose weight.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I find I'm too sexy for my shirt

    My husband also finds I'm too sexy for my shirt.
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    Yes, I am alot more happier now that I have lost all the excess baggage. Im more confident & hold my head alittle higher now. :wink: I have so much more energy now & actually look forward to exercising.

    Good luck, MFP is great and has helped me out alot.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I was happy before but now I have more to be happy about. I find myself saying "yes" way more often than before which means I'm doing more fun things more often, things that perhaps I was embarrassed to do before (pool party, holiday, dressing up and dancing all night) So yeah, I would say I'm happier.
  • Honestly, losing weight does nothing for my self esteem. I gain nothing except access to my old clothes and more flexibility. (I'm short waisted and put my weight on around my tummy so fat hinders my bendiness).
  • I'm still the same depressed, self-loathing person I've always been. Losing weight doesn't change that.

    Sorry to hear this! :flowerforyou:
  • Well, I obviously just felt sexy and turned into my husband p-star. Every time I lost weight I fell pregnant. So I'm happy and looking forward to no more babies!!


    So to answer your question, I feel happier, healthier, more energetic and I love myself more!
  • I really dislike people that are overweight and they lose it and look great. But then comes their attitude of I'm better than you and start putting crap on overweight people.

    It's not the way to go, losing weight shouldn't change who you are as a person. It should just improve the exterior!!

    I lost a work mate this way, he became a personal trainer and his attitude changed. Shame, as he was a lovely fella!
  • I honestly just want to feel pretty again, and be able to wear what ever I want instead of trying to make my fat clothes look good on a fat body... Clothes don't look as good when you go from a small to an xlarge... just saying. And it doesn't matter how much time I spend on my hair, make-up, outfits.. I always look like a fat tub of lazy lard... and I never used to be that way. I'm prior military, I used to pride myself in being able to do 54 push up in 2 minutes, 89 sit-ups in 2 mins, and run 2 miles in 16 min (i'm short so that's fast to me lol). Now, My arms are shaking after 10 push-up... I want to get back to being strong with a tight body...lol

    Your pretty now! I understand how you feel though. I have lollipop legs, but I have a belly. So I have a muffin top and baggy legs! I also have celiac disease!

    So with trying to lose weight I'm also trying to learn how to cut gluten out of my diet. Been ok, but I gave to be stricter on myself!!!
  • awise19
    awise19 Posts: 154 Member
    Well I wanted to lose weight and eat better for health reasons and of course making it easier to shop and feel better about myself.
    I workout though and it has made me feel so strong. I deal with depression and anexity and exercise has really helped me fight those feelings. I am so much more confident in myself and my abilities. I have lost 70ish pounds and i'm kicking *kitten*.
    I love it and I love how it has made me feel along with the reasons why I started losing weight.
  • Well I wanted to lose weight and eat better for health reasons and of course making it easier to shop and feel better about myself.
    I workout though and it has made me feel so strong. I deal with depression and anexity and exercise has really helped me fight those feelings. I am so much more confident in myself and my abilities. I have lost 70ish pounds and i'm kicking *kitten*.
    I love it and I love how it has made me feel along with the reasons why I started losing weight.

    Way to go! We'll done. :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I really dislike people that are overweight and they lose it and look great.

    But then comes their attitude of I'm better than you and start putting crap on overweight people.

    It's not the way to go, losing weight shouldn't change who you are as a person. It should just improve the exterior!!

    I lost a work mate this way, he became a personal trainer and his attitude changed. Shame, as he was a lovely fella!

    Losing weight does change you as a person. It completely changes many people - from night to day - inside out and backwards. So many people repress themselves when they are fat and unhealthy and embarassed, and then when they have those shackles removed, they just blossom.

    ..and they want the same happiness to blossom for the people they are close, love or are friends with.

    And when they stop letting people walk all over them, and stop feeding into defeatist or self-deprecating attitudes, and stop taking the lazy way out, and stop making excuses and putting themselves last all the time... the people that were used to seeing them as fearful doormice - well - 90% of the time they balk, and stop being friends with them, and talk about how they are snobby or self-righteous now.

    If you lose a lot of weight, and embrace your own destiny, there will always be bitter angry hurtful people you will have to leave behind... as they scream and holler from the rooftops that you think you are better than most people.

    When the truth is... 'normal' people dont revolutionize their lives and take control of their fate and jump at the opportunity to risk it all for something great...

    So when someone does do that... yeah - it makes them superhuman. Or at least, just technically speaking, better than normal.

    eta for bold
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member

    Great post - and pretty much the same response I wanted to make - yet written more eloquently than I'd have accomplished.
  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 465 Member
    I am feeling the best i have felt in a long time. I am more confident not only cause I think I look better but because I know I can do anything that I set my mind too. I have more energy and I look forward to going in a store and being able to not have to only look in the plus size section. I still have a ways to go but I know I can and will do it. I have not been this small in 7 years and I know this because that was right before I had my daughter.

    Good luck and continued success on your journey :flowerforyou:
  • hannamarie88
    hannamarie88 Posts: 231 Member
    So many great responses! Thank you everyone.

    I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to get out of it, don't get me wrong, I have a list of things but apparently I need more??

    What you get out of it is personal satisfaction of achieving your goals. If you are losing weight the correct way just look at everything that you can accomplish now. Before I started my mission for health and fitness -- I could not do consistent jumping jacks or push ups or run. Now I can do all those things and run 3.5 miles without stopping.

    I am more confident than I ever have been and I'm very happy with all that I've done. You have to put your head in it because if your head isn't in the right place your body never will be. I feel like weight loss is 90% mental.

    You can do this! I wish you great success along your journey! :heart:
  • shanahz
    shanahz Posts: 261 Member
    I lost about 20lbs three years ago and I felt so much more confident in my self. I have put that weight back on and then some now, which is why I started using MFP. I now feel uncomfortable, like I can't hide my rolls. I feel the need to hide my weight. So I decided to give MFP a try and try losing the weight again. I was happier and I felt comfortable with my self when I dropped the pounds before. That is the feeling I want back.
  • Excellent question! I was very athletic until I was 35 and then family and career took greater precedence. I used to love that I could do anything I wanted with my body. I dwindled away the benefits of that lifestyle over the last 15 years and I gained 30 lbs, lost a lot of muscle mass and lost a lot of energy. I agree with some of the posts who state that one of the positive results they have obtained is a greater sense of "control" which for me means greater self-discipline and I now see this manifested in everything I do. Losing weight and getting in shape was/is my way of taking back control over my body that I had relinquished to complacency over the years and this has improved my self-confidence. I have also seen a huge change in my energy level which was a big motivational factor to initially getting in shape because I found it frustrating having little energy. Lastly, I have learned a lot about nutrition since I started using this site. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted and I took that for granted. I am now eating more wisely and have a consistent training regimen and I think this will have a huge impact on maintaining the lifestyle that I want for the rest of my life.
  • I was very happy before I decided to lose weight so losing weight has only made my life that much better. I feel like I am focusing on me and making the already awesome me more awesome :) I feel a sense of pride knowing that I am doing this and making so much progress. Every time I have an NSV, lose an inch or see the scale go down I am motivated!! I still have a long way to go but the changes are showing everyday.