How do YOU see yourself?



  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    I broke the mirror-person-perception barrier and finally see myself as average weight!
  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75
    Fat and ugly ;o(
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I still see myself as over 200 pounds. Dropping the weight didn't necessarily fix my self esteem issues like I thought it would. I have come a long way from crying after looking in the mirror but I still have some pretty bad days, especially after gaining about 10 pounds back. This time while I get rid of those 10 pounds I'm going to do it because I want to be healthy, a much different frame of mind than why I did it before.

    You look amazing. I don't see an extra 10 lbs there. Maybe in MUSCLE! :)
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    In the mirror I see the same as you..a chubby 5'3 girl who doesn't weight 287. even my husband says I don't look my weight... but boy in a picture I see a baby fat cow ( yes I call myself cow, horse, whale and other names) I hate my picture taken and shy away from social groups because of this. But I am not as shy anymore because I know I am watching what I eat and so forth :) I use to weight 330lbs and weight 287 I must be doing something right :happy:
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Good job! :)
  • Adrianachiarato
    Adrianachiarato Posts: 362 Member
  • melismh
    melismh Posts: 25 Member
    Omg, I am 5'4" and 185, I would be ecstatic to weigh 135. I would think that this would be a very healthy weight for our height...:heart:
  • JasmineOravec
    JasmineOravec Posts: 88 Member
    gigantic... I'll be truckin' along doing just fine, feeling alright and then, boom! I see a reflection of myself or a photo and I get really discouraged and disappointed. Lucky to have an awesome therapist.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Right now, I feel as big as I did +70 pounds ago. For a couple of months after losing 50, 60, 70 pounds, I felt so much smaller -- even sexy at times. Now that I've lived with the weight loss for a while, I feel like I'm right back where I started.

    The mind boggles.
  • I'm the same. I've gone to family events wearing a "slimming top", thinking people won't notice how big I've got then when I see the photos I'm truly shocked but then I say to myself "well what do you expect you're nearly 4 stone overweight!!"xx
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    It varies. When I first started, I didn't really comprehend how big I became until I saw myself in photos. In my mind, I was overweight but kept telling myself I *only* gained 20lbs at most NOT over 100. I felt the excess weight physically as mostly everything, even simply walking, was painful..but I still lived in denial for a long time. Stepping on the scale that first time after my weight gain was a very horrifying experience.

    Now that I've lost some weight, some days I feel great but others I still see myself as heavy as I was when I started. Even in the way I walk, like I'll find myself still turning sideways to go in through a doorway and being confused when I don't need to. It's been difficult for my mind to adjust to the changes.
  • j0j0ba
    j0j0ba Posts: 66
    i did a similar thread to this yesterday.. no replies, so im so glad im not alone lol
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    I still feel fat! I agree with the other posters. I takes a while for the mind to catch up! I can't believe that 6 months ago I was so big! Stick with it! Proud of you!
  • In the mirror it depends what I am wearing usually, I tell myself I look good, but as soon as the clothes come off, I notice exactly what I need to change in certain areas which are mostly my hips, thighs and stomach. I used to be a size 14 and now I am size 10, but I don't see a difference except the numbers on my clothes. I just want to be a size 8 that's my goal because I keep thinking that I will look my best at that size, or so my mind tells me :)
  • weaving2fast
    weaving2fast Posts: 64 Member
    This is an interesting topic because I know I'm big and when I look at myself in the mirror I see exactly that. A big guy. I get upset with myself for letting it get out of control. That said I have a 21 year old niece who is skinny as a board and she talks about how she's fat. I guess our distorted views of ourselves may not be as much reality as we think?
  • Foxtrot2N
    Foxtrot2N Posts: 184 Member
    When I was fat I thought I was little curvy, but I still thought I was hot.

    After losing 60 pounds I see a fat person in the mirror.

    I hate my brain.

    ^^ This^^ It seems like the more I lose the fatter I look to myself. WTH
  • irishjune
    irishjune Posts: 42 Member
    Our minds lie. At least mine does.

    In recent weeks I've gotten back on track after a long "break" during an emotionally difficult time. At first, once I got back to taking care of myself, it was like my eyes popped open and I was suddenly aware of the damage I'd done in the past few months. While I was "using food"(& wine :drinker:!) it was easier to block it out. So ironically, once I was doing better, I felt worse about myself.

    But facing reality has helped me get back on track. Now I'm looking in the mirror and seeing someone who's making sustainable changes and living in her real body.
  • Marsidote
    Marsidote Posts: 100 Member
    I was the same. Despite seeing myself in the mirror I seemed to have no concept of how bad things had got.... until people tag you in current photos and you think "Oh my good God WTF????" :huh: :noway: :sad:

    Yep! Totally me too! Hate when I think I look all good in the mirror, then see a pic and I look gross!
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Glad to see I am not alone. I still see the person I was 37 lbs ago. But when I see myself in a pic, I do notice a difference. It was just this week, I looked in the mirror and noticed a bit of a difference. Strange how the mind works.

    Happy Friday :flowerforyou:
  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 347 Member
    My weight fluctuates.. I was 200 lbs, then lost it...gained it all back, lost some, gained some, etc. I still see myself as 200 pounds no matter what I weigh. I'm 170 now and really have no choice but to get fit....
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