ATTN: Ladies who are afraid of gaining some weight



  • Shateyn
    I just started lifting weights and doing strength training... for someone who lost 70 lbs. and has kept it off for 9 years it is VERY difficult for me to see the scale go up! BUT, I am sick of being jiggly!! I am going to eat as healthy as I always do and start puting on some muscle! Scale be damned! :smile:

    Good for you! 70lbs is a lot and the fact that its obviously a healthy lifestyle and not just a temporary loss is awesome. Good luck on your build phase.
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you for sharing! This will help me stay strong in my resolve to put on some pounds. I'm excited for muscles & also boobs, but I'm terrified of the belly. :(
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    Awesome post :)
  • asaunders0923
    Thanks! Hopefully I can get those sculpted legs I dream about! lol
  • _rozamu
    _rozamu Posts: 119 Member
    Great post! Thanks for sharing!
  • leadiax3
    leadiax3 Posts: 534 Member
    thank you so much for this post. I am working on overcoming bulimia. I love to work out and would be fine if my weigjt gain could be all muscle. I weigh 112 at 5 '5. I dont want to gain more than 3 pounds though.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    I use to log everything I ate obsessively on this site, and it never worked for me. I always got smaller, but I never achieved the shape that I wanted. I was just shrinking. Lifting weights/gaining weight helped me grow and shrink where I wanted to.

    I don't think i'd be able to log and maintain this lifestyle though, but I definitely admire the people who can. For myself, I just like to listen to my body, and feed it when/what it wants (with in reason). The only time I stop myself from eating when I am hungry is just before bed.
  • deepdiya
    deepdiya Posts: 6 Member
    I am 5'3", 30 yr old... weigh around 107lb...till past two month i was around ~101lb. I think this gain is driving me crazy..I really need to make myself understand that it ok as long as I am in healthy range. Though I have started working on my muscels. TIll now I was only doing cardio - walking/running. But I have included strength training in my schedule- only using body weight.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    That's why I believe starting with and maintaining a suitable deficit is so vital. The psychological adaptations to weight loss - especially among larger deficits - can be very pronounced and cause a person to be quite frightened at increasing calories towards adjusted maintenance. Also, a needlessly low calorie diet by someone so fixated on scale weight is a recipe for disaster as they are most likely to develop some rather unhealthy attitudes about weight loss and maintenance.

    In general, I think people need to realize that, when restricting calories, their body is storing less water and glycogen and sometimes even food. Thus, when you return to a maintenance intake, you are simply recovering that lost weight. In other words, it really shouldn't be viewed as a "gain" at all.

    Regarding improving body composition and shape, guys aren't often described as being "shapely" or "curvy." Yet, when you look at a reasonably developed male's physique, the combination of muscle mass and body fat definitely gives us "shape" and "curves" to an otherwise rectangular frame. Thus, when a woman recomps by increasing lean mass and decreasing fat mass over time, you are actually improving your natural shape and curves.
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    I am with you on struggling to eat 'more' on a day when I have not been exercising. It just seems so against what many of us have been told over the years by magazines and so on. Mind you, I am still struggling to take any rest days at all - I miss being at the gym!
  • leithy89
    leithy89 Posts: 19 Member
    I've gained 4kg with increased calories and lifting weights, and look skinnier than I did before- but my cms are the same and got my bum back. Best thing I ever did.
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    This is exactly the thread that I need. I am at my lowest BMI, and started SL 5x5 while eating on a deficit and have kept it up as I moved into maintenance. Now, I'm contemplating a slow bulk to see where it gets me. In for more progress!
  • kneega
    kneega Posts: 51 Member
    dear diary
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    That's why I believe starting with and maintaining a suitable deficit is so vital. The psychological adaptations to weight loss - especially among larger deficits - can be very pronounced and cause a person to be quite frightened at increasing calories towards adjusted maintenance. Also, a needlessly low calorie diet by someone so fixated on scale weight is a recipe for disaster as they are most likely to develop some rather unhealthy attitudes about weight loss and maintenance.

    In general, I think people need to realize that, when restricting calories, their body is storing less water and glycogen and sometimes even food. Thus, when you return to a maintenance intake, you are simply recovering that lost weight. In other words, it really shouldn't be viewed as a "gain" at all.

    Regarding improving body composition and shape, guys aren't often described as being "shapely" or "curvy." Yet, when you look at a reasonably developed male's physique, the combination of muscle mass and body fat definitely gives us "shape" and "curves" to an otherwise rectangular frame. Thus, when a woman recomps by increasing lean mass and decreasing fat mass over time, you are actually improving your natural shape and curves.
    I needed to read that!

    I will be starting my first ever bulk in a few weeks and have to remember that initial spike is not really weight gain.
  • Miss_Izz
    Most people who eat 1200 calories a day AND express fear of gaining weight have eating disorders period.

    People who eat 1200 calories a day because they have taken the time out to do not only fitness research, but scientific research as well, won't be afraid to gain weight because they are obviously not simple minded.

    This is a result of ignorance. People don't do their research. Laziness is not only physical.

    You stop living when you stop learning....and eating haha =P
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Most people who eat 1200 calories a day AND express fear of gaining weight have eating disorders period.

    People who eat 1200 calories a day because they have taken the time out to do not only fitness research, but scientific research as well, won't be afraid to gain weight because they are obviously not simple minded.

    This is a result of ignorance. People don't do their research. Laziness is not only physical.

    You stop living when you stop learning....and eating haha =P
    Please be careful with your assumptions. I am far from ignorant and still have an emotional fear of weight gain. I have done research and understand how the body responds to energy/cals but still have fear. I truly hope your post wasn't intended to shame people because that is hurtful and usually counterproductive when addressing emotional reactions. I suggest you work on how you deliver your messages if your intent is to be truly helpful and not just smug.
  • Miss_Izz
    Most people who eat 1200 calories a day AND express fear of gaining weight have eating disorders period.

    People who eat 1200 calories a day because they have taken the time out to do not only fitness research, but scientific research as well, won't be afraid to gain weight because they are obviously not simple minded.

    This is a result of ignorance. People don't do their research. Laziness is not only physical.

    You stop living when you stop learning....and eating haha =P
    Please be careful with your assumptions. I am far from ignorant and still have an emotional fear of weight gain. I have done research and understand how the body responds to energy/cals but still have fear. I truly hope your post wasn't intended to shame people because that is hurtful and usually counterproductive when addressing emotional reactions. I suggest you work on how you deliver your messages if your intent is to be truly helpful and not just smug.

    People who educate themselves will not be offended by any of this, it is simply the truth. Feeling things is normal...feeling things and not really understanding why you feel that way...that's ignorance. A fear of gaining weight is a rational one, although when you are at a healthy weight..or below a healthy weight..such a fear is then considered irrational and has turned from a fear to a mental disorder. Everyone has fears, but think about this: When someone eats less than half of what their body needs on a daily basis, and is publicly expressing fears about weight gain they are not really afraid of gaining weight, they are looking for attention. When people look for attention, it is because something is missing emotionally, and in most cases that is knowing why one feels whatever they feel.

    Please be careful with YOUR assumption.

    Biology and Psychology are sciences...and people should educate themselves in those and then some when they are changing things about their bodies. If you do not know how your brain works, you do not know how your body works. If you do not know how your body get the point.

    Also, keep in mind that everyone get motivated differently. I, for example, like the truth, simply put. No beating around the bush, no pats on the backs, no maybes or what ifs. Black and white...gray is for the birds.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Most people who eat 1200 calories a day AND express fear of gaining weight have eating disorders period.

    People who eat 1200 calories a day because they have taken the time out to do not only fitness research, but scientific research as well, won't be afraid to gain weight because they are obviously not simple minded.

    This is a result of ignorance. People don't do their research. Laziness is not only physical.

    You stop living when you stop learning....and eating haha =P
    Please be careful with your assumptions. I am far from ignorant and still have an emotional fear of weight gain. I have done research and understand how the body responds to energy/cals but still have fear. I truly hope your post wasn't intended to shame people because that is hurtful and usually counterproductive when addressing emotional reactions. I suggest you work on how you deliver your messages if your intent is to be truly helpful and not just smug.

    People who educate themselves will not be offended by any of this, it is simply the truth. Feeling things is normal...feeling things and not really understanding why you feel that way...that's ignorance. A fear of gaining weight is a rational one, although when you are at a healthy weight..or below a healthy weight..such a fear is then considered irrational and has turned from a fear to a mental disorder. Everyone has fears, but think about this: When someone eats less than half of what their body needs on a daily basis, and is publicly expressing fears about weight gain they are not really afraid of gaining weight, they are looking for attention. When people look for attention, it is because something is missing emotionally, and in most cases that is knowing why one feels whatever they feel.

    Please be careful with YOUR assumption.

    Biology and Psychology are sciences...and people should educate themselves in those and then some when they are changing things about their bodies. If you do not know how your brain works, you do not know how your body works. If you do not know how your body get the point.

    Also, keep in mind that everyone get motivated differently. I, for example, like the truth, simply put. No beating around the bush, no pats on the backs, no maybes or what ifs. Black and white...gray is for the birds.