I have messed up and I was 30lbs down!! :'(



  • hebcy
    hebcy Posts: 4 Member
    Do NOT let this get you down. Four years ago I set about to lose baby weight and lost 75 pounds. I felt really amazing and completed my first half-marathon right around the time my mom died and I was diagnosed with ET. I started taking a lot of meds which resulted in not really caring about anything. There was a point about 25 pounds regained when I knew enough to stop and reverse the process but I didn't. Now I am starting over to lose 80 pounds. I wish someone would have shaken me then and said "STOP! Don't lose what you worked so hard for." So I am saying it to you. Believe me, you don't want to do it twice if you can help it. :smile:
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    Hi Elaine. I just checked out your diary entries for the past 30 or so days. Little to no exercise, very little water, way too much sugar.

    Before you begin to address those things, ask yourself two questions:

    1. Do you love yourself?

    2. Are you worth the effort to get back on track to where you want to go?

    Hopefully, the answer to both of those is a resounding Yes, because loving yourself and believing HARD that you are worth the struggle are of paramount importance.

    You know what to do, because you've done it before. Get it back, don't look back, and God bless you on your journey.

    Mdgivens -

    Thank you. I have just done the same as you and taken a solid look at what I have been putting into my body.

    I have THOUGHT I was doing ok. Quite the contrary.

    The sugar and salt levels are really bad. My water levels luckily are something I don't really record but I drink at least a litre and a half a day.

    I eat a lot of fruit, which has been a bad move on my part with regards to sugar. And all the low fat cottage cheeses etc have been so high in salt.

    Exercise has fallen off the wagon due to a couple of things which have had a large effect on my routine recently.

    You are right, both of those answers are yes.

    I hope I can do it.

    Thank you again. :flowerforyou:


    Unless you are diabetic there is absolutely no reason to be concerned about the sugar you are getting from fruits and other natural sources. You should worry if you are going over your sugar with candy, pop, refined sugars, processed foods, etc.

    ^ This! My apologies for not being more clear. I really should have said "way too much processed sugar." The distinction is important.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Maybe I am missing something, you have lost 30 but gained 8. that is less than 1/3 of the weight that you lost.
    -- You already have/had a game plan to loose weight, hence the 30lbs loss
    -- Take a deep breath..
    -- Wright down all the things that worked for you.
    Now just do it.
  • kgreenRDLDN
    kgreenRDLDN Posts: 248 Member
    As everyone else has said, you lost 30, gained 8 back because of major life changes and events. That's not horrible. You don't like how you feel or look so you are motivated to get back on track! You are looking back into 5k's which we enjoyed, so there is another motivation.

    As for the new desk job, try getting up every 30 minutes to go for a short walk around the office. This will keep you moving throughout your day. There are also videos/dvds you can bring to work and use on your breaks for walking or other exercises while in the office. Take half your lunch break and go for a walk. There are plenty of ways around a desk job leading to inactivity. I've been in one since I finished school as well.
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    8lbs?!?! U have lost 30lbs missy!!!!! U r still 22 lbs down from where u started. Amazing! U have caught it early on and u have noticed it so get urself signed up for a running event and get back on that wagon!!!!
  • Bromard6
    Bromard6 Posts: 44 Member
    Everyone has setbacks, it is just a matter of how you deal with the adversity. Re-dedicate yourself to the goal and you'll be back on track in no time.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    You start at this moment and consider it a 22lbs loss, instead of an 8lbs gain. That's impressive just on it's own!
  • Porcelaine22
    Porcelaine22 Posts: 245 Member
    You have not fallen off the wagon. You are still on the wagon! Take the reins and drive it where you want it to go. A new day starts now.

    Such an inspiration thank you! xx
  • Porcelaine22
    Porcelaine22 Posts: 245 Member
    Its only 8 lbs! You have lost 30 lbs! Its really no big deal and do not beat yourself up over it. You can get back into the swing of things! Just let this motivate you more to work harder :) I know stress can be a killer sometimes but just learn from your mistakes and move passed them.

    Thank you so much for this, I'm so thrilled at how so many of you lovely strangers have offered me your support! xx
  • Porcelaine22
    Porcelaine22 Posts: 245 Member
    Nail on the head! Going through this right now, even stopped recording my food but im back and so are you!!! Lets do this together! We can lose those 7lbs gain and more! Add me!

    Yeah I have done exactly the same, stopped tracking or only been partially tracking the good stuff! :( I have sent you an add! xx
  • imogen__may
    imogen__may Posts: 78 Member
    If you'd fallen off the wagon, you wouldn't be here asking for help .. you've done the bet thing you could, look at all the people rooting for you! Today's a new day darling :)
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Sometimes life just happens! Hang in there. The first year I had a new job out of college I was sick a lot and didn't start an exercise regimen back up until a few months in because it was such a big adjustment to me. You'd only be in trouble if you didn't care and didn't bother to post here!
  • Porcelaine22
    Porcelaine22 Posts: 245 Member
    Use this as your motivation. You feel like crap right now. Do you want to keep feeling like crap? Answer is probably no. You know what it takes to feel better though. Use that as your driving force and dive right back in. It's never too late to start again and get back on track.

    I definitely don't want to feel like crap... life hands us so much **** there's so little need to add extra **** value off my own back! thanks for the inspo! xxx
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    New jobs are always tough. You need a new routine to go with it.. If you are sitting at a desk all day ( I do as well) then you can go for a walk / run during your lunch break and eat at your desk after OR if you can't eat while working then run for half your lunch ;) Bring your running clothes and just do it! OR if you don't feel like changing and all that jazz just go for a brisk walk to keep yourself moving. According to your profile this is how you trained for your 5k so why did you stop?

    The only way to mess up is to give up. It's not going to happen just because you wish it would, you need to put in the work to get the benefits!
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it. You did it once, you can do it again. I gained back 15 when I was stressed over the house. It happens, but you know how to be successful.

    You will be fine.