If You're doing away with Carbs....Add Me!



  • zero carbs? so you are planning on having zero energy?

    Out...carbs are not the devil...

    Did you know that if your body does not have enough carbs to burn for fuel that it will produce ketones in your body and start burning fat as fuel!?!?!?!

    Nope carbs are not necessary :)

    I'm actually in High Ketosis right now....WHOOP!
  • GamerGirly
    GamerGirly Posts: 158 Member
    zero carbs? so you are planning on having zero energy?

    Out...carbs are not the devil...

    Did you know that if your body does not have enough carbs to burn for fuel that it will produce ketones in your body and start burning fat as fuel!?!?!?!

    Nope carbs are not necessary :)

    I'm actually in High Ketosis right now....WHOOP!

    Awesome job !! Me too been at +40 for the last 2 weeks :)
  • I'm honestly incredibly happy that I joined this fitness website so that I would have the glorious chance of communicating with other health geniuses who, for some reason, do not possess the knowledge that fat is actually stored energy.

    But I guess it's probably just the jealousy speaking when you sit there starving and staring blankly at your 200-calorie triscuit pack and dry salad while the low carbers have their bacon cheddar hamburger patties and lose the same, if not more than you.

    When glycogen stores are not available in the cells, fat (triacylglycerol) is cleaved to provide 3 fatty acid chains and 1 glycerol molecule in a process known as lipolysis. Most of the body is able to use fatty acids as an alternative source of energy in a process called beta-oxidation. One of the products of beta-oxidation is acetyl-CoA, which can be further used in the citric acid cycle. During prolonged fasting or starvation, or as the intentional result of a ketogenic diet, acetyl-CoA in the liver is used to produce ketone bodies instead, leading to a state of ketosis.
    During starvation or a long physical training session, the body starts using fatty acids instead of glucose. The brain cannot use long-chain fatty acids for energy because they are completely albumin-bound and cannot cross the blood–brain barrier. Not all medium-chain fatty acids are bound to albumin. The unbound medium-chain fatty acids are soluble in the blood and can cross the blood–brain barrier.[3] The ketone bodies produced in the liver can also cross the blood–brain barrier. In the brain, these ketone bodies are then incorporated into acetyl-CoA and used in the citric acid cycle.[citation needed]
    The ketone body acetoacetate will slowly decarboxylate into acetone, a volatile compound that is both metabolized as an energy source and lost in the breath and urine.

    If any of those words are too big for you nutrition geniuses or if you crashed trying to read that many words and had to take a break to eat some dry rice cakes, I can explain them for you.

    That rocked... I didn't understand a lot of the big words, but understand the concept. Also, lost 70 lbs. 9 years ago and keep it off easily living low carb... and never hungry! Yay me! Oh.... and I get up at 4:15 am to work out everyday, so energy is not an issue. Thanks for the post!
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Not another dum post :indifferent:
  • Oh, and I'm new to this site, so I obviously don't know how to do the Quote/Reply thing very well! haha
  • Not another dum post :indifferent:

    You mean dumb? Right?
  • Oh, and I'm new to this site, so I obviously don't know how to do the Quote/Reply thing very well! haha

    LOL! It's ok. Took Me a couple of times to figure it out too!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I'm honestly incredibly happy that I joined this fitness website so that I would have the glorious chance of communicating with other health geniuses who, for some reason, do not possess the knowledge that fat is actually stored energy.

    But I guess it's probably just the jealousy speaking when you sit there starving and staring blankly at your 200-calorie triscuit pack and dry salad while the low carbers have their bacon cheddar hamburger patties and lose the same, if not more than you.

    When glycogen stores are not available in the cells, fat (triacylglycerol) is cleaved to provide 3 fatty acid chains and 1 glycerol molecule in a process known as lipolysis. Most of the body is able to use fatty acids as an alternative source of energy in a process called beta-oxidation. One of the products of beta-oxidation is acetyl-CoA, which can be further used in the citric acid cycle. During prolonged fasting or starvation, or as the intentional result of a ketogenic diet, acetyl-CoA in the liver is used to produce ketone bodies instead, leading to a state of ketosis.
    During starvation or a long physical training session, the body starts using fatty acids instead of glucose. The brain cannot use long-chain fatty acids for energy because they are completely albumin-bound and cannot cross the blood–brain barrier. Not all medium-chain fatty acids are bound to albumin. The unbound medium-chain fatty acids are soluble in the blood and can cross the blood–brain barrier.[3] The ketone bodies produced in the liver can also cross the blood–brain barrier. In the brain, these ketone bodies are then incorporated into acetyl-CoA and used in the citric acid cycle.[citation needed]
    The ketone body acetoacetate will slowly decarboxylate into acetone, a volatile compound that is both metabolized as an energy source and lost in the breath and urine.

    If any of those words are too big for you nutrition geniuses or if you crashed trying to read that many words and had to take a break to eat some dry rice cakes, I can explain them for you.

    You joined MFP 2010 and ticker shows you lost zero pounds?

    Sorry must go - overcome by jealousy....
  • djthom2
    djthom2 Posts: 63 Member
    If you go to groups and search "low carb"" or "Keto" you will find 2 good groups with like minded people. The regular boards are not a friendly place for low carbers
  • GamerGirly
    GamerGirly Posts: 158 Member
    If you go to groups and search "low carb"" or "Keto" you will find 2 good groups with like minded people. The regular boards are not a friendly place for low carbers

    ^^^ This

    Should definitely join the groups. We are very supportive :)
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    Does ice cream and beer have carbs? I

    Nope. Perfectly fine.
  • If you go to groups and search "low carb"" or "Keto" you will find 2 good groups with like minded people. The regular boards are not a friendly place for low carbers

    I'm seeing that! It's a shame really...Everyone has to add their comments and when it doesn't even pertain to them.. SMH! Oh the EGO'S up in this joint LOL! Maybe their Starving and Angry? Hmmmm
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So Apparently I should have specified BAD CARBS....WOW! Amazed! LMAO!

    What on Earth is a "bad" carb?
    Does not compute..... :grumble:

    My ex-boyfriend's mother's cookies. How she could ruin a cookie was beyond me. I think it was just flour and water... like baked wallpaper paste.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I'm honestly incredibly happy that I joined this fitness website so that I would have the glorious chance of communicating with other health geniuses who, for some reason, do not possess the knowledge that fat is actually stored energy.

    But I guess it's probably just the jealousy speaking when you sit there starving and staring blankly at your 200-calorie triscuit pack and dry salad while the low carbers have their bacon cheddar hamburger patties and lose the same, if not more than you.

    When glycogen stores are not available in the cells, fat (triacylglycerol) is cleaved to provide 3 fatty acid chains and 1 glycerol molecule in a process known as lipolysis. Most of the body is able to use fatty acids as an alternative source of energy in a process called beta-oxidation. One of the products of beta-oxidation is acetyl-CoA, which can be further used in the citric acid cycle. During prolonged fasting or starvation, or as the intentional result of a ketogenic diet, acetyl-CoA in the liver is used to produce ketone bodies instead, leading to a state of ketosis.
    During starvation or a long physical training session, the body starts using fatty acids instead of glucose. The brain cannot use long-chain fatty acids for energy because they are completely albumin-bound and cannot cross the blood–brain barrier. Not all medium-chain fatty acids are bound to albumin. The unbound medium-chain fatty acids are soluble in the blood and can cross the blood–brain barrier.[3] The ketone bodies produced in the liver can also cross the blood–brain barrier. In the brain, these ketone bodies are then incorporated into acetyl-CoA and used in the citric acid cycle.[citation needed]
    The ketone body acetoacetate will slowly decarboxylate into acetone, a volatile compound that is both metabolized as an energy source and lost in the breath and urine.

    If any of those words are too big for you nutrition geniuses or if you crashed trying to read that many words and had to take a break to eat some dry rice cakes, I can explain them for you.

    You joined MFP 2010 and ticker shows you lost zero pounds?

    Sorry must go - overcome by jealousy....

  • I'm honestly incredibly happy that I joined this fitness website so that I would have the glorious chance of communicating with other health geniuses who, for some reason, do not possess the knowledge that fat is actually stored energy.

    But I guess it's probably just the jealousy speaking when you sit there starving and staring blankly at your 200-calorie triscuit pack and dry salad while the low carbers have their bacon cheddar hamburger patties and lose the same, if not more than you.

    When glycogen stores are not available in the cells, fat (triacylglycerol) is cleaved to provide 3 fatty acid chains and 1 glycerol molecule in a process known as lipolysis. Most of the body is able to use fatty acids as an alternative source of energy in a process called beta-oxidation. One of the products of beta-oxidation is acetyl-CoA, which can be further used in the citric acid cycle. During prolonged fasting or starvation, or as the intentional result of a ketogenic diet, acetyl-CoA in the liver is used to produce ketone bodies instead, leading to a state of ketosis.
    During starvation or a long physical training session, the body starts using fatty acids instead of glucose. The brain cannot use long-chain fatty acids for energy because they are completely albumin-bound and cannot cross the blood–brain barrier. Not all medium-chain fatty acids are bound to albumin. The unbound medium-chain fatty acids are soluble in the blood and can cross the blood–brain barrier.[3] The ketone bodies produced in the liver can also cross the blood–brain barrier. In the brain, these ketone bodies are then incorporated into acetyl-CoA and used in the citric acid cycle.[citation needed]
    The ketone body acetoacetate will slowly decarboxylate into acetone, a volatile compound that is both metabolized as an energy source and lost in the breath and urine.

    If any of those words are too big for you nutrition geniuses or if you crashed trying to read that many words and had to take a break to eat some dry rice cakes, I can explain them for you.

    You joined MFP 2010 and ticker shows you lost zero pounds?

    Sorry must go - overcome by jealousy....

    Or I just haven't entered anything in years bro. If you had zoomed in on logic the same amount as your pic you would have understood that. Also your pic shows your pretty good at sucking (in).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm honestly incredibly happy that I joined this fitness website so that I would have the glorious chance of communicating with other health geniuses who, for some reason, do not possess the knowledge that fat is actually stored energy.

    But I guess it's probably just the jealousy speaking when you sit there starving and staring blankly at your 200-calorie triscuit pack and dry salad while the low carbers have their bacon cheddar hamburger patties and lose the same, if not more than you.

    When glycogen stores are not available in the cells, fat (triacylglycerol) is cleaved to provide 3 fatty acid chains and 1 glycerol molecule in a process known as lipolysis. Most of the body is able to use fatty acids as an alternative source of energy in a process called beta-oxidation. One of the products of beta-oxidation is acetyl-CoA, which can be further used in the citric acid cycle. During prolonged fasting or starvation, or as the intentional result of a ketogenic diet, acetyl-CoA in the liver is used to produce ketone bodies instead, leading to a state of ketosis.
    During starvation or a long physical training session, the body starts using fatty acids instead of glucose. The brain cannot use long-chain fatty acids for energy because they are completely albumin-bound and cannot cross the blood–brain barrier. Not all medium-chain fatty acids are bound to albumin. The unbound medium-chain fatty acids are soluble in the blood and can cross the blood–brain barrier.[3] The ketone bodies produced in the liver can also cross the blood–brain barrier. In the brain, these ketone bodies are then incorporated into acetyl-CoA and used in the citric acid cycle.[citation needed]
    The ketone body acetoacetate will slowly decarboxylate into acetone, a volatile compound that is both metabolized as an energy source and lost in the breath and urine.

    If any of those words are too big for you nutrition geniuses or if you crashed trying to read that many words and had to take a break to eat some dry rice cakes, I can explain them for you.


    Hmmmm...I've been highly successful eating bacon and steak and cheeseburgers and...well....pretty much all the foods, including drinking beer, wine, etc...ok, you got me...no rice cakes. For reals, low carb is just fine if that's what you want to do, but completely unnecessary...which is the point that most people are getting at.

    Also, try doing a triathlon with stored fat as your only energy...good luck with that. Carbs aren't the devil...they are rocket fuel.
  • GamerGirly
    GamerGirly Posts: 158 Member
    If you go to groups and search "low carb"" or "Keto" you will find 2 good groups with like minded people. The regular boards are not a friendly place for low carbers

    I'm seeing that! It's a shame really...Everyone has to add their comments and when it doesn't even pertain to them.. SMH! Oh the EGO'S up in this joint LOL! Maybe their Starving and Angry? Hmmmm

    It's the highly uneducated that think they know best.
    Sadly they feel the need to reply on a post they know absolutely nothing about.
  • I'm honestly incredibly happy that I joined this fitness website so that I would have the glorious chance of communicating with other health geniuses who, for some reason, do not possess the knowledge that fat is actually stored energy.

    But I guess it's probably just the jealousy speaking when you sit there starving and staring blankly at your 200-calorie triscuit pack and dry salad while the low carbers have their bacon cheddar hamburger patties and lose the same, if not more than you.

    When glycogen stores are not available in the cells, fat (triacylglycerol) is cleaved to provide 3 fatty acid chains and 1 glycerol molecule in a process known as lipolysis. Most of the body is able to use fatty acids as an alternative source of energy in a process called beta-oxidation. One of the products of beta-oxidation is acetyl-CoA, which can be further used in the citric acid cycle. During prolonged fasting or starvation, or as the intentional result of a ketogenic diet, acetyl-CoA in the liver is used to produce ketone bodies instead, leading to a state of ketosis.
    During starvation or a long physical training session, the body starts using fatty acids instead of glucose. The brain cannot use long-chain fatty acids for energy because they are completely albumin-bound and cannot cross the blood–brain barrier. Not all medium-chain fatty acids are bound to albumin. The unbound medium-chain fatty acids are soluble in the blood and can cross the blood–brain barrier.[3] The ketone bodies produced in the liver can also cross the blood–brain barrier. In the brain, these ketone bodies are then incorporated into acetyl-CoA and used in the citric acid cycle.[citation needed]
    The ketone body acetoacetate will slowly decarboxylate into acetone, a volatile compound that is both metabolized as an energy source and lost in the breath and urine.

    If any of those words are too big for you nutrition geniuses or if you crashed trying to read that many words and had to take a break to eat some dry rice cakes, I can explain them for you.


    Hmmmm...I've been highly successful eating bacon and steak and cheeseburgers and...well....pretty much all the foods, including drinking beer, wine, etc...ok, you got me...no rice cakes. For reals, low carb is just fine if that's what you want to do, but completely unnecessary...which is the point that most people are getting at.

    Also, try doing a triathlon with stored fat as your only energy...good luck with that. Carbs aren't the devil...they are rocket fuel.

    I'd like to see you do a triathlon WITH carbs.
  • Fit4Life004
    Fit4Life004 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, i am on a low carb diet right now! I will support you! Feel free to add me :)