How do you plan to handle the holidays?



  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Last year while in weight loss mode I just had a little bit of everything, loaded up on the veggies, drank water/no alcohol and a very little desserts. I actually lost weight over Thanksgiving and Christmas!

    This year I've planned on stepping up my cardio so I can eat more. I just survived Canadian Thanksgiving and passed with flying colors (maintained my weight) and planning on doing this for American Thanksgiving and over Christmas.

    I'm still writing down everything I eat as well.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I made it through the holidays last year, enjoyed every single food and treat I wanted, and didn't gain a single pound. :bigsmile: On New Year's Day, I was not making resolutions to start over or get back to anything, I just planned to carry on as I had been and continue enjoying my results.

    My "secret weapon"? Knowing my BMR and my TDEE - my high and low calorie limits. And logging everything, absolutely everything as best I can, and stick to the regular exercise as best I can. I know as long as I stay close to TDEE, I won't gain.

    As far as staying in control - planning ahead as much as possible helps me, and pre-logging when possible helps as well. If I've logged on slice of pumpkin pie and three pieces of fudge, and see how my estimated numbers are stacked up, I'm more likely to stick with the plan.

    Another good one is to remember how terrible I feel when I do overindulge and end up feeling all bloated and yucky. I want to feel good and satisfied at the end of my meal, not like a busted can of biscuits all spread out on the sofa. :tongue: So I take small portions, even if I think I can go bigger - take the small portions, and go back for the favorite thing if I've still got room. This makes dessert time much more enjoyable too - a treat tastes much better if I'm not stuffing it down because I already overate at dinner.

    And through it all, remember, it's just a season - all the goodies are going to go away with all the festivities and parties, and normal meals and snacks will resume.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I plan to handle them like a champ.

    I will enjoy calorie laden foods and moderation.

    Don't let it get inside your head. There is no need to lose our minds over the holidays.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    I plan to relax and give myself a break! Seriously, part of learning learning to maintain a healthy lifestyle is learning to enjoy the holidays still. Being in "diet mode" ALL the time is tiring and honestly, no fun!

    So, my plan is to allow myself 5 (and only 5!) days off: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years. On each of those days, I'm not going to count, I'm not even going to keep a general idea of where I am in my head. I'm going to eat what I want, when I want, but just not overdo it (as in, making myself feel sick). I'm going to take a complete BREAK on those days. I'll also do extra cardio during the week surrounding each of those days. All other days during the holiday season though, I'll be on track and in diet mode! I may make a couple exceptions and allow myself a half-day break for a party or something though. We'll see.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Eat less before and after.

    There is nothing else to do, really, other than saying "to hell with it", doing whatever, and rebooting in January.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    No, No, NO!!:angry:
    It is too soon for these threads.
    Forum rules state you must wait until at least 72 hrs prior to any holiday before freaking out and worrying about nothing!

    Just log food, exercise and keep moving forward and enjoy the new life you have chosen for yourself.:flowerforyou:
    You got this!!:drinker:
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    If I can last a week on a cruise ship with all the buffets and eating whatever I wanted in SOME moderation, I think I'll be able to handle Thanksgiving, even being around a lot of family that encourage me to EAT. Christmas will be easier because I have to work several days that week, so I won't be with a lot of family and food.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    I'm skipping Halloween this year and not planning on eating but a piece or two. I decided last year it's not like it's Easter or Christmas where there are things you don't the rest of the year (my hometown's candy store jelly beans/Christmas candy/cherry cordials) the things I'd eat on Halloween are available year round. The Easter/Christmas candies I make last months.

    As for Thanksgiving and Christmas...

    Thanksgiving, I'll make a plate that has everything I love on it in smaller portions. If I am eating at home I'll keep some leftovers and if I'm eating at my mom's I'll take some left overs and I'll have Thanksgiving all weekend. Not just massive portions on one day. I only love pumpkin pie and I hate whipped cream so I'm saving myself calories with dessert having one piece.

    For Christmas I'll have three gatherings to deal with, Christmas Eve dinner that will be the hardest to deal with. There will be turkey sandwiches, many kinds of potatoes, casseroles, dressing, many desserts and so many other foods. I'll try to be sensible, but if I don't succeed I'll just try not to go completely crazy, the problem is that every item gets made by different people every year, you never know what will be there or how much. It's a do your best as you go kind of meal and guesstimate log when you get home. The next two meals will be pretty easy Christmas Day breakfast and dinner, I've been having both in the same place for so long with the same menu I can plan to the calorie exactly what I'll eat on those days tonight if I wanted to.

    I've been doing this for two years and have had a harder time with impromptu dinner parties, banquets, and such than I've had for holidays. If you're doing the same thing you always do try and guesstimate before hand if you're doing something that is never the same try to implement calorie saving ideas, drink only water, eat loads of vegetables (without dips, butter, sauce...etc.) pick lower fat meats (simply because they have less calories) go light on dessert. Try to get in extra exercise or rework your calories 3 days before and 3 days after the holiday meal. Take a little from each of the 6 other days (say 50 cals each) and add that to the holiday meal gives you 300 extra calories. Assume you are eating more calories than you'd think when you guesstimate.

    And I always have to remind myself 1,000 times, holiday gatherings have little to do with the actual food--they're about the people and what you share outside of the food.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    What you eat on a couple of days of the year are not going to make you or break you in either direction.

    Take a little of everything. Try to be moderate, but don't sweat it if you aren't.

    Life, it's for enjoying.
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    I'm going to pig out on both Thanksgiving and Christmas, instead of feeling and acting deprived. The week leading up to each I may exercise a little more and cut a few more calories. I've also been trying the 5:2 diet, which will be helpful for those weeks.
  • romancefan1983
    romancefan1983 Posts: 88 Member
    I plan on enjoying all the yummy food! :love:

    I do plan on exercising both mornings (Thanksgiving and Christmas) and then from there enjoy everything in moderation....little bites of everything. Most importantly I plan to stop when I get full. That's usually my biggest obstacle....all the food is so good that I eat just because.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    This is my first time trying to lose weight over the holiday season. I know I need a plan... I just don't know what!

    The abundant Halloween candy is already sneaking up on me, and I've caught myself making trips to the candy bowl. I log every peanut butter cup, of course, but they sure add up fast!

    I have NO idea how I plan to balance Thanksgiving and Christmas. I want to be able to indulge (and not have mine or my boyfriend's family tell me to eat more!), but I don't want to blow my progress, either.

    Any suggestions? :)
    I handle the holidays the same as any other days, with self control. Heck, I BEGAN on MFP in November of 2011 just before Thanksgiving. The trick for me was to stop equating food with entertainment, fun, love or as a salve for wounds. It's fuel. I have learned to go to parties and dinners without eating like a pig. People DO tell me to eat more. I just smile a lot.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I think that as long as you have some sort of plan, you are on the right track. That might at least help not go completely off the rails and continue the celebrations through January. I'm planning on "fitting it all in" and continuing to log and exercise as normal.
  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm lucky because I only have to worry about a few different Christmases. I am weird and don't care for Thanksgiving food at all, so I'll probably be the only person who actually has to worry to eat more on Thanksgiving. I have a big extended family so I will be celebrate Christmas on 4 different days- Christmas Even, Christmas Day, and the Saturdays before and after Christmas. I will allow myself to indulge on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I won't go super wild, but I will enjoy the day. On my other Christmases I will just work to stay within my budget. I can have anything I want, just in a reasonable quantity. I'll just work out whenever possible to ensure that I won't gain weight and continue losing.

    As for your Halloween situation, allow yourself one or two small pieces of candy a day, look up the nutrition and log it. Make the candy fit into your budget.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Meh, it's two days. I'll just try not to go nuts and only indulge on what I really want. I could make plans but I'm sure it won't work out because family will show up or something. I'm more worried about how I'll work out if we have guests staying in the guest room, which is my workout room.
  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member
    As others have mentioned, if you eat lighter going in and out of the holiday, it averages out. Now if you consume your entire week deficit and then some well you are going to end up with a bad week, but it is just one week and you have a lifetime of weeks to balance it out.

    If my wife and I are at home, we will make a fairly safe holiday meal that we can easily fit into both of our plans (hers is easier as she is supposed to be gaining, so going a little extra over doesn't hurt so much). If we are travelling then well we will see what happens, but on balance I plan to maintain my week deficit not my day deficit.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Im buying/making everything so ill know what will be on the table and will buy enough for 4 people with no leftovers
    My family is in california and i dont speak to my inlaws
    So no surprise food will be around.
  • GreekGoddess7319
    Last Thanksgiving I used a smaller plate than everybody else. I didn't feel like I was depriving myself because my plate was full, but in actuality I was eating less than I normally would have.

    Do this! It's a matter of psychology, tricking your mind into believing that you are eating a full plate (which you are).
    As for the Halloween candy matter . . . go to the dietary needs section at WalMart/Target/Walgreens/wherever and buy a box or two of Atkins peanut butter cups. They are not as tasty as Reese's . . . at first. After a little while, you will wonder why you ever likes Reese's because the Atkin's pb cups are so rich and creamy. A little while longer and you will only be able to eat one of the two cups they put in the package. And two of the Atkin's pb cups are 160 calories together, and much less sugar.
    Also, see if you can get your family to participate in physical activity those days so exercise is easy. Maybe a Thanksgiving game of capture the flag or football? For Christmas, pull out the Wii and compete against one another? It'll make you feel less guilty about all that food.
    No matter what you do, though, remember to enjoy each of your holidays. A diet is not punishment.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    well i start with a drink...early in the afternoon it will likely be a dirty martini. as i sip on that and enjoy it, we'll start to get the cheese and crackers ready, and my wife will get going on the spinach artichoke dip. shoot....i need another drink. this will go on throughout the afternoon as we enjoy hanging out in our pajamas watching a horror movie marathon. sometime around 3 the turkey (laticed in bacon) will be ready, and we'll crack open the wine. at this point, my wife and i differ....she's a jarred gravy girl, and im a drippings and wondra kinda guy, so i'll make my gravy while she opens hers. load up the plates and wine glasses (milk for junior) and feast on bird, potatoes, squash, cranberry sauce, stuffing, green beans, crescent rolls and cheddar bacon biscuits. now that we've hit the wine, we'll stick to it until dessert. whew! got through 2 plates...its best to load the dishwasher now, because i sure as hell aint gonna do it later. dishes in the dishwasher means it must be time for pie, and ice cream, and cookies. well that goes really well with irish coffee, so maybe ill make one of those. i might wander in to the kitchen shortly thereafter and start to pick like a vulture at the carcass. this is an indicator that its time for a sandwich. out comes the bread and mayo so i can load up a thanksgiving sub. wash that down with another glass of wine.....head up stairs and make sweet sweet love to my woman like 2 polar bears wrestling in slow motion. pass out, belching and farting out the days festivities while dreaming of turkey omeletts in the morning.

    thats typically how i handle thanksgiving.

    ETA: TL;DR - i eat all the food and drink all the booze.