Looking for balance... Any advice?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Watch these 2 movies
    Forks over Knives
    Hungry for a Change.

    Then friend me and i will help you, lol
    OP, do not do this.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Everyone processes foods differently.

    If you have high cholesterol, don't eat yokes. If it's normal, eat them.

    People get way to excited about food... I eat what I like unless my blood work tells me different.

    Wrong. Dietary cholesterol =/= blood cholesterol. No need to throw out the egg yolks.

    Try reading this op


    I think this is still a bit controversial. However, my cholesterol was high a few years ago (300) and I eat one full egg pretty much every day (the recommendation is two per week at most) and my cholesterol is down, so I lean toward what IF said.
  • shrinkinginQualicum
    shrinkinginQualicum Posts: 131 Member
    I felt the same way as you when I first began but have accepted that I need to just find what I like and what works for me and kind of take everything I read with a grain of salt. Get to know yourself and your eating habits and try to accommodate them, eating more of the good for you stuff and less of the not so good.

    I have found that I feel better overall, fuller and more in control of my cravings for junk when I eat mostly whole, minimally processed foods (lots of fruit and veggies and lean protein) and eat other stuff in moderation. I enjoy a fruit smoothie every morning with protein powder because it keeps me full, occasionally use Splenda in my coffee and have ice cream a few nights a week. As long as you fit it into your calorie and macro goals and balance those perhaps "questionable" items with better choices 80% of the time, you will lose weight and improve your health.

    ^^^ I agree, and I do things similarly. You have to do what YOU like, not anyone else. Otherwise you'll never make it. And expect to be obsessed for a couple of years. You are doing something really hard that is new and important to you, so it will be in your head all the time. Use that to your advantage, since it can help you not make bad choices thoughtlessly. Unfortunately, it made me think about food all the time, which was tough when I was getting used to eating a little less.
    Find exercises you like. No point struggling to do things you hate, because you won't keep it up. Exercise has double advantages, you can eat more, and it will make you stronger and help shape your body. I like doing weights and riding my bike. LOVE riding my bike. Try different things til you find what makes you happy. You won't like any of them all the time. There are times I never want to look at my bike ever again!
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I think your topic is correct - balance is the key. Find what works for you? I know I feel and look my best on protein and veggies. I know that if I eat sugar, or anything yeasty, I don't feel as good and I get all bloated. I have a friend who is a raw vegan, and it works for her - she looks and feels amazing. I also have paleo friends that are in great shape and feel fantastic. If you're one of those people who can't eat something in moderation, don't eat it (and at some point, you won't crave it anymore).

    Hope this helps! Good luck :)
  • octleigh
    octleigh Posts: 86 Member
    Thank you all so much for taking time to reply. You all make really good suggestions. I think I will be take a few steps back and slow it down a little. I may have to read these comments a few more times along the way. ;) I am super motivated to get it right! You can watch for me in the success category in the near future... To be continued:)