Starting Weight Watchers - who's with me!



  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I've found with the free tools offered on here, I don't have to pay WW.

    Agreed, but you have to find your own answer.
  • Minks_esposa
    Why do you need Weight Watchers is you have MFP for free?
    Face to face interaction. MFP does have a good support system for some people but others require more. Some people may thrive in online classes while others struggle, others may find that they do better with face to face in class interaction, whereas others don't. It's about what work for each individual person in the end and not necessarily about how much something cost. I attend the meetings but I don't use ww online. I do have a WW calculator and that's how I keep track of my points during the week. The calculator was $7 and I carry it with me wherever I go, no big deal. The meetings are $13 a week and I think its worth the price but others may not. Each is entitled to their opinion :) I've always thrived with weekly meetings but of course like anything else if you stop attending or counting you will start to gain and it doesn't matter if it's with MFP, WW, JC, Nutrisystem, calorie counting, etc.
  • shewanna
    shewanna Posts: 32 Member
    I do weight watchers, swear by my fitbit can't leave home without it and I love mfp database I also use ww etools but I take my totals from mfp and plug into etools and see how many points it is for the whole day
  • idagaines
    idagaines Posts: 18 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a weight watcher lifetime member. Have done it since 2006. I stay within my goal weight. Tried this for awhile and it stressed me out, lol. So I stopped counting every single calorie and just did WW and ive gained weight. So I may start using this website again.
  • bjbrown9
    bjbrown9 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I have been going ww for over two years, I love my class but I started here after losing about 70 pounds, found that the points system was not working anymore for me. I have since lost up to date 86 1/2 pounds and I'm really struggling now in the last 6 weeks I have only lost about two pounds and sts for a couple of weeks as well. I have tried everything and cannot lose more then half a pound at the moment but this is where the ww classes pay off after talking to other members it seams this is normal, the finishing line is in sight but it looks like my remaining 18 pounds might take me up to another possibly 6 months to lose, from experience I could never eat the extra 49 points as I would put on, that's why I came here needed to know how much I was putting into my mouth free fruits and veg that's when I learnt nothing's free everything has a calorie in it.

    I now don't count points I do the ww healthy way but count calories as it's more accurate still go to my ww meeting to get weighed as I need the class and our leader is brilliant, you need to do what's right for you but for me the both work together and plus at ww you get rewarded every seven pounds lost as you know, I got a 50 pound certificate and a 75 pounds and I'm not far off my 100 pounds one which I swear it's this why I have done so well this time.

    Anyhow good luck remember what ever works for you as an individual is good stick at it and hopefully we will all succeed.

    When you say you're doing "the ww healthy way", do you mean SFT? How do you track the equivalent of weekly points here? I don't see an option for weekly calories - just daily ones.
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    I'm a lifetime member of Weight Watchers, with them I lost 92 pounds. I definitely enjoyed the program, now I'm not on it - but I still carry the lessons I learned from the meetings with me. I'm still conscious of things I eat, about how many points it could be, to work out, have my water, etc.

    Yes, it can be expensive, but the pay off (When you have all the right factors) is worth it. It's the perfect place to go to if you need support.

    Way to go for taking that step!
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    I was on ww for many years, but I quit earlier this year and got on mfp. Ww has some great recipes, but their food database is seriously lacking.

    Also, make sure you aren't undereating! I honestly thought that by following ww I was losing weight the right way. Then i found out I was eating only 1000-1100 calories, which is way too low. I never got to a healthy BMI on ww. I now eat much more (1450 average) and am at a BMI of 22.5. I do believe that ww is not sustainable, you'll eat way too little and then gain your weight back off program. Unfortunately that is my experience and I've read the same thing several times posted by others.
  • YaelCeglio
    YaelCeglio Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a lifetime WW member, and I used to be a very successful leader. I left WW because their system, in my opinion, is too slow for my needs. I turned to Beachbody instead. They are the company that does programs like P90X and fact, I see their banner ads here all the time. I do awesome workouts, eat cleaner, and have a great time doing it. So I speak both languages, PPV's and calories. Let me know if I can help you on your journey. Feel free to send me a private message or friend request. :)
  • anniebeemarcu
    anniebeemarcu Posts: 6 Member
    I was on weight watchers for about 14 months (Aug 11-Oct 12 ), lost 73 lbs and was feeling fantastic, then after my wedding (Nov 12), starting new medication, and being lazy in the cold winter months, I gained about 46 of that back :(

    Tried keto to help with other issues.. lost 11 lbs but wasn't feeling good.

    I started back on WW last week, through MFP and ultimate points tracker on Android. Everyone in my family have had success with WW+, and I hope to finally reach my goal weight, since i was so close before.

    Skinny taste, emily bites, and pintrest have great WW recipes. When i started WW the first time, it helped me find my passion for cooking.

    Good luck and happy tracking!
  • cinnamon43
    hi, i have noticed that too,im on my third wk, im doing ww on my own. plus logging. and i have noticed u dont get enough calories. so i have to eat more. .
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    I had a lot of success with WW in the past - but I can't afford the monthly fee. I calculated my points here on MFP and it had me eating 1100-1200 calories/day, which obviously helps you lose weight quickly - but I'd starve. I remember being famished on WW for the first few weeks but it did work.

    I am here to get healthy and make better choices and if I can drop these 30 lbs even better!
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    I no longer do WW"s but I think it is a great program.

    I started my weight loss journey with the online only program. No meetings, no frozen meals, just the points program. I lost 40 pounds, woohoo! I switched to MFP because the tracker is superior to WW's and it's free. I lost an additional 25 with MFP.

    A word of warning. I've noticed on MFP the WW bashers are not following the program correctly. Read your materials and then read them again. It's a solid, healthy program!

    Good luck
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Their new approach, where fruits and vegetables are "free" and have zero points (*per serving* which most people fail to realize or take note of), is a catch 22, if gets people to eat more of these healthful foods, but leads people to believe that one can eat unlimited quantities ... Though, I do like how they offer extra points for exercise ...
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I was on ww for many years, but I quit earlier this year and got on mfp. Ww has some great recipes, but their food database is seriously lacking.

    Also, make sure you aren't undereating! I honestly thought that by following ww I was losing weight the right way. Then i found out I was eating only 1000-1100 calories, which is way too low. I never got to a healthy BMI on ww. I now eat much more (1450 average) and am at a BMI of 22.5. I do believe that ww is not sustainable, you'll eat way too little and then gain your weight back off program. Unfortunately that is my experience and I've read the same thing several times posted by others.

    LoLz ... The conspiracy theorist in me can't help but think that this is how they keep people coming back (You know, to make money) ... Why would you have to be a "lifetime" member, you should lose the weight, learn healthy habits while doing so, and then be done with it ... unless you get pregnant and need to lose baby-wright (or unexpectedly gain weight back for some reason) , there really shouldn't be a need for you to return ...