Weight fluctuates 5-6lbs a day. Is that normal?

So I'm 5'7 and my standard weight is about 135. Anyway last week I weighed myself one night and I was 132 which was lower than what i'm used to. The next morning I wake up and I'm 138. Before I go to bed I'm down to 133. I know weight usually fluctuates daily but isn't a jump like that sort of weird? Recently had a physical and everything was fine, my eating habits haven't changed and I'm currently sedentary (and have been for awhile) so this all seems sort of strange to me..


  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    It is normal for me.
  • landonfloen
    landonfloen Posts: 18 Member
    Totally normal.

    Weigh yourself first thing in the morning (I like to try and pee first lol) and only compare it to other weigh ins at the same time. Even this will fluctuate slightly so dont stress out if you a couple lbs heavier than you were yesterday. I try to weigh in only once or twice a week for this reason.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    It's perfectly normal and expected. Consider the weight of all the food and liquid you are consuming throughout the day. Add in temporary water retention due to some of this food and you can easily bounce between several pounds in a single day.
  • momxs2
    momxs2 Posts: 173 Member
    I would recommend only weighing yourself once a week at the same time every week rather than throughout the day. I am 5'7" and would love to get to 140. You can ad me if you'd like!
  • Thanks you guys :) I don't usually weigh myself much and when I rarely do it's usually arounf 135 so I was freaking out about all the weight fluctuates. I also drink massive amounts of water so that may influence it too!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Yep. I'm generally 3-4lbs heavier at night than in the morning. Even more so if I've had a lot of sodium or it's that time of the month.
  • jzrharv
    jzrharv Posts: 126 Member
    Additionally, unless you have a scale calibrated daily to a primary standard every day, it too may be subject to fluctuations itself.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning and night. My night weight is around 3-4 lbs more than the morning weight. I know that on most days that 3-4 lbs will disappear overnight. I don't know where it goes, but I am not complaining.

    I am not bothered by the fluctuations .. as I am a numbers guy and I just like to see the numbers.

    - Kevin -
  • The weird thing for me was that my morning weight was heavier than my night weight. I was 132 at like 2am and 138 in the late morning the next day. It was very strange. If anything I was expecting the opposite lol
  • kimtab
    kimtab Posts: 64 Member
    Yup, normal.
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    The weird thing for me was that my morning weight was heavier than my night weight. I was 132 at like 2am and 138 in the late morning the next day. It was very strange. If anything I was expecting the opposite lol

    Before or after relieving yourself?

    I have (just out of curiosity really) weighed before and after. For me (on that day) it was a big difference. In the morning, after relief, is when I'm at my lightest weight.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    One morning I weighed myself at 6am, then went back to bed. About two hours later I woke up and weighed myself again. I was two pounds lighter. Another similar time, the difference was four pounds. No bathroom breaks or anything between weigh-ins in either case. My scale works fine too.

    It's really kind of interesting to weigh in frequently and try to make sense of the different readings. But the real message here is, your fluctuations are perfectly normal.
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    Totally normal because you ingest that amount of food and liquids every day. That's your "extra weight".
    Then you go to the bathroom and shed some of that.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Oh Yeah!
  • GrabacrPD
    GrabacrPD Posts: 94 Member
    Totally normal!

    Weigh yourself once a week


    Weight yourself daily at the same time and take the average for the week
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    The weird thing for me was that my morning weight was heavier than my night weight. I was 132 at like 2am and 138 in the late morning the next day. It was very strange. If anything I was expecting the opposite lol

    Honestly - if your weight change were the other way around then I'd agree with everybody else in this thread that it's normal (personally it's not uncommon for me to lose 5lbs a night).

    But the fact that you're heavier in the morning is odd. Very odd.

    When you weighed yourself at night and then again in the morning, what happened inbetween? Did you eat/drink anything?

    At the end of the day it's not physically possible for you to gain weight without taking on board more mass from food or drink so if your scales are saying that gained weight overnight, when you haven't had anything to eat or drink, your scales are wrong, no doubt about it.
  • The weird thing for me was that my morning weight was heavier than my night weight. I was 132 at like 2am and 138 in the late morning the next day. It was very strange. If anything I was expecting the opposite lol

    Before or after relieving yourself?

    I have (just out of curiosity really) weighed before and after. For me (on that day) it was a big difference. In the morning, after relief, is when I'm at my lightest weight.

    Hmm I think I may have relieved myself earlier in the day so that might be it actually. Makes so much more sense ha
  • The weird thing for me was that my morning weight was heavier than my night weight. I was 132 at like 2am and 138 in the late morning the next day. It was very strange. If anything I was expecting the opposite lol

    Honestly - if your weight change were the other way around then I'd agree with everybody else in this thread that it's normal (personally it's not uncommon for me to lose 5lbs a night).

    But the fact that you're heavier in the morning is odd. Very odd.

    When you weighed yourself at night and then again in the morning, what happened inbetween? Did you eat/drink anything?

    At the end of the day it's not physically possible for you to gain weight without taking on board more mass from food or drink so if your scales are saying that gained weight overnight, when you haven't had anything to eat or drink, your scales are wrong, no doubt about it.

    Tbh I was a little drunk when I weighed myself at 2am. Maybe when I weighed myself in the morning my drinking calories caught up to me? But when I weighed myself in the evening that same day it went down to like 133 I think?

    I don't eat breakfast usually so idk if that's a factor?

    I don't normally weigh myself much but my friend who I was staying with had one of those pretty nice electronic scales so that is the only reason I was weighing myself so frequently last weekend.
  • I weigh less in the morning than I do in the evening
  • CarolDoodle
    CarolDoodle Posts: 15 Member
    I agree that your fluctuation is opposite what one would normally expect. Typically one would weigh more at the end of the day and then less in the morning. Do you need to change the battery in your scale?