Looking for people who need to lose 50 to 150 pounds

atibrat Posts: 70 Member
I know for me 70 pounds seems like so much weight to lose and is overwhelming so I want to start a group where we keep our goals of 50 to 150 pounds but we break it up into 10 pound increments. We work on and celebrate each 10 pounds as if we hit our first goal and we do it 10 pounds at a time.

If we have 50 to 150 pounds to lose 10 pounds seems like nothing right? Wrong go to the grocery store and and pick up a 10 ;pound bag of potatoes and carry it around the store as long as you can. Than you come back and tell me just how much we should celebrate each 10 pound loss.

Anyone who is interested let me know. I have never set up a group before and maybe someone out there has and is good at that part. This is just an idea and I hope there are others out there that this idea will help them get to their goal weight in an easier and maybe more fun mind set.



  • ecmont032
    ecmont032 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm wanting to lose 90lbs (it may change to 100). On August 6 I started at 270 and today I'm 234. I've set up 4 small goals for myself because I thought 90lbs seemed overwhelming also...so here are my goals
    1- 20lbs
    2- 25lbs
    3- 26lbs
    4- 19lbs

    I don't mind joining your group. When you're on this journey it feels good to get recognition.
  • I would love to be part of this group. I want to lose between 60-80 pounds and I also wanted to brake it up into 10 pound sections. Please let me know if the group is made?
  • 2girlzmm
    2girlzmm Posts: 81 Member
    Count me in...I am needing others to help keep my motivated and on track. In the past couple of years I have gained close to 50 lbs. In total not only do I need to lose those 50 but another 35. Let me know if you create the group.
  • ttconn
    ttconn Posts: 14
    I want to lose 123lbs. Im starting today. I need as much support as I can get for this. One of the ways Im trying to motivate myself is to reward myself.
  • bowlofpeaches
    bowlofpeaches Posts: 59 Member
    Count me in!!! I could use some buddies with support it'll help a lot with us all having the same goal :) go ahead an add me if you like :33 I have an open diary.
  • KBoddu
    KBoddu Posts: 237 Member
    I'm in! Need to lose another 100-120
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    I'm in. A journey of a thousand steps begins with one. It's also a lot easier with help and support from friends! I've got roughly 130ish to go!
  • I'm in. I lost motivation about 2 months ago. Realistically i need to loose from 90 to 120 pounds to be healthy. It's holding me back in life and i'm fed up.
  • mseab71
    mseab71 Posts: 69 Member
    Count me in.. I need to lose 60-70 pounds and could sure use some encouragement!!
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 927 Member
    Count me in too!!
    I have been here for a year and half, and have yoyo with my weight!
    Need to be accountable, and this is a great idea!!
    I need to lose 110 lbs

    Would love to see some ideas about how we are going to keep track.
    Are we going to start a group??

    I am starting at 264, so next 10 lbs will be goal of:


    Here is to our success!!
  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    Anyone is free to add me! :glasses:

    I have around 75 pounds to lose to get to my first goal weight of 145; 85 pounds to lose to get to my second goal weight of 135. I love motivating & getting that friendship in return!

    I look forward to completing our goals together! :flowerforyou:

  • I'm in! I'd like to lose between 75 and 85. Also, I'm personally rewarding myself every 5 pounds since weight loss is slow going for me (for medical reasons).

    Keep me posted!
  • mazekah
    mazekah Posts: 52
    Hi all - well, my experience has been unless there is an emotional component that deals with the why of overeating, nothing will change. There are a lot of resources, and if folks are interested, we could pick one and meet weekly to simply explore the why and begin that healing.

    If we're eating to cover up childhood abuse, a diet is like changing the deck chairs on the Titanic...it's going to sink.
  • shymarie85
    shymarie85 Posts: 3 Member
    I just joined and i need to lose about 100 lbs. I am up for it with the help of everyone. The more support the better!!!
  • psd091966
    psd091966 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in. I don't want to be on this journey alone. I have yoyo dieted my whole life and after I turned 45 my metabolism seemed to come to a stand still. I definitely need to lose 80-100 lbs. Could definitely use the encouragement and accountability to keep me on track. :bigsmile:
  • I am in. I need to lose 50 pounds too
  • I'm in! I need to loose about 70 pounds...I'm just starting today...why can't this be easier?!?
  • goforit88
    goforit88 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in. I need to loose 60 pounds.
  • im in I need like 50 more lbs to hit my ideal goal
  • I'm for it. I need to lose 45 - 50 lbs and never done w/ a support group so this should help. :) let me know if you start the group.:happy: