bout to throw in the towel.. this is crazy!



  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    I have no advice that you haven't already been given! Just wanted to say you are only 30 yrs old and your whole life ahead of you, I would not stop doing all the healthy changes you have done because a STUPID number you don't see on the scale. I preach quite often, DON'T BE RULED BY THE DAM SCALE. Who made that metal hunk of junk your ruler? Please be healthy for youself & family.
    You look fantastic, so don't give up.
  • GunslingerGirl
    GunslingerGirl Posts: 251 Member
    Do you ever go back over your weeks dairy? You were over your goal most of the time. And the sodium was so high, you've got to be retaining water like a well. I mean I saw chocolate and caramel apple stuff. Ranch dip. White bread. PEANUT BUTTER. "Real bacon. 2% milk. You need to find a different replacement for that turkey sausage, there is so much STUFF in that it's gross. Try Almond milk. There was hardly any fruit. And I rarely saw a veggie. I did see your thing about your man not liking them, but what does that have to do with you eating them? And why are you just eating 1/2 a cup of veg? I mean you can eat veg like a mad woman because of how good it is for you. You really need to get below that 1600 something and get lower. Your body is getting used to being at that and it's basically maintaining it's self at that. Switch it up. Get lower. So what if you get grouchy? Get your body used to it and you'll feel better. All I read throughout your post was you posting back most excuses to those people. You running, you veg issue. There were a lot more processed foods on there then you really think. Go over it and go look at what's really in those things. If there's more then 3 ingredients in it that you can't say, lose it.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Too many rest days. Drop the bread. Eliminate processed foods. Cut calories below 1500... maybe even 1200.

    Have you considered the C25k program? (Couch to 5k) You could do SOMETHING those 3 days/week!

    No. Just no.

    Too much rest day? OP is already doing SL, which is heavy lifting, that alone is enough. If she wants to add cardio she can, but it isn't necessary at all. Rest days are rest days, we need them.

    Eating bread doesn't cause weight gain or stall weight loss. Calories in vs out. She can eat bread all she wants as long as she is eating at a deficit and hitting her macros, the weight will drop. Yes, even if she eats bread..

    As for the calories needed, OP, I don't know your stats so it's hard to tell.

    Check if you have the right numbers

    Log everything, make sure you weight things and don't ''guesstimate''

    Also be careful with over estimating exercise calories burned

    Also, don't rely on the scale, take pictures and measurements. The scale just shows a number, and that number is what it is, just a number. Weight can fluctuate.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    thank all of you!! I know that we all have personal demons, and im whining about a stupid 3 lb gain! hell this time lst year, I was still in the 190 lb range! its just irritated that all the time that I try to "get ahead" and make stuff happen faster then it should, I end up pushing myself backwards~! There are good things coming from this, and stuf I will try, like more vegetables, less salt, lower fat content, reduced peanut butter intake) . and then theres the stuff that I didn't think of, like the whole im smaller then I have ever been, I cant cheat the scale that it is evil and nothing morethen a paper weight! and hosnestly up until july, I had a unhealthy addiction to it! I would get on it 3/4 times a DAY!! lol,, I finally said to hell with it and put it in a closet so I wouldn't be tempted! and so far,i only weigh in once a week on Mondays! but there are a ton of smaller clothes that fit me, and there is a lot that I need to be thankful for! im healthier then I have ever beenin my life, im teaching the "once human garbage can" of a hubby to be more understanding of what we eat, and we are both learning together that we cant feed our son "processed frozen chicken parts" as a meal! we are learning and im applying what I now know to others! thank all of you. and I think with that being said, im going to look into making a supper board for theis week, and look into setting up a new routine for weight lifting.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    Do you ever go back over your weeks dairy? You were over your goal most of the time. And the sodium was so high, you've got to be retaining water like a well. I mean I saw chocolate and caramel apple stuff. Ranch dip. White bread. PEANUT BUTTER. "Real bacon. 2% milk. You need to find a different replacement for that turkey sausage, there is so much STUFF in that it's gross. Try Almond milk. There was hardly any fruit. And I rarely saw a veggie. I did see your thing about your man not liking them, but what does that have to do with you eating them? And why are you just eating 1/2 a cup of veg? I mean you can eat veg like a mad woman because of how good it is for you. You really need to get below that 1600 something and get lower. Your body is getting used to being at that and it's basically maintaining it's self at that. Switch it up. Get lower. So what if you get grouchy? Get your body used to it and you'll feel better. All I read throughout your post was you posting back most excuses to those people. You running, you veg issue. There were a lot more processed foods on there then you really think. Go over it and go look at what's really in those things. If there's more then 3 ingredients in it that you can't say, lose it.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    October 21, 2013 12:41 pm


    Do you ever go back over your weeks dairy? You were over your goal most of the time. And the sodium was so high, you've got to be retaining water like a well. I mean I saw chocolate and caramel apple stuff. Ranch dip. White bread. PEANUT BUTTER. "Real bacon. 2% milk. You need to find a different replacement for that turkey sausage, there is so much STUFF in that it's gross. Try Almond milk. There was hardly any fruit. And I rarely saw a veggie. I did see your thing about your man not liking them, but what does that have to do with you eating them? And why are you just eating 1/2 a cup of veg? I mean you can eat veg like a mad woman because of how good it is for you. You really need to get below that 1600 something and get lower. Your body is getting used to being at that and it's basically maintaining it's self at that. Switch it up. Get lower. So what if you get grouchy? Get your body used to it and you'll feel better. All I read throughout your post was you posting back most excuses to those people. You running, you veg issue. There were a lot more processed foods on there then you really think. Go over it and go look at what's really in those things. If there's more then 3 ingredients in it that you can't say, lose it.

    I cant run, I hardly can do squats my right crunches,(sounds like a pop rock factory in there! ) its a something I push threw for the weight lifting, but running is horrible and it swells like a watermelon, that's a medical issue, not a excuse, ive dislocated it so many times in the past, its bad. anyway. as for the veggies, you are right, I cant let someone else judge what I eat, and I wont no more!
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    My husband doesn't really like eating vegetables either but um... that's his problem, not mine.

    ^^This! Just this!!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Ok, I think your calories are fine and exercise is fine but maybe only take two rest days (although I don't really know how you get a "rest" day with a 2 yr old). Some things I see in your diary. I see veggies every day I looked and I'm not good at eating them either so I can't say anything there. But you should weigh everything, do not depend on measuring cups and spoons, they are really way off. I found I was actually eating less peanut butter (bummer) and a lot more other stuff by using measuring cups, for example, 1 cup of cooked pasta or "2 oz." was actually 3 oz. when I put it on my food scale. That adds up over the course of a day or week. You use a lot of buttery spreads, watch those for the word hydrogenated and actually weigh out the servings. I don't know anything about whipped peanut butter and what additional processing that goes through but you eat that a lot, read the label carefully and compare it to regular peanut butter. Also, you can substitute other nut butters. I'm also a bit concerned about where you are getting your fats from, maybe try more nuts, fish and other healthy fats instead of the buttery spreads, etc. Your protein is inconsistent from day to day, you may want to supplement with a whey protein, especially on workout days to get close to your target. It's not that expensive when you compare it to the premade shakes. Finally, where is all your water? You need to record your water intake. I aim for a gallon a day of non-sugar drinks, usually it's all water but I will make teas now that it's getting cooler outside. So I don't count anything I put sweeteners in and I use Truvia or diet soda, etc. I don't have anything against any of those drinks I just usually don't drink them.

    Some ideas for foods, make up your own version of overnight oats, lots of nuts (not peanuts) like almonds or pistacchios, lots of berries, greek yogurt, apples, hard boiled eggs, 2% dairy, use chedder cheese instead of American cheese, only eat 1/2 of the dark chocolate bar or get the Dove dark chocolate squares and eat 2 or 3 (dark chocolate is actually full of antioxidants), use buttery sprays instead of spreads, whole grain breads instead of white, make your own turkey patties for breakfast. Yes, you may have to buy and make food different than what your husband eats but it's a small sacrifice for your health.

    As for exercise, I haven't seen the scale move in a month but I'm still losing inches so I'm not worried about it, I'm a little frustrated but I've got a lot of crap going on in life right now and I'm not getting enough sleep and haven't been eating right so I'm not surprised at the scale. And I'm bad, I don't take rest days, don't follow that example.

    You can go into your goals on MFP and hit custom to set your own calories and macros. For example, I have my macros at 35% protein, 35% carbs, and 30% fat, calories at 2200. You can even custom set your exercise goals to. I would trust your HRM if it has a chest strap for your burns. I have a Polar FT4 and use it for everything, when I am in doubt I take 100 calories off the actual number it says.

    Another option you have is to research and understand your TDEE and BMR. This is just another way at looking at weight loss, it's not necessarily any better than MFP. And MFP is based on this theory, it is just set up differently.

    Hope this helps. Good luck and don't give up. You've done great, heck, you've almost lost 100 lbs!
  • GunslingerGirl
    GunslingerGirl Posts: 251 Member
    I understand the knee thing. I have it too. I ripped my ACL 2 years ago and it's never been the same. It pops and crackles whenever I walk or run or even stand up out of a chair because of the scar tissue having so much air in it. Its like a box of rice crispy's. It pops out of place all the time and it swells every now and then. Have you tried wearing a high end brace? They work wonders! I have one with a little jell this on the side that helps keep your knee in place when walking, running, doing squats anything really. And it helps to keep swelling down. You should look into one. Maybe it'll help it hurt less and have those awful sounds.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    I really can't eat them a lot as for my hubs don't like them...


    cmon now.

    if your past injuries are dictating what routine/program you can do, you need to figure out what exercises you can do consistently and build your own schedule with those.

    if you like lifting, you should go join the "girls who lift group". tons of experience and knowledge in there.

    ETA: clearly, with your lost inches and slimmer aesthetic, you CAN do this and you are. dont discount the success youve already had. get back in the game!
  • Lili0817
    Lili0817 Posts: 109 Member
    It sounds like everybody is giving you great advice, I just want to add that you should really just enjoy the process. O well if it's taking you a little longer to reach your goal, just slow down, and enjoy it :) You've lost tons of inches and I'm sure you're way stronger then you were a year ago. You probabley look great in your clothes too... I'd prefer inches over the scale anytime!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I have a not-keen-on-veg husband as well.

    I slice some cucumber and tomatoes alongside my dinner.
    I snack on calorie and carrot sticks
    I have a glass of tomato juice with breakfast