Hpnest Discussion.



  • I have just recently started entering the realms of IIFYM. And although I like the idea of it, because it allows me to be a little more sociable with my meal choices, I still don't agree that people should use it for the wrong reasons, like stuffing their faces with donuts and chips and soda and so forth, because even though it may fit your macros, it doesn't necessarily make it healthy to be eating nor is it beneficial to your body and how you will feel in the long run... I wonder if there are other out there who feel the same way?

    I don't know anyone who can achieve optimal macro ratios stuffing their faces with nothing but junk....IIFYM isn't license to just go eat ****...you eat to achieve and optimal macro ratio for your fitness and health goals.

    But that's what i mean tho like do people out there who read these articles and see those comparisons and think of IIFYM as a license to eat whatever ? Like that concerns me a little.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    A few articles I have read of IIFYM- uses the comparison of Burgers against Your traditional meal of Chicken and rice and brocoli and so forth and I am sitting here thinking, really? is that like someones inner fat kid attempting to come out and show that it's ok to eat like this and still get a ripped body??

    What's wrong with grilling up a tasty burger? I think you may still have some work to do in RE to your relationship with food. There's nothing inherently evil about grilling up a tasty burger...it's just red meat.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    You are creating a false dichotomy as only eating those foods would not allow you to hit the M in IIFYM which is Marcos. Unless they invent high protein ice cream then I'm in.

    Also, IIFYM does not preach to avoid nutrient dense foods in favor of those but rather attempts to create harmony where one can exist in the world today and still enjoy foods they love without deprivation.

    ETA: From your follow up post I'm getting the impression this was a thinly veiled attempt to express your dietary and nutritional superiority...I could be wrong though.

    Not necessarily, like I don't think there's anything wrong with eating a treat here and there, but on a daily basis it's like come on man, other people are watching you eat like that and still with a ripped body and it just plants a seed in their minds that it's ok for them to do so as well, and then those people wonder why they are still fat and your just sitting there enjoying your big mac you know...

    I just feel like there's more to it rather then the "flexibility" it gives...
    A few articles I have read of IIFYM- uses the comparison of Burgers against Your traditional meal of Chicken and rice and brocoli and so forth and I am sitting here thinking, really? is that like someones inner fat kid attempting to come out and show that it's ok to eat like this and still get a ripped body??

    So that person should eat chicken rice and broccoli instead of something they enjoy which still gets them the results they want because someone else is watching. Worst argument ever. Each individual is personally responsible for what they decide to put in their mouth. End of story.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I have just recently started entering the realms of IIFYM. And although I like the idea of it, because it allows me to be a little more sociable with my meal choices, I still don't agree that people should use it for the wrong reasons, like stuffing their faces with donuts and chips and soda and so forth, because even though it may fit your macros, it doesn't necessarily make it healthy to be eating nor is it beneficial to your body and how you will feel in the long run... I wonder if there are other out there who feel the same way?

    I don't know anyone who can achieve optimal macro ratios stuffing their faces with nothing but junk....IIFYM isn't license to just go eat ****...you eat to achieve and optimal macro ratio for your fitness and health goals.

    But that's what i mean tho like do people out there who read these articles and see those comparisons and think of IIFYM as a license to eat whatever ? Like that concerns me a little.

    Let me see if I have this straight. You think that people who are hitting their micro and macro nutrients and seeing performance increases while still including processed foods like Doritos and Big Macs should eat less of those things so that people reading articles about IIFYM without doing any follow-up reading or research don't get the wrong idea about the fact that they can eat Big Macs and still get results?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I have just recently started entering the realms of IIFYM. And although I like the idea of it, because it allows me to be a little more sociable with my meal choices, I still don't agree that people should use it for the wrong reasons, like stuffing their faces with donuts and chips and soda and so forth, because even though it may fit your macros, it doesn't necessarily make it healthy to be eating nor is it beneficial to your body and how you will feel in the long run... I wonder if there are other out there who feel the same way?

    I don't know anyone who can achieve optimal macro ratios stuffing their faces with nothing but junk....IIFYM isn't license to just go eat ****...you eat to achieve and optimal macro ratio for your fitness and health goals.

    But that's what i mean tho like do people out there who read these articles and see those comparisons and think of IIFYM as a license to eat whatever ? Like that concerns me a little.

    If they were really looking at their macros then they couldn't just eat whatever...that's the point...it's impossible to just eat whatever, whenever and optimize macro-nutrients. You're going to have a certain protein target...certain fat target and most people round out the difference with carbs. Your calorie goal is simply going to be based on whether you're trying to lose, maintain, or gain...someone like doughnut guy is aiming to "bulk" and thus eating at a calorie surplus...doughnuts would be very good for achieving such a goal plus provide plenty of immediately available energy for his lifts...a sedentary individual trying to lose weight would obviously have to do things a bit differently.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I have just recently started entering the realms of IIFYM. And although I like the idea of it, because it allows me to be a little more sociable with my meal choices, I still don't agree that people should use it for the wrong reasons, like stuffing their faces with donuts and chips and soda and so forth, because even though it may fit your macros, it doesn't necessarily make it healthy to be eating nor is it beneficial to your body and how you will feel in the long run... I wonder if there are other out there who feel the same way?

    I don't know anyone who can achieve optimal macro ratios stuffing their faces with nothing but junk....IIFYM isn't license to just go eat ****...you eat to achieve and optimal macro ratio for your fitness and health goals.

    But that's what i mean tho like do people out there who read these articles and see those comparisons and think of IIFYM as a license to eat whatever ? Like that concerns me a little.

    Well if people aren't going to take the time to understand what they're doing, it's really only their own fault. It's called if it fits your MACROS, which would indicate that one of the primary concepts is that you need to hit your MACROS. It's basically impossible to do that if you stuff your face with junk. That's the whole point. Eat mostly healthy but enjoy a treat every now and then within your MACROS. If they took half a second to read about the concept they would understand.
  • A few articles I have read of IIFYM- uses the comparison of Burgers against Your traditional meal of Chicken and rice and brocoli and so forth and I am sitting here thinking, really? is that like someones inner fat kid attempting to come out and show that it's ok to eat like this and still get a ripped body??

    What's wrong with grilling up a tasty burger? I think you may still have some work to do in RE to your relationship with food. There's nothing inherently evil about grilling up a tasty burger...it's just red meat.

    There isn't anything wrong with that tho, what I find wrong is that people seem to only display their IIYFM achievements when it comes to that- especially on social media and that gives people to wrong sense about it( from personal experience with friends and family and so forth), BUT then it also like puts you in like this "closet eating" state of mind thing, which is also unhealthy, and I know a whole lot about it because I cop alot of **** from people when I go out and down a whole pizza and desert...I guess it's just very judgmental out there...

    One may think i am judgmental and others may be judgmental towards everyone else..

    i guess it's a lose loose situation ain't it...
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    BTW, I'm not sure why we keep having this discussion. The people who want to eat clean should just eat clean and be miserable. While they're doing it they shouldn't interrupt us IFFYM people who are enjoying our cake/ice cream/burgers AND hitting our goals.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Let's not worry about calories in this instance but really what the food that you eat is doing to your body, ingesting a bag of doritos is like ingesting rubbish and polluting the delicate environment that your body is... Not like say eating corn ( non gmo of course) on it's own... although there are plenty of other options that are dorito like chips which are much healthier... but people seem to by pass that options just because it fits their macros, but it turn are really damaging their insides & their long term health...

    orthorexic or troll.. or both...
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member

    i guess it's a lose loose situation ain't it...

    absolutely trolling....
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You are creating a false dichotomy as only eating those foods would not allow you to hit the M in IIFYM which is Marcos. Unless they invent high protein ice cream then I'm in.

    Also, IIFYM does not preach to avoid nutrient dense foods in favor of those but rather attempts to create harmony where one can exist in the world today and still enjoy foods they love without deprivation.

    ETA: From your follow up post I'm getting the impression this was a thinly veiled attempt to express your dietary and nutritional superiority...I could be wrong though.

  • LaurensE1
    LaurensE1 Posts: 198 MFP Moderator
    Dear Posters,

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    In many cases we are able to edit out the posts that violate this guideline, but unfortunately this particular thread has become too volatile to moderate efficiently.

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