I come to MFP to pick up chicks (again)



  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    You just ran the breast cancer on because you like boobs. :tongue:

    I really do. It's so much more my type of place than San Diego was. I'm really glad I moved here. I am so busy when I'm not at work though. I think it's because I have so bloody much down time at work that I hate having free time outside of it.

    You have any fun plans for Halloween?
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    just a halloween party most likely....

    need a good idea for a costume

    what ya think?
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    just a halloween party most likely....

    need a good idea for a costume

    what ya think?

    Well Mishy and I are going with a military theme to the party we are going to next weekend. She is being "don't ask" and I'm "don't tell". Then I'm going to a party on halloween as an urban pixie.

    The military theme may be a little silly for you.. Oh! You should just do the toga thing.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    id like to see pics of the dont ask dont tell theme
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    id like to see pics of the dont ask dont tell theme

    Why is that not shocking?
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Not in that nature geez
    id like to see pics of the dont ask dont tell theme

    Why is that not shocking?
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Not in that nature geez
    I disbelieve you.

    I want a toga picture.. turn about is fair play after all.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    I was thinking of being d!ck in a box....from that snl skit
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Didn't you do that already?
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Didn't you do that already?

    Its always a winner though
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Didn't you do that already?
    Its always a winner though
    Aww come on. It's no fun to be the same thing two years in a row!
  • Like moths to a flame.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    it was a while back like 3 yrs or maybe even 4

    new is better
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    lol I have a song for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhCkfQ5nzaI :wink:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Well, I'm out for the day. Nice talking to you, Trav.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Dang Joy what kind of job you connected with done already for the day

    have fun...yell at me later
    Well, I'm out for the day. Nice talking to you, Trav.
  • Cubetor
    Cubetor Posts: 19
    hehe, I am new to the site but I think this might be the thread to keep me entertained. Work progress might slow a little tho :P
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    "pick up chicks" guess you into the successful ones then or you must be one hell of a weightlifter...LOL!!!!:laugh: :wink:

    I just made a little rhyme for "pick up chicks" lol

    One, two,
    Tie my shoe.
    Three, four,
    Out the door.
    Five, six,
    Pick up chicks.
    Seven, eight,
    Tell 'em you're straight.
    Nine, ten,
    All over again. :bigsmile:

    Cheesy, I know, but I couldn't resist. lol
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Dang Joy what kind of job you connected with done already for the day

    have fun...yell at me later

    I wish I was going home. I just had to do some stuff before I went to the doctor yesterday. Diagnoses: Rest for a week and no running for 4. :sad:
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