weight loss slowing down

Hi all! I have a question about my weight loss. I've been doing pretty good with averaging about a 2lb a week loss, last week was 1lb. I was ok with that, but my scale is NOT budging at all! I track and weigh everything that I eat, I've tried re setting my goals on mfp to see if it would change something for me, but it's not. It's still telling me 1200 cal. Which I am ok with...(please hold the bad comments on 1200 cal/day) Should I eat my exercise calories or not? I do try to eat a decent amount of protein throughout the day. Any advice would be awesome! Thanks!
This is what I've eaten so far for today.

Breakfast :
Thomas' - English Muffin - the Original Nooks & Crannies, 1 muffin 120 25 1 4 1 8 
Hellmanns - Mayo Canola Cholesterol Free, 0.75 Tbsp 30 0 0 0 0 0 
Kroger's - American Cheese Single Slices (Correct), 0.75 slice (21g) 53 2 4 3 0 8 
Kroger - *Break-Free 100% Liquid Egg Whites, 3 tsbp (46g) 25 0 0 5 0 0 

Lunch :
Alantic Salmon - Broiled Salmon Fillet, 4 oz. 110 0 2 23 0 0 
Kroger - Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 0.5 tbsp. 60 0 7 0 0 0 

Snacks :
Garden Fresh Gourmet - Spicy Cilantro Hummus (Correct), 0.5 oz 35 2 3 1 1 1 
Chips - Stacy's Simply Naked Pita Chips, 1 oz (28g/About 10 chips) 130 19 5 3 1 0 


  • DSeay88
    DSeay88 Posts: 24 Member
    How long has the scale not moved? If it's only been one week, that's not really long enough to even consider a plateau.

    Have you changed your exercise routine during the time your scale stopped moving? An increase in intensity or exercise type can cause water retention, so it can seem like you're not losing weight.

    There are quite a few different things that can cause a stall, but one week of no loss is not really a big concern. You may not need to change anything. More information is needed, and people will want to see your food diary to give you meaningful feedback.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    A week is nothing to be concerned about. Two weeks, even, is normal to not see a loss. If you are stalled for a month, then you need to start looking for problems with your intake.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    How long has the scale not moved? If it's only been one week, that's not really long enough to even consider a plateau.

    Have you changed your exercise routine during the time your scale stopped moving? An increase in intensity or exercise type can cause water retention, so it can seem like you're not losing weight.

    There are quite a few different things that can cause a stall, but one week of no loss is not really a big concern. You may not need to change anything. More information is needed, and people will want to see your food diary to give you meaningful feedback.
    I understand it's only been one week, and it's not a cause for concern...I meant to say that in my previous post. But normally by this time I'm down 1/2-1 lb. My exercise has changed slightly, but for the less because of an injury. I did copy and paste what I ate today. My days are normally very similar everyday. I'm also very good with drinking 10 or so cups of water daily. Should I be drinking more?
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    How long has the scale not moved? If it's only been one week, that's not really long enough to even consider a plateau.

    Have you changed your exercise routine during the time your scale stopped moving? An increase in intensity or exercise type can cause water retention, so it can seem like you're not losing weight.

    There are quite a few different things that can cause a stall, but one week of no loss is not really a big concern. You may not need to change anything. More information is needed, and people will want to see your food diary to give you meaningful feedback.
    I understand it's only been one week, and it's not a cause for concern...I meant to say that in my previous post. But normally by this time I'm down 1/2-1 lb. My exercise has changed slightly, but for the less because of an injury. I did copy and paste what I ate today. My days are normally very similar everyday. I'm also very good with drinking 10 or so cups of water daily. Should I be drinking more?

    Weight loss is not linear. Even with perfect math and a perfect 1000 calorie deficit eating the exact same thing every day, your body just won't lose any weight some weeks. Take measurements as well, because sometimes those go down even when the scale doesn't. Just keep doing what you're doing. Your deficit is more than enough, your water intake is fine, you're doing great.

    Also, is it around your TOM? I usually don't lose any weight the week prior and the week of, but I catch up afterwards.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    congrats, you are normal.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    congrats, you are normal.

    This. Take a deep breath and keep doing what you're doing. As long as you're losing, you're fine. When you stop losing for 6 weeks or more, then it's time to take a deeper look into what's going on.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    If you're only eating 1200 calories AND you're exercising, YES, please eat back exercise calories. Maybe not all of them if you use the database to log as it tends to overestimate. Also might be time to reconsider your goals. If you're set to 2 lbs/week, maybe it's time to set it to 1 lb a week. And like stated above, weight loss isn't linear. You may not lose every week. It's certainly not a big deal that you're not down a few ounces half way through the week. Step away from the scale and relax.
  • ravenrainchild
    ravenrainchild Posts: 22 Member
    Adjust your macros. Anywhere from i believe 50-70 carbs a day is moderate weight loss, 70+ is mainatance. Anything below 50 is considered extreme extreme weightloss. (Think Atkins diet)

    Eat back your calories. Doesn't have to be all, just play with it a bit. I'd also suggest not killing yourself during your workouts, 1200 is a little low to begin with and at this rate hard cardio will only result in muscle loss and not fat loss.

    If those options are no good maybe try a day of intermitted fasting and see what happens?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    With 30 lbs to lose, you shouldn't be at 1200 calories. Change the setting to 'lose 1 lb a week', which is the recommended setting anyway.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    (please hold the bad comments on 1200 cal/day)

    if you have to say that....mayyyyyyyyyyybe 1200 isnt always the answer. hmmmm?

    have you calculated your tdee?
    start there.
    eat 75-80% of that.
  • psych0kitty
    You should do a "refeed" day/week every so often. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/sclark60.htm
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    How long has the scale not moved? If it's only been one week, that's not really long enough to even consider a plateau.

    Have you changed your exercise routine during the time your scale stopped moving? An increase in intensity or exercise type can cause water retention, so it can seem like you're not losing weight.

    There are quite a few different things that can cause a stall, but one week of no loss is not really a big concern. You may not need to change anything. More information is needed, and people will want to see your food diary to give you meaningful feedback.
    I understand it's only been one week, and it's not a cause for concern...I meant to say that in my previous post. But normally by this time I'm down 1/2-1 lb. My exercise has changed slightly, but for the less because of an injury. I did copy and paste what I ate today. My days are normally very similar everyday. I'm also very good with drinking 10 or so cups of water daily. Should I be drinking more?

    Weight loss is not linear. Even with perfect math and a perfect 1000 calorie deficit eating the exact same thing every day, your body just won't lose any weight some weeks. Take measurements as well, because sometimes those go down even when the scale doesn't. Just keep doing what you're doing. Your deficit is more than enough, your water intake is fine, you're doing great.

    Also, is it around your TOM? I usually don't lose any weight the week prior and the week of, but I catch up afterwards.
    Thank you. I do take measurements, but only every two weeks, along with pictures. In July, I had a hysterectomy so no more TOM :happy: .... Though I don't know if I would still retain water...hmm...
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    (please hold the bad comments on 1200 cal/day)

    if you have to say that....mayyyyyyyyyyybe 1200 isnt always the answer. hmmmm?

    have you calculated your tdee?
    start there.
    eat 75-80% of that.
    :smile: I ONLY say that because when some people hear the number 1200 they go bonkers. I have calculated my tdee on many different sites, all different numbers but they all hover around 1300.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    (please hold the bad comments on 1200 cal/day)

    if you have to say that....mayyyyyyyyyyybe 1200 isnt always the answer. hmmmm?

    have you calculated your tdee?
    start there.
    eat 75-80% of that.
    :smile: I ONLY say that because when some people hear the number 1200 they go bonkers. I have calculated my tdee on many different sites, all different numbers but they all hover around 1300.

    LOL.. But if you know what we are going to say, why not consider that advice? It's like knowing a train is coming but not jumping out of the way. Below is a thread that you might find it beneficial. I believe in fueling your workouts. Try upping your calories to include exercise.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Adjust your macros. Anywhere from i believe 50-70 carbs a day is moderate weight loss, 70+ is mainatance. Anything below 50 is considered extreme extreme weightloss. (Think Atkins diet)

    Eat back your calories. Doesn't have to be all, just play with it a bit. I'd also suggest not killing yourself during your workouts, 1200 is a little low to begin with and at this rate hard cardio will only result in muscle loss and not fat loss.

    If those options are no good maybe try a day of intermitted fasting and see what happens?

    Why reduce carbs to such a low level? I eat 200-250g of carbs and I lose weight. It's about calories, not really macro's. For macro's protein is the most important. Aiming for 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass should be the goal. Most will suggest around .35g of fat and the rest carbs.
  • tonyajohn
    Hi all! I have a question about my weight loss. I've been doing pretty good with averaging about a 2lb a week loss, last week was 1lb. I was ok with that, but my scale is NOT budging at all! I track and weigh everything that I eat, I've tried re setting my goals on mfp to see if it would change something for me, but it's not. It's still telling me 1200 cal. Which I am ok with...(please hold the bad comments on 1200 cal/day) Should I eat my exercise calories or not? I do try to eat a decent amount of protein throughout the day. Any advice would be awesome! Thanks!
    This is what I've eaten so far for today.

    Breakfast :
    Thomas' - English Muffin - the Original Nooks & Crannies, 1 muffin 120 25 1 4 1 8 
    Hellmanns - Mayo Canola Cholesterol Free, 0.75 Tbsp 30 0 0 0 0 0 
    Kroger's - American Cheese Single Slices (Correct), 0.75 slice (21g) 53 2 4 3 0 8 
    Kroger - *Break-Free 100% Liquid Egg Whites, 3 tsbp (46g) 25 0 0 5 0 0 

    Lunch :
    Alantic Salmon - Broiled Salmon Fillet, 4 oz. 110 0 2 23 0 0 
    Kroger - Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 0.5 tbsp. 60 0 7 0 0 0 

    Snacks :
    Garden Fresh Gourmet - Spicy Cilantro Hummus (Correct), 0.5 oz 35 2 3 1 1 1 
    Chips - Stacy's Simply Naked Pita Chips, 1 oz (28g/About 10 chips) 130 19 5 3 1 0 

    I'm in the exact same boat! I know it's hard, but hang in there. I've gone from losing about 2 lbs a week to going a full week without a loss. Even after losing 15 pounds in 7 weeks or so, it's a total bummer to not see the scales budge. I'm going to just keep trucking away though, and try not to get discouraged, for the next few weeks and hope for a change. But patience really isn't my strong suit.

    Good luck, girl! :flowerforyou:
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    (please hold the bad comments on 1200 cal/day)

    if you have to say that....mayyyyyyyyyyybe 1200 isnt always the answer. hmmmm?

    have you calculated your tdee?
    start there.
    eat 75-80% of that.
    :smile: I ONLY say that because when some people hear the number 1200 they go bonkers. I have calculated my tdee on many different sites, all different numbers but they all hover around 1300.

    LOL.. But if you know what we are going to say, why not consider that advice? It's like knowing a train is coming but not jumping out of the way. Below is a thread that you might find it beneficial. I believe in fueling your workouts. Try upping your calories to include exercise.

    Thanks, I looked through the thread, recalculated my bmr and all that jazz. I do eat more when I exercise...sometimes I don't eat all the exercise calories. Though what I don't understand is how is eating more calories going to help me lose weight?
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    Hi all! I have a question about my weight loss. I've been doing pretty good with averaging about a 2lb a week loss, last week was 1lb. I was ok with that, but my scale is NOT budging at all! I track and weigh everything that I eat, I've tried re setting my goals on mfp to see if it would change something for me, but it's not. It's still telling me 1200 cal. Which I am ok with...(please hold the bad comments on 1200 cal/day) Should I eat my exercise calories or not? I do try to eat a decent amount of protein throughout the day. Any advice would be awesome! Thanks!
    This is what I've eaten so far for today.

    Breakfast :
    Thomas' - English Muffin - the Original Nooks & Crannies, 1 muffin 120 25 1 4 1 8 
    Hellmanns - Mayo Canola Cholesterol Free, 0.75 Tbsp 30 0 0 0 0 0 
    Kroger's - American Cheese Single Slices (Correct), 0.75 slice (21g) 53 2 4 3 0 8 
    Kroger - *Break-Free 100% Liquid Egg Whites, 3 tsbp (46g) 25 0 0 5 0 0 

    Lunch :
    Alantic Salmon - Broiled Salmon Fillet, 4 oz. 110 0 2 23 0 0 
    Kroger - Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 0.5 tbsp. 60 0 7 0 0 0 

    Snacks :
    Garden Fresh Gourmet - Spicy Cilantro Hummus (Correct), 0.5 oz 35 2 3 1 1 1 
    Chips - Stacy's Simply Naked Pita Chips, 1 oz (28g/About 10 chips) 130 19 5 3 1 0 

    I'm in the exact same boat! I know it's hard, but hang in there. I've gone from losing about 2 lbs a week to going a full week without a loss. Even after losing 15 pounds in 7 weeks or so, it's a total bummer to not see the scales budge. I'm going to just keep trucking away though, and try not to get discouraged, for the next few weeks and hope for a change. But patience really isn't my strong suit.

    Good luck, girl! :flowerforyou:
    Glad to know I'm not alone with this! (or maybe not glad.....that sounded bad) Lol. Good luck to you too!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    (please hold the bad comments on 1200 cal/day)

    if you have to say that....mayyyyyyyyyyybe 1200 isnt always the answer. hmmmm?

    have you calculated your tdee?
    start there.
    eat 75-80% of that.
    :smile: I ONLY say that because when some people hear the number 1200 they go bonkers. I have calculated my tdee on many different sites, all different numbers but they all hover around 1300.

    LOL.. But if you know what we are going to say, why not consider that advice? It's like knowing a train is coming but not jumping out of the way. Below is a thread that you might find it beneficial. I believe in fueling your workouts. Try upping your calories to include exercise.

    Thanks, I looked through the thread, recalculated my bmr and all that jazz. I do eat more when I exercise...sometimes I don't eat all the exercise calories. Though what I don't understand is how is eating more calories going to help me lose weight?

    Your body can release hormones that can prevent weight loss. Essentially, you will still lose fat but water will mask your loss. Or if you eat low calories for extended periods of time, then your resting metabolic rate can adapt. Also, low calorie diets can increase the chances of muscle loss.

    I can also tell you I personally have seen better results at 2400-2600 calories as compared to 1800 calories when I started.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    Adjust your macros. Anywhere from i believe 50-70 carbs a day is moderate weight loss, 70+ is mainatance. Anything below 50 is considered extreme extreme weightloss. (Think Atkins diet)

    Eat back your calories. Doesn't have to be all, just play with it a bit. I'd also suggest not killing yourself during your workouts, 1200 is a little low to begin with and at this rate hard cardio will only result in muscle loss and not fat loss.

    If those options are no good maybe try a day of intermitted fasting and see what happens?
    Thanks, I just readjusted my carbs...though I never go over goal with those. I normally have only "good" carbs, and like I said I up my protein, so I'm most always above goal with that daily.