October 2013 Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Total 42.5
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    125.98 miles completed out of 100 miles
    10/22: 3-mile run
    I had another GPS mishap, so I had to guesstimate. Didn't realize until now that I apparently lost signal in all of the apps about 6 minutes before I stopped. Luckily, at 1.5 miles, I had turned around and traced my route, so I know that I did at least 3 miles. Maybe I should take Dave's advice and not use a million running apps at the same time. :laugh: In my defense, this time, I did intentionally use one less app than I normally do. At one point when I was running earlier in the year, I was using six. :laugh:
  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    5.6 miles biked at lunch and 2.49 miles walked with my daughter after work. mtd 188.57
  • tam6van
    tam6van Posts: 1,089 Member
    6.14K. But that be all folks :(. My knee is really painful when I run. I rested since last Thursday ( thinking that would be good enough). Nope.


    I will rest for a week but fear my 110k goal is not happening this month. And all because of yoga....not running:grumble: . Happy moving gang.
  • Delcre
    Delcre Posts: 9 Member

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Add another 11 miles. 272. I'm still plugging away. I figure if I can get within 100 miles with a week to go, I'll make it.

  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,409 Member
    Oct.22: 6.5 Miles of Running and Walking

    TTD: 208 Miles

    Creeping along. Still under restrictions after surgery. Can not wait to be cut loose.

  • texerus
    texerus Posts: 62 Member
    10/22 totals: 12.1 miles

    9.1 stationary bike.

    3 miles closed course walk.

    Today’s total 12.1! This completes my first monthly challenge goal, but it doesn’t stop there as the month is not over yet. Please keep counting me in to see how far I will go as I will keep posting. I guess it was a conservative goal, but at least I have an idea of what I really can do for the next challenge.

  • JennyKCarty
    JennyKCarty Posts: 457 Member
    10/1 - 6.2
    10/2 - 3.2
    10/3 -4.6
    10/4 - 3.3
    10/5 - 6.0
    10/6 - 0.6
    10/7 - 2.6
    10/8 - 3
    10/9 - 5.2
    10/10 - 1.4
    10/11 - 0.9
    10/12 - 5.2
    10/13 - 4.3
    10/14 - 3.6
    10/15 - 4
    10/16 - 2.7
    10/17 - 3.8
    10/18 - 7.6
    10/19 - 4.9
    10/20 - 5.1
    10/21 - 6.8
    10/22 - 4.6

  • Butterflykisses123
    Butterflykisses123 Posts: 112 Member
    Ran 2.39 miles today.

  • novaris2
    +14 Km walked over the last few days

  • spikesmom
    spikesmom Posts: 441 Member
    Twenty more today! I'm so close to goal :)

  • dellsordahl
    5.5 miles today. 130.5 done
  • clp212
    clp212 Posts: 202 Member
    10/3 - .59
    10/4 - .87
    10/5 - 1.62
    10/6 - 1.53
    10/7 - 4.4
    10/8 - 1.7 miles walking & 9 miles Wii Fit Island Cycling
    10/9 - 2 miles walking & 9.39 miles Wii Fit Island Cycling
    10/10 - 2.7 miles walking & 10.8 miles Wii Fit Island Cycling
    10/11 - 1.57 miles walking
    10/12 - 1.41 miles walking
    10.13 - 1.77 miles walking
    10/14 - 5.22 miles walking
    10/15 - 2.0 miles walking
    10/16 - 1.37 miles walking
    10/17 - 1.56 miles walking
    10/18 - 2.85 miles walking
    10/19 - 4.02 miles walking
    10/20 - 3.27 miles walking
    10/21 - 1.64 miles walking
    10/22 - 1.54 miles walking

  • maasmom2
    maasmom2 Posts: 37 Member
    Miles to date in October

    10/01 – 6.12 Bike
    10/02 - 6.20 Bike
    10/03 – 4.14 Walk
    10/04 – 8.66 Bike
    10/05 – 4.56 Walk
    10/06 – 2.86 Walk
    10/07 – 9.06 Bike
    10/08 – 4.12 walk
    10/09 – 3.27 Walk
    10/10 – 3.85 Walk
    10/11 – 2.57 Walk Run
    10/12 – 26.92 Bike
    10/13 - to sore from previous day lol
    10/14 – 7.34 Walk
    10/15 – 5.87 Hike
    10/16 – 4.39 Walk
    10/17 – 3.73 Walk
    10/18 – 2.50 Walk/Run
    10/19 – 0.00 rest day
    10/20 – 10.88 Bike
    10/21 - 3.0 Elliptical
    10/22 – 8.13 bike
    Total 130.43
  • CeeCeeMee
    CeeCeeMee Posts: 356 Member
    Just over 2 miles today. Still striving for the goal.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    walked 1.85 miles yesterday
    walked 5.77 miles today


  • maasmom2
    maasmom2 Posts: 37 Member
    how do you get spreadsheet :bigsmile:
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Wow, I'm inspired by how well everyone is doing. Even if you feel your goal is out of reach, some of you just keep moving on and getting as close as you can. GREAT JOB :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    As for me, I seem to be chasing the green and its just....out....of....reach.....:noway: I'm determined to get there somehow. :smile:

    added another 5.5 miles today

    October total 111.5 miles

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @ Taxmom - You are SOOOO CLOSE!!!!!! You're going to do it. :bigsmile:

    @ Chris - Speaking of close! You will be there tomorrow or the next day! Way to go!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    @ Maasmom2 - You are rocking the miles!! Way to go!

    @ CLP212 - I always see you logging miles. They are 1 to 4 miles but you never miss. You are like clockwork! You are one of my heroes on here!

    @ SpikesMom - Tomorrow! You are so close you can reach out and touch it! Nail it tomorrow!

    @ Tex - Way to go hitting your goal! We look forward to seeing you on the boards. :drinker: :drinker:

    @ Tam6van - Protect those knees. You are up a creek without them. Better to rest the knees and come back strong than to lose them.

    @ TeamAmelia - I had to laugh when I read your post. I was XC skiing last year and 23 miles into a 26 mile trip I lost my battery. Fortunately one of the apps kept the last recorded miles and I could construct the rest to complete the trip. I can still remember the profanity that wanted to cross my lips but didn't. :angry: :angry: :angry: