Has anyone lost weight and then put it back on?



  • Yup, I went from 197 to 145 and kept it off for 2 years. Then I started slipping, I gained back 28 and here I am again.
  • 9094nancyj
    9094nancyj Posts: 22 Member
    Lost 25 pounds over the course of a year, and put 20 lbs back on over the course of a summer. I am angry at myself, but I take ownership of it. My problem? I didn't track down what I ate, and ate out at restaurants more than I previously did. Now I am getting back on track, and using myfitnesspal to track what I am eating. It's amazing how long it takes you to lose the weight, but how quickly the weight comes back on.
  • MeganMoore0413
    I have had an issue keeping the weight off ever since I graduated from high school 2006 (160 lbs). Then I had my 1st child in 2010, I weighed 204 the day she was born, I got back on my ADHD meds because I was still in college, and I lost back down to high school weight. I stayed that way for about a year. September of this year I had a miscarriage, I knew that I had put on a little of the weight back since I stopped taking my meds. But never did I excepted what I saw when I got on the scales at the doctors just a week before my miscarriage. I weighed 215, that was one month ago, and that is the biggest I have ever been. My husband has no issues with my weight but I do. So I started two weeks ago working out and cutting back on what I ate. I have lost down to 212, but I still have a long way to go. You can lose it and keep it you just have to find the right style of life that works with your weight loss goals and stick to it!!! Good luck and God bless!!
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    It's almost seasonal for me, a 10 lb variance. Lose weight in the spring, gain it back over the rest of the year. But, each time I do it so far, I gain back a little less as I build healthier habits - so that's encouraging. :)
  • Jones115
    Jones115 Posts: 29 Member
    Wow, I see a lot of us have had this pitfall. The most weight I ever lost was through counting calories with myfitnesspal and the support of my partner at the gym while doing it all. I tried a lot of diets including fasting and alternate day fasting. I was even successful at losing quite a bit on the Atkins. I must say that the weight that stayed off the longest was weight lost through myfitnesspal counting my calories. I started at 254 and got down to about 180. I am now back at 230. I was able to lose so much because I didn't have to work so I would go gym crazy and work out hard. Now I am back on here trying to lose it again after truck driving and a sedentary lifestyle has caused me to gain it back like crazy. Anyone on here who is serious add me as a friend please as most of mines have retired from this site.
  • nippoleon
    nippoleon Posts: 43 Member
    I'd previously lost 60 pounds with Weight Watchers, kept it off for two years, and then gained 70 pounds after graduating high school, mostly during a previous relationship.

    I'm super pumped to lose an extra 10 pounds this time around, and keep it off forever~
  • daphneC94
    yep, its a terrible cycle, i basically loose 15 and then gain it.... repeat. I'm almost 100% sure i have binge eating disorder. so its really difficult for me.
  • bbbDancer
    bbbDancer Posts: 8 Member
    Here here... I lose a bunch of weight back in 2005 (over 70 pounds!) Over 7 years it crept back on... a little at a time... until I was only 2 pounds less than my all time high! ugh! So.... I found MFP, and Wow! What an amazing tool... I'm so motivated to get back in shape and still LIVE!!!!! (In between tried fasting, liquid diets, crazy supplements, you name it). And now, here I am back to counting and tracking... but I find it so much better with the MFP tools. Here's to ALL of our success!:flowerforyou:
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    Here here... I lose a bunch of weight back in 2005 (over 70 pounds!) Over 7 years it crept back on... a little at a time... until I was only 2 pounds less than my all time high!

    Sounds so similar to my story.
  • clairexu16
    Last spring, I was able to lose 25 pounds, but I did it in a very unhealthy way and had lost the weight within the span of a month. I put back on 20 of the pounds I had lost very very quickly, and now I am trying to lost the weight again, but this time in a slower and healthier way.
  • achy3853
    Nearly 2 years ago I lost 4.5 stones but I have put it all back on :/
    I was lucky in the way I lost it - I did shakes and went on a long holiday in a hot Eastern country, so by the time I got back I went down drastically but had not changed my eating habits. I felt amazing, could walk for long lengths of time, wear what I had always wanted.

    But when I got back the weight crept back on. With the stresses of University, exams, eating out etc I've now gone back to exactly how I used to be and I really want to lose it. I've been buying smaller clothes to motivate me, but I last no more than 2 days or so at a time. I have really bad mental discipline, which has been caused by my sweet-tooth addiction. That's the main thing that makes me gain weight like MAD, but I always say 'I'll diet tomorrow' etc because I don't want to go back to the stresses I went through before when on a shake diet.

    I'm also pretty impatient and get disillusioned if I don't see results fast. I really don't know how to change my mindset :/ 20 right now, and all my life I've been big. This is the time I should be healthy and happy but I'm the biggest obstacle to me. I just wish I had the sheer willpower to stick with whatever I pledge myself to. Hoping that coming onto this forum will give me the communal support and accountability I need in order to stick straight to a plan :)

    (Sorry for the long post).
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    Kind of an old thread, but hey, if the shoe fits...

    So as of early this year, I was down 35 pounds from the previous August. Well.... I seem to have put 10 back on.

    I got a little lazy about entering my food into MFP and that made it easier to grab that extra snack at night. Meh.

    So yesterday for the first time in a while, I entered all the food I ate and surprisingly, just because I went for a 24 mile bicycle ride doesn't mean I can eat whatever I want. So I stayed within my budget for the first time in a while. Looking forward to getting the weight going back in the right direction.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I lost 30 or so lbs doing a get think quick scheme diet and gained it all back within a couple months, and a little extra. The only real way to lose weight and keep it off is to do it slowly and counting your calories for the rest of your life. By doing it slowly you teach yourself to learn better eating habits and by writing everything down you keep yourself honest.
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    Anytime anyone says "the only way" I mentally call BS. But the key there is the idea of continuous monitoring.
  • princessmommy122
    princessmommy122 Posts: 135 Member
    Absolutely. Two years ago when my daughter was 1.5 years old, I got down to 127, then back up to 144. But now I am back to 131.
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    yup - lost over 60 lbs - I think I actually gained it all back - combination of issues - I was given bad advice on eating and was eating WAY too little so once I hit my goal weight and start eating - not that much more actually - the weight started to creep back up - I MAY have been able to recover and manage to kick start my metabolism again but personal issues took over and I struggled for a good few years - so here I am - I am 30 - 35 lbs away from my goal weight again. Live and learn
  • Suzmp85
    Suzmp85 Posts: 184 Member
    2 years ago I got within 10lbs of my goal weight, then I ended up gaining just about all of it back by being off track. I'm at it trying again, but find it harder this time around and still have my days. Hanging in there. :smile:
  • suemcmurry
    suemcmurry Posts: 188 Member
    Sure have! I have lost lots, gained some, lost some and gained lots! But all I can say is get back on that horse and ride, girl, ride!!!
  • hannamarie88
    hannamarie88 Posts: 231 Member
    In early 2011 I was down to 198 - which was over 20 pounds lost, then slowly it started creeping back on (life, wedding planning, post-wedding weight gain, stress) and before I knew it - I had gained that and much more. My heart shattered the day I saw 263 on the scale. Sad to think that I am still over 30 pounds from that number.

    But, the difference then and now - I wasn't committed, I didn't lose weight the right way (I was on Adderall, barely ate) and I didn't exercise. This time, I'm losing it and keeping it off. For good. Fluctuations won't stress me out, but if I see more than 10 pounds go up, it's time to refocus myself.

    And always remember. It's a marathon. Not a sprint.
  • jcs1164
    jcs1164 Posts: 13 Member
    Boy this sounds like me. I lost 50lbs, was feeling amazing, people noticed I could run.. do all the things I wanted to do...then I hurt my back, i gained weight so rapidily. soon I gained it all. I lost control. So this is round too.