lose 10-20 pounds by thanksgiving support group



  • dindivt
    dindivt Posts: 21
    Im a little late to the game but would love to have a check in and the motivation to do so. Im trying to get down to 150lbs by 2/1/11, I want to take a vacation to somewhere warm and sit on the beach wearing barely anything and need to look good doing it. Thanks, Candy

    Current weight 10/6/10: 216
    11/24/10 (final weigh-in, GOAL 192)

    Im reposting because I am apparently a little slow and neglected to put in next Wednesdays check in date in the list. So I will also be posting my "hopefully" weight loss on 10/13/10 :smile:

    10/12/10 214 LBS
  • 8/24 - 135.2
    9/1 - 129.5
    9/8 - 130.8
    9/15 - 128.4
    9/22 - 129.0
    9/29 - 127.4 (mini goal 127)
    10/6 - did not log
    10/13 - CW 125.8
    10/20 -
    10/27 - mini goal 125
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120

    SOMEHOW I managed to lose weight after a lot of indulging the past two weeks!! I know I have to get back on track with healthy foods but I'm glad to see I haven't gone in the wrong direction. Good luck everyone! Looking forward to seeing your progress!
  • Thanks for the warm welcome. I am thinking about buying a new digital scale. I am currently using the scale at my house and the digital scale at my aunt's house. So I have two different number to deal with right now. I am more willing to go with the digital scale, because it seems more accurate to me. So in that cause my weigh in for this week is...

    10/6 - 132
    10/13 - 130
    10/20 -
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120

    I am looking forward to continue with my little sucessses each week. Good luck everyone and continue on the path to better health and great bodies.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I'm 25..I started my journey this past April after the weather got warmer and lost 36 pounds so far. My mini goal is to get under 200 by the end of October and I'm 4 pounds away from doing that. Not doing anything too big for the Holidays...staying in Michigan for once during Thanksgiving & Christmas and I usually go out and see my mom at least 1 of those holidays. My Goal for Thanksgiving is 190..(would be prefible to 195 and I'm losing at a decent pace so anything is possible) and that gets me halfway to my goal! My final GW is 140. I'm aiming to see my Mom in April for my 1 year weight loss anniversary and for a birthday as well...and it would be super if I got to my weight loss goal by the time I see my mom. Anything is possible! :)
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    8/18 - 238.4
    8/25 - 235.4
    9/1 - 234.4
    9/8 - 229.2
    9/15 - 226.6
    9/22 - 224.8
    9/29 - 218.8
    10/6 - 216.8
    10/13 - 212.8
    10/20 -
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 201 (my original goal was 218 but since I passed that up I figured I better come up with something lower)
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I usually weigh in mondays but ill try..sometimes wednesdays is a mid-week check in for me.

    10/13 -204
    10/20 -
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 190
  • I just started on this site a couple of days ago. I struggled with an eating disorder for years. When I became pregnant with my son (now 18 months!) I had a really hard time dealing with eating enough and getting bigger. I ended up gaining 50lbs because my metabolism was so screwed up from starving myself. I was miserable, but I really wanted to breastfeed even though I knew I wouldn't be able to revert back to my old habits if I did. I ended up losing almost 30 of the 50lbs by the time my son was 8 months old- and then discovered I was pregnant again. My daughter was born a month ago and I'm breastfeeding again. I only gained 22lbs with this pregnancy, and I only have 5 of it left now. I'm 133lbs and want to get down to 115. I used to be 100-105lbs before i had my kids but I'm going to see how I feel at 115 because I was starving myself to maintain that pre-pregnancy weight.

    10/13- 133

    goal weight- 115
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    01/01/2009 Heaviest Weight 209
    03/01/2010 Started mfp 180
    08/18/2010……… 158.0 ………2 week mini goal 156
    08/25/2010........... 157.6 (-)
    09/01/2010........... 156.2 (-).......2 week mini goal 154
    09/08/2010........... Fell Off Wagon
    09/15/2010........... Gained over 10 pounds
    09/22/2010............166.6 (+).......2 week mini goal 164
    09/29/2010............165.5 (-)
    10/06/2010............164.7 (-)........2 week mini goal 161
    10/13/2010............166.2 (+)

    Oh No headed the wrong way:embarassed: Started a new exercise program last week and I couldn't control my hunger. This week I'll try harder to stick to my diet/log dehaviors. I'm really painting myself into a corner with my 20 pounds by Thanksgiving goal. However, I'm not giving up and not going to do anything drastic to make that goal. I've really got the rest of my life to get there. Altough I don't want to lose my sense of urgency, I also want to set realistic and acheivable goals. I'm going to have a good week and report back next week with better numbers. See you all then. Keep it up or should I say keep it down:ohwell:
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    This is the first week (I've been here 8) that I can really FEEL my progress.
    Down 1.6lbs. this week! And into the 240's!! Whoo! Thanks all!

    8/18 - 261 (start weight)
    8/25 - 256
    9/1 - 254.5
    9/8 - 255.2
    9/15 - 254.4
    9/22 - 252.2 (-8.8)
    9/29 - 253.5
    10/6 - 250.8 (-10.2)
    10/13 - 249.2 (-11.8)
    10/20 -
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 - Goal is 237
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    8/18 - 149.4
    8/25 - ?
    9/1 - ?
    9/8 - 153.6
    9/15 - 148.2 (bye bye vacation weight!)
    9/22 - 150.0 (dang it!)
    9/29 - 146.4
    10/6 - 146.8
    10/13- 145.6
    11/3 -
    GOAL WEIGHT (by this date): 137

    Yay! I'm so proud of myself and my pants are officially fitting how they are ment to! Good job everyone, keep up the good work. Six more weeks to make our goals!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    start weight: 130
    8/18 - 129.3 (-)
    8/25 - 129.2 (-)
    9/1 - 128.7 (-)
    9/8 - missed (hub's gramp's funeral)
    9/15 - 128.2 (-)
    9/22 - 126.6 (-)
    9/29 - 127.2 (+)
    10/6 - 128.0 (+)
    10/13 - 128.0 (=)
    10/20 -
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120

    i keep getting compliments from family and friends about my progress, but i am starting to get frustrated with the lack of weight loss these last three weeks. c'mon body, shake up!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Highest weight: 145
    Starting Weight: 145 (10/1/10 for this round!)
    10/5/10 (11:15 PM) - 140.4 (Loss: 4.4)
    10/14 (goal: 139) - 141.6 (+1.2)
    10/21 (goal: 137)
    10/26 (goal: 135)
    11/2 (goal: 133)
    11/9 (goal: 131)
    11/16 (goal: 129)
    11/23 (goal: 127) - Final Weigh In:
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Highest weight: 145
    Starting Weight: 145 (10/1/10 for this round!)
    10/5/10 (11:15 PM) - 140.4 (Loss: 4.4)
    10/14 (goal: 139) - 141.6 (+1.2)
    10/21 (goal: 137)
    10/26 (goal: 135)
    11/2 (goal: 133)
    11/9 (goal: 131)
    11/16 (goal: 129)
    11/23 (goal: 127) - Final Weigh In:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    sorry i didn't post the weekend challenge on thursday. if anyone wants to do a challenge before the weigh in, it is: TO TRY AN EXERCISE DVD (if you already do one, try a new one). you can chose to participate or not. if you do, have fun trying something new! :)
  • Dreamgirl97
    Dreamgirl97 Posts: 106 Member
    I love this challenge.:happy:

    You ladies are fantastic and very inspiring!

    Sw: 255
    10/18: 251
  • I'd love to join!!!

    Just joined the gym yesterday and am motivated to lose weight and inches by Christmas.

    Starting Weight 10/19/2010: 133.00
    10/26 (goal: 131.5)
    11/2 (goal: 130.0)
    11/9 (goal: 128.5)
    11/16 (goal: 127.0)
    11/23 (goal: 125.5)
    11/30 (goal: 124.0)
    12/7 (goal: 122.5)
    12/14 (goal: 121.0)
    Christmas (goal 120.0)
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    01/01/2009 Heaviest Weight 209
    03/01/2010 Started mfp 180
    08/18/2010……… 158.0 ………2 week mini goal 156
    08/25/2010........... 157.6 (-)
    09/01/2010........... 156.2 (-).......2 week mini goal 154
    09/08/2010........... Fell Off Wagon
    09/15/2010........... Gained over 10 pounds
    09/22/2010............166.6 (+).......2 week mini goal 164
    09/29/2010............165.5 (-)
    10/06/2010............164.7 (-)........2 week mini goal 161
    10/13/2010............166.2 (+)
    10/20/2010............166.0 (-)........2 week mini goal 161

    Not even close to my two week goal:ohwell: I'm still struggling with my hunger after lifting weights. Good news is I'm gaining muscle that weighs more than fat and helps my metabolism. Soon I will be a calorie burnin machine:laugh: Until then I will have to get use to these tiny losses. I did do better on my diet/food log this week. Next week I'll log every bit I put in my mouth. See you next week with better news.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    8/18 - 238.4
    8/25 - 235.4
    9/1 - 234.4
    9/8 - 229.2
    9/15 - 226.6
    9/22 - 224.8
    9/29 - 218.8
    10/6 - 216.8
    10/13 - 212.8
    10/20 - 207.2
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 201 (my original goal was 218 but since I passed that up I figured I better come up with something lower)

    Not sure how accurate my weigh in was this morning - I've been fighting this stupid cold since Sunday, so I haven't been eating as much or working out. Oh well, if I'm up next week I know why :wink:
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    8/18 - 149.4
    8/25 - ?
    9/1 - ?
    9/8 - 153.6
    9/15 - 148.2 (bye bye vacation weight!)
    9/22 - 150.0 (dang it!)
    9/29 - 146.4
    10/6 - 146.8
    10/13- 145.6
    10/20- 144.2
    11/3 -
    GOAL WEIGHT (by this date): 137

    Down 1.4 this week! Yay! I think I'm going to go run bleachers this weekend, I've been meaning to for about 2 weeks lol. I need to kick it up! 7 lbs left and only 5 weeks left! Oh boy...
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    start weight: 130
    8/18 - 129.3 (-)
    8/25 - 129.2 (-)
    9/1 - 128.7 (-)
    9/8 - missed (hub's gramp's funeral)
    9/15 - 128.2 (-)
    9/22 - 126.6 (-)
    9/29 - 127.2 (+)
    10/6 - 128.0 (+)
    10/13 - 128.0 (=)
    10/20 - 125.6 (-)
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120

    hot dang with the loss this week! i haz a happee. :) i need to lose one pound a week for the next 5 weeks to hit my goal. i will stay in my calories and run, run, run! :)
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