Cardios for obese.



  • PositiveBody
    PositiveBody Posts: 43 Member
    Do any exercise you feel you can continue doing and have fun. Find a walking buddy and set some goals!
  • atiana19
    atiana19 Posts: 94 Member
    As others have said walking is the best and diet will play a major part..if you walk and watch your sugar and carbs you will and I promise will lose a large amount of weight quickly. I lost almost 25 lbs in just the first 2 months of starting MFP by being very vigilant with my food following MFP recommendations and starting out walking then moved to running . I am halfway to goal and when I reach it I will have lost 80-90 lbs or so. If I can do it anyone can . good luck on your journey
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Walking is such a great choice. Good for you on making the commitment.

    Now, if you decide you want to try more, Fitnessblender has a website (and videos on youtube) with tons of options including low impact options in their videos.
  • reneemosley
    reneemosley Posts: 95 Member
    a year and half ago I could only walk to my mailbox, so that's what I did every day. I tried to go further every week, and tracked with a pedometer. Eventually I was walking 1.5 miles daily.
    What really helped me was consistency. Even if I didn't want to, hated it, could only walk a few feet, I did it with out fail. I was the queen of finding a reason not to do it. As the weight started to come off and it got easier I purchased a heart rate monitor to track calories burned. That was motivating as I tried to break my records.

    Eventually I found trail running (cross country running). I run 15-20 miles a week in 4-5 days a week. It has been the best thing for my shape, weight, and mental health.

    You can do this, and you will be amazed at how it changes so many aspects of your life!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Guys to be honest you motivated me so much with the walk that I'll comit myself to go for walks every single day. It seems that it is the best i got to do. When do you advice me to go for a walk ? What's the best I've got all my day free. I can go morning noon afternoon night midnight even in 4:00 pm. If I go walking in the morning what's the best breakfast after the walk or before? Really thanks to all.

    It doesn't matter just move try for at walk all at once or break it up. Walk everywhere.
  • LNRoss
    LNRoss Posts: 101 Member
    about 10 years ago I was a smoker and close to 400 pounds. I decided to start exercising...all I could do was 4 minutes on a stationary bike. BUT I did it every day and tried to do just 1 minute more a day. Then I started making the tension on it harder. then a friend of mine got me in to lifting weights. I have 5, 10, 15, 20, and now 25 pound dumbbells, and a couple of resistance bands. I lifted weights 3 times a week and just made up my own routine. BUT lifting weights is easy on the knees, and builds muscle which burns the fat faster. just start small and build. I quit smoking 3 years ago and gained 60 ponds but worked it back off. Over the past several years I haven't worked out , I'm just now getting back into a routine and I'm feeling more energetic everyday. I try to keep my carbs between 100-150 a day and working on getting my sodium intake down. Just don't stop. And remember, "Either you can, or you can't...either way you're right" Tell yourself you can do this every day. : ) I'm doing Leslie Samsones walking off the pounds 1 mile also, it's very doable for bigger people like us. : )
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Guys to be honest you motivated me so much with the walk that I'll comit myself to go for walks every single day. It seems that it is the best i got to do. When do you advice me to go for a walk ? What's the best I've got all my day free. I can go morning noon afternoon night midnight even in 4:00 pm. If I go walking in the morning what's the best breakfast after the walk or before? Really thanks to all.

    It's up to you@when you should take a walk. You know your neighbourhood. Do not force yourself to walk to far. 15 mins for starters. When you feel like you can handle a little longer, do so. If you're hungry before your walk ~> eat something. A protein shake or a banana or an apple or a handful of nuts & dried fruit ~ whatever you have available, to give you that satiated feeling. For breakfast ~> Eat what you'd like. Focus on your calorie target for each meal and your Macros(Proteins, Fats, Carbs). Your family preps healthy eats, from what I have read ~ IIFYM might be something that could help you with your program.

    Please consider weight lifting when you are able to inculcate that into your workouts.

    ETA: Best of Luck!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Guys to be honest you motivated me so much with the walk that I'll comit myself to go for walks every single day. It seems that it is the best i got to do. When do you advice me to go for a walk ? What's the best I've got all my day free. I can go morning noon afternoon night midnight even in 4:00 pm. If I go walking in the morning what's the best breakfast after the walk or before? Really thanks to all.

    To be honest, I found early morning to be the best time for me, because it didn't give me a chance to "talk myself out of it" kind of thing. Let's face it, part of losing weight is a mental battle. I like to say Weight loss is 70% diet, 20% exercise, 10% mental. We all get to the point where we mentally make excuses to no do things. It's cold. I'm tired. I have so much to do today. Blah, blah,blah. So yea.... I went in the early morning (5AM), right out of bed, downed some quick breakfast and headed out the door. And you know what? It worked out great for me. I'm at the point now where I don't need to do that anymore, as exercise is scheduled in while my daughter is in pre-k, but it helped me get into the habit very well.
  • HippieMamaOf2
    HippieMamaOf2 Posts: 61 Member
    I started running this month. By running I mean run/walk intervals. I will probably always do the interval method when running. My running interval is already longer than it was in the beginning.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Rael Pilates, System 7 - twice a week for a month - then switch to system 17, three times a week for two months, then switch to system 27 for 3 times a week for two months and a half hour walk 5 days a week - then you can handle a bit more intense cardio. This is what I started with and I feel that it gave me the best base to grow from. Gave me some cardio conditioning and gave me my first taste of feeling my own natural strength.

    It never made me feel like a failure, it made me feel like I was finally moving in the right direction, with something i could handle that totally counted toward my new future.
  • I agree with the others, walking is the place to start. Use an app on your phone to keep track of time/speed/distance so you can improve each time. I use endomondo. Back in March (about 210 pounds) It took me about 27 minutes to walk a mile. On Monday (now 188 pounds) I did a 15:15 mile!!!! I jog more than I walk and my wind is getting better.

    You can do just have to start slow. Good Luck!!
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    You can try an elliptical machine. I've read that it is better on the knees. I prefer the treadmill or walking outdoors, but if you have access to a gym or gym equipment during the cold months you may want to try the elliptical. You can also try swimming if you have access to an indoor pool (like a YMCA or swim club). Aquatic exercises are easier on the bones and joints as well. Good luck!
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    I have done very little cardio and lift weights instead. You burn fat like crazy. Now I'm going to start incorporating yoga. If you don't have money for weights, anything will do...around the house. Clean the house 3x in a row at a fast pace. It's a total body workout for sure! Vacuum three times, scrub the floors on hands and knees, etc. Once some weight has come off, the energy starts getting better, and you can then incorporate weights using things around the house. ANYTHING is better than nothing. Buy a cheap YOGA dvd even and get some mobility. Not only that, you'll have the cleanest house EVER!
    Congratulations on starting...anything is better than nothing!
  • I'm with everyone who says walking is the way to's free to do and will get you started...


    If you or someone in your house has an XBOX...the Nike+ Kinect Training Game is AMAZING!! It does an assessment early on where it assesses for your current cardio level, flexibility, and strength and then it starts you off with a plan that will be minimally challenging for you (so you can be successful) and as you gain cardio, mobility, and strength it makes the plans harder and harder. It's expensive if you don't already have the game console, but if you have an XBOX and the Kinect it is totally worth it. My boyfriend already had an XBOX and I got my game used at a Game Stop and it was pretty is pretty impressive these days! I'm getting good results (haven't been updating my progress on here) and I personally think it is fun!

    Good luck!
  • smithcarola
    smithcarola Posts: 51 Member
    Guys to be honest you motivated me so much with the walk that I'll comit myself to go for walks every single day. It seems that it is the best i got to do. When do you advice me to go for a walk ? What's the best I've got all my day free. I can go morning noon afternoon night midnight even in 4:00 pm. If I go walking in the morning what's the best breakfast after the walk or before? Really thanks to all.

    Time of day really is really a personal preference. I get up early some mornings and do my walk, but I've found it's easier to do them in the afternoon. I keep a faster pace, have fewer aches and pains, and seem to have a better atitude toward the walk if I do it later in the day. :smile: I think the same goes for eating before or after the walk. I don't eat before I go out for a walk, but I have a friend that will eat her entire dinner and then head out for her walk. I guess, for now, try different times and see what time of day works best for you, when do you feel your best during and after you walk?
  • nicoleannrobs
    nicoleannrobs Posts: 1 Member
    Something that really helped me get started, back when I didn't exercise at all, wasn't focusing on "being more active," but focusing on "being less sedentary." So I'd do things like - park farther away from the store, walk to someone's office/cubicle to ask a question instead of e-mail, get up to physically change the channel, take the stairs, etc. These things really helped me get moving more often and now I'm a much more active person. But it was EXTREMELY gradual.
  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    leslie sansone 1 mile walk on you tube
    there is also 2 mile
    and so on
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Walking! Go for a short walk, go for a long walk, walk around your neighborhood, go to a park away from your neighborhood. There are endless possibilities. As you get better in shape, walk faster for farther. When I started, I couldn't walk two blocks without being in pain. Now I walk for miles and really got into hiking this summer.
  • Livin4me1969
    Livin4me1969 Posts: 745 Member
    I know this is kind of old but I started wtih Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies. It is low impact and can be done in the living room and does not cost a fortune. I started with 30 minutes and then gradually moved up to the entire hour and have not had to move on to something a little more intense. It really got me started and it was fun to do :)