Who's your perfect body idol?



  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    Christina Hendricks. I'm a redhead with a strong hourglass figure. I've thought that if I get down to a healthy bmi of ~145 I'd have a similar body composition. Yay motivation!
  • mikeswife04
    mikeswife04 Posts: 130 Member
    Marilyn Monroe.... 100%
  • itsCheek
    itsCheek Posts: 104
    Scarlett Johansen or Kat Dennings.
    Muscular is not my body type...I like a little curves!

  • itsCheek
    itsCheek Posts: 104

    And Jennifer Lawrence... her body is great.

    SPL449932_001 by leighdiane91, on Flickr

    I want to change my "vote" - she is the same height as me and I love her body!!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Mike Mentzer.
  • Jessica1173
    Jessica1173 Posts: 62 Member
    While we can only be the best *your name here* we can be and everyone is different..It's always good to a have a blueprint of a physical type you would like to strive for, a goal.

    For me that's Dolph Lundgren, I remember seeing him in theater back in 85 in "Rocky IV" and thinking how great he looked towering over Stallone.....I don't like the steroid/I cant tie my shoes look (neither do women). I'm tall so he's a good ideal.....

    You know what they say.....Shoot for the moon and even if you miss you'll land among the stars.

    My cousins or Beyoncé or Christina Hendricks. In fitness Rachel Mcclish or Kim Lyons.
  • itsCheek
    itsCheek Posts: 104
    Okay, one more (I'm binging on celeb photos) - Katy Perry!
  • JilloftheDead
    JilloftheDead Posts: 296 Member
    Kate Winslet, she's a bit shorter than I am, but we share the same body shape and I love her feminine curves.
  • Jessica1173
    Jessica1173 Posts: 62 Member
    Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce...they have my body type (when i'm slim :laugh: )

    I don't think these three have the same body type, not that I would not want to look like them. Jennifer Lopez is not as curvy and busty as Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian. She is well proportioned, very lean and more athletic. Kim Kardashian's body is not totally natural either. She definitely uses enhancements. I saw a picture of her when she was much younger and she was actually very lean with a normal to small sized butt. She looked very Armenian.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    natalie portman. she's ****ing gorgeous. whether with buzzed hair a la v for vendetta, or sporting her beautiful locks.
  • natalieyeo39
    natalieyeo39 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks to this thread, I just googled for famous celebrities that are at my height, 5'4.

    Initially I found Britney Spears and drew Barrymore. Weight ranging from 103-127.
    Me "hmm yeah I can see how they could have gained eight rapidly" since they can be curvy at times.

    Then more google have me natalie Portman, kristian Stewart, Megan fox, Jennifer Anniston.
    Their weights are around 100-118 pounds!

    Now I need to think of what weight I can possibly reach! I'm at 143lbs now...
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    There's not many women out there I would consider a perfect body idol, but Laila Ali when she was not in training for a boxing match is at the top of my list:

    Tall, slightly muscular & slightly curvy.

    Jordin Sparks after her weight loss would be my second runner's up if she had a little more muscle definition.
  • happychic
    happychic Posts: 43 Member
    "Me".....20 years ago!!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Jeff Seid and Gregg Plitt....

    Man I wish I could pack on muscle like them.
  • Jessica Alba
  • jpolinisse
    jpolinisse Posts: 149 Member
    There's not many women out there I would consider a perfect body idol, but Laila Ali when she was not in training for a boxing match is at the top of my list:

    Tall, slightly muscular & slightly curvy.

    Jordin Sparks after her weight loss would be my second runner's up if she had a little more muscle definition.

    Laila Ali definitely...

  • For me it would have to be Eva Mendes or Shakira x
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    It's funny because it used to be Zooey Deschanel-granted she still has an amazing figure and I'd love to be so slender....

    Now my goal/idol is more fitness oriented...Cassey Ho

  • Ll1992
    Ll1992 Posts: 14 Member
    Georgia salpa, Irish model.

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  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    P!nk is at the top of my list. I love how strong she is!

    Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Winslet, and Scarlett Johansson are more reasonable for my body type, and all three women are strong, healthy, and positive body image role models for others.

    So yeah, any of those ladies, please! ;)