Tea?! YUCK!



  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    In my home, we're heavy tea drinkers. I was raised by Europeans and my husband is Jamaican so a good cup of tea is very important around here. A cuppa of orange pekoe with a lot of milk will solve any crisis.

    That being said, green tea is an acquired taste. It definitely has some health benefits but it does require 2-3 cups a day to even start to get those benefits. You have to give it time. I find the green teas you get at your natural health store or Asian stores are much stronger so it's probably best to start with a Tetley type brand to ease yourself into it. I find anything added to it kind of put its it off, but I don't add sugar to my tea so I don't know if that helps. I would think lemon or honey would be a better idea.

    When I need to kickstart weight loss I drink three cups of green tea a day and it helps. It's good for cleansing. It's also anti-inflammatory. There are a lot of benefits beyond weight loss to having some green tea in the house.

    If you want to try other types of tea, I recommend places like Teavana. There are so many different types and flavours, they're great at finding you what you like, there is something there for everyone. And you get away from using tea bags, which often have yucky things in them.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    In my home, we're heavy tea drinkers. I was raised by Europeans and my husband is Jamaican so a good cup of tea is very important around here. A cuppa of orange pekoe with a lot of milk will solve any crisis.

    That being said, green tea is an acquired taste. It definitely has some health benefits but it does require 2-3 cups a day to even start to get those benefits. You have to give it time. I find the green teas you get at your natural health store or Asian stores are much stronger so it's probably best to start with a Tetley type brand to ease yourself into it. I find anything added to it kind of put its it off, but I don't add sugar to my tea so I don't know if that helps. I would think lemon or honey would be a better idea.

    When I need to kickstart weight loss I drink three cups of green tea a day and it helps. It's good for cleansing. It's also anti-inflammatory. There are a lot of benefits beyond weight loss to having some green tea in the house.

    If you want to try other types of tea, I recommend places like Teavana. There are so many different types and flavours, they're great at finding you what you like, there is something there for everyone. And you get away from using tea bags, which often have yucky things in them.

    actually, green tea has become increasingly popular in western diets in the past few years because it's a fad. it's health benefits have been wildly exaggerated. the scientific evidence does not (yet?) support such claims for humans.

  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    LOL @ tea = hipster! BAHAHAAA!!! Every been to the UK? If they're not drinking booze, they're drinking tea.

    Man, this place is hilarious sometimes!

    ^^^ Gross generalisation.....some of us can't stand the stuff!!!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I love tea, I've been drinking it since I was a little kid. Any kind. It's definitely not a new hipster thing. :laugh:

    Now I want some tea...
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    LOL @ tea = hipster! BAHAHAAA!!! Every been to the UK? If they're not drinking booze, they're drinking tea.

    Man, this place is hilarious sometimes!

    I'm working on tea flavoured beer... so we can do both at the same time.

    Tea, dammit!

    I lol'd.

    You think I'm joking!!! Am still trying to weigh up the pros and cons of a green or white tea based pale ale or a black tea stout.

    None of this, of course, is to be confused with T.E.A. which, according to the Hogsback Brewery, is Traditional English Ale.

  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    I hate tea as well. I too am Hispanic (Puerto Rican) and the only time we had tea was when we were sick. So that is all I can associate it with.

    LOVE my coffee.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    There is a tea company called Stash that make some of the best teas (I'm not a tea person either) I've ever had. We order our tea bags online and while they are a touch more expensive it's worth it. I love the Meyer Lemon and Blueberry Superfruit flavors. I steep my tea, add it two teaspoons of stevia in the raw, and I usually enjoy cold tea rather than hot.
  • gelendestrasse
    LOL, tea is modern hipster? I started drinking tea in 9th grade - chinese jasmine - while working on the underground school newspaper. That was 1973 and we thought we were cool. I didn't learn to drink coffee until statics and dynamics class in college. Now I drink both pretty much all day; but mostly tea.

    Oddly, if I drink a lot of coffee I get buzzed by the caffeine but I can drink tea all day long and still sit in front of the computer.

    I usually stick with black tea but there are others, like oolong or lapsang suschong, but both of those have odd flavors. Jasmine is just nice and calm. Green tea is good but don't let it steep too long. Earl Gray is good but flavored. English breakfast I drink black but lots of other people turn that into milk tea with sugar, which I don't like.

    There are lots of different teas to try. You can get decent stuff in a supermarket if it's in a metal container. No reason to pay the starbucks prices. Heck, I've got half a liter in my mug right now. Enjoy!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I thought I hated tea, too, until I drank some that was better quality. (This has actually been true with a lot of foods for me - I had to have them prepared by a pro to actually appreciate them.) Maybe you should check out a tea shop and try something new.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I used to hate tea -- couldn't stand the stuff. But for some reason, I recently tried the brand Republic of Tea, and it's amazing. I don't even know how many cups I drink per day. The number of flavors they have is amazing! (I'm still not a fan of plain tea.) They even have a chocolate tea line, which, with just a Tbsp of milk, is luxurious!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I like tea. I do not like green tea. And I'm not convinced green tea has all the magical properties they claim -- at least not more than other kinds of tea.

    Currently, I've been drinking English breakfast with milk and honey. I recommend, if yo uhave one, check out World Market. They have lots of flavors and many are green-tea based without the weird taste. I get chocolate jasmine green there and with a little honey added, it's yummy.
  • placebomonkey
    placebomonkey Posts: 104 Member
    You can get green tea with lemon from twinings it's lovely!! I can't drink the normal green tea either x
  • amaodonnell
    amaodonnell Posts: 100 Member
    There are several different types of tea, don't just assume that green tea has the best benefits for your body. White tea has a very mild flavor and has better benefits, depending on how it is made. I would say sample some. I would not advise for a newbie to do loose leaf tea. You have the possibility of over brewing it and making it taste like dirt (personal experience). I personally LOVE the green herbal tea from Starbucks with mint (actually have some right now). If you like mint, I would say get a tall and try it. Possibly take the tea bag they put in it out first if it will make you gag.
  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    Iced tea with a bit of stevia extract. I'm addicted to iced tea! Green tea is just gross to me. Lol
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    I used to drink a lot of coffee in graduate school. I added too much sugar and cream. I thought tea was gross too but now I like it. I drink a Hibiscus tea from Target (their simply brand) and 2 packets of splenda. YUM. I also like Chia Tea with milk.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    The only tea I like is sweet black tea, but I also drink raspberry leaf tea for pregnancy but it's really gross, but helps the body out a lot so I drink it, but as far as green tea I can't stand it and don't drink it
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Clearly you have never tried a cup of PG Tips with a dash of milk and no sugar, otherwise you'd never say something so blasphemous.
  • Tropicalfirestorm
    Tropicalfirestorm Posts: 61 Member
    My grandma would make me mint tea and add the hazzlenut coffee cream.

    Chai tea is delicious (depending on what kind you get. You want the thick kind, not the watery kind) but high in calories.
  • whisperwhitley
    I love Tea! go to your local grocery store and buy Lipton Diet Green tea. They come in a few flavors my favorite is the berry kind! very good without the blandness that green tea usually has. I personally don't like green tea either, unless it has splenda in it.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I never liked green tea at first now its all I want to drink all day long, try making it very weak, brew it for like 1 minute max. sweeten with honey and lemon. Also chilled might be more refreshing. Its like anything , the more you drink it the more you find you adjust to it and might learn to enjoy it. You can try plain black tea with milk and sugar. I like almost all tea plain hot or chilled. Chai tea could be for you as it is a strong in taste and requires sugar and milk/cream as it is a spicy flavor might help transition from coffee to tea since you already love the strong taste of coffee.