I really want to start exercising...



  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    I just checked out amazon for Lauren's "You are your own gym." It received many excellent reviews. anyone else try this?

    I'm going to be starting this on Monday (I got the app for Android). I was supposed to this week but just couldn't get myself motivated (I know, no excuse!) lol..but it really appeals to me because it's not overly long or complicated (when it comes to exercise, or..well...anything, my attention span is not so great lol). It might be worth it to get the app and try that out first as it's only $2.99. :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I am no expert. Just IMO, if you want to tone up/change your body etc..I would recommend Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, ripped in 30, etc... I like 30 day shred because it's just 20 minutes. I have a friend who does ripped in 30 and she loves it..Great way to shred fat. You can buy the DVDs for cheap or you can just youtube them for free :-) Oh wait...Zumba is awesome as will I think that would be fun and really tone you up

    Workouts don't "shred fat" or even "get you ripped"... diets do. Seriously, read up on this. This is a huge misconception.

    Just for the sake of clarity... ripped, toned, whatever you want to call it, is the result of both diet AND exercise. Exercise without the right diet will make you strong or fast or whatever, but you'll still be fat. Diet without exercise will make you smaller but still soft and sloppy.

    I understand what you're getting at, but technically you're not any more right than the person who simply suggested a workout. Either one along is only part of the equation, and neither by itself will give those kinds of results.

    Diet + exercise = win.

  • I am no expert. Just IMO, if you want to tone up/change your body etc..I would recommend Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, ripped in 30, etc... I like 30 day shred because it's just 20 minutes. I have a friend who does ripped in 30 and she loves it..Great way to shred fat. You can buy the DVDs for cheap or you can just youtube them for free :-) Oh wait...Zumba is awesome as will I think that would be fun and really tone you up

    Workouts don't "shred fat" or even "get you ripped"... diets do. Seriously, read up on this. This is a huge misconception.

    I struggle with this concept. I don't think I should lose anymore weight. i eat well balanced meals--but i am 98 pounds and almost 5'6''. To lose more weight, i don't think would be healthy. i could lose a couple more pounds to see if that helps...but that is about it. that is why i turn to exercise. i am hoping exercise will help me tone (not lose weight). also, exercise can help strengthen bones and improve mood, etc.
  • jblackjr
    jblackjr Posts: 89 Member
    Not sure if someone has mentioned it but you could start with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. All you need is a set of light hand weights. Its a great workout and only 25 mins.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Walking is always good; but the Tough Mudder bootcamps will get you toned and you need virtually no equipment.


    I do say virtually, because a bar to do a pull up on would be handy, but you can do alternative exercises that work the same muscles (let me know if your interested and I put some together for you). Also the ones that recommend a dumbbell you can use a can of food or anything you can find around the house that you are comfortable lifting. Otherwise you can buy dumbbells cheap at walmart.

    I am training a friend (who is over 50) and she did not previously exercise except walking. I will say we started a little slower than the Tough Mudder and I modified exercises but we're into month 5 now and she's doing the Maybe Mudder and I'm thinking of taking her up another notch to the full blown Tough Mudder next week.