Geez, people can be so mean



  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    A lactation nurse once told me she cared for a baby with the name, Onetwothreefourfive and the reason why the parents named their child that was because it was 'funny' and 'cute'. I didn't see the humor in the story when the nurse told me and she didn't find it amusing, either.
  • g2214n
    g2214n Posts: 36 Member
    Drives me crazy that people don't know the difference between a boy's and girl's name

    Gabriel- I'm a guy

    Gabrielle - that's a girl.

    Yet, I still get letters that start with "Ms."

    Totally in with you!! And Gabriela(girl) but they pronounce it Gabriel(boy)...(annoying but what can you do)

    Friend is called Brett Maker(Bread Maker???) - awesome personality and very successful, but yet money can't change parents decision.

    Not to mention Russian President surname Putin translated into Bulgarian or the common Chinese surname Hui....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I was just reading an article about popular names and the comments are just full of hate. While I agree that some of the names sound kind of dumb or not something I would name my kids, I wouldn't go so far as say that the parents should be punched or make judgements on the parents lifestyle/education/etc. based on what they choose to name their kid. If you don't like it fine but there's no need to bash on the people because of what they named their kid or just assume that if a kid is named a certain name that they would grow up to be pretentious, cocky, or a douche bag. A name is just that, it's how they're raised that will turn them into the people they are as adults. Just my thoughts. :-D
    Anyone who names a child Abcde should immediately have that child removed from his or her custody.

    I mean, some names just scream, "BAD PARENT!!!"

    Yeah...I think if it's a reasonable name, just odd, that's one thing. But when you name your kid something ridiculous like , well, Abcde, to me it shows a lack of common sense, and worse, a lack of care of what trouble something like that could cause your child.
    I'd just like to point out that this "name" has been used enough that it is in the database. *le sigh*
  • samiyan05
    samiyan05 Posts: 115 Member
    My daughters name is beautiful and unique and always pronounced wrong lol her father hated it when I thought of it too so that was also a plus haha I love unique names. They do get out of hand but we don't need anymore jessicas or Samanthas or megans really. Be creative people :)

    Poor kid. I hated having my name mispronounced and misspelled everywhere. Creativity and kid naming do not go together.

    She actually loves it when people pronounce her name wrong. It makes her feel smarter than the adults that say it wrong. She isn't a "poor kid" she is unique and special just like her name and she also dislikes boring plain names that would make her common ;)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My daughters name is beautiful and unique and always pronounced wrong lol her father hated it when I thought of it too so that was also a plus haha I love unique names. They do get out of hand but we don't need anymore jessicas or Samanthas or megans really. Be creative people :)

    My name is not odd, but it's rare, especially in the US. Growing up, when you'd go to a store and there would be necklaces or keychains or whatever with names on them, I ALWAYS wanted one and could never find my name. It seriously SUCKS to be that kid.

    You don't have to pick the trending names of the day, but why do you have to "be creative" and give the poor kid some weird name no one can pronounce?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    But since it's not... carry on with the judging of others who judge others.

    Ok, as a side note I like this.^^

    However, back to the point - maybe baby naming laws should be more prevalent? Some countries have lists and you must choose a name from the list or pay a fee and get it approved (although not all names are approved).
    I will sit back and judge people for naming their kids stupid things but I draw the line at the givernment stepping in and actually telling people what they can name their children.

    I was being facetious in my first post about removing children from parents who name them stupid names.
  • Shannonthompson73
    Shannonthompson73 Posts: 105 Member
    My husband knew a Chris Cross, Cross was her surname after marriage. There has been a Private Parts (not the parents fault). My daughter went to school with a girl called Pearl. The brother's name was Sydney. Pearl and Sydney Harbour. When naming a child, check what the initials spell, *kitten* Andrew Steven Smith...

    My husbands parents named his older brother Roger Allen Thompson (RAT) and learned nothing. My husbands initials are also RAT.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My husband knew a Chris Cross, Cross was her surname after marriage. There has been a Private Parts (not the parents fault). My daughter went to school with a girl called Pearl. The brother's name was Sydney. Pearl and Sydney Harbour. When naming a child, check what the initials spell, *kitten* Andrew Steven Smith...

    My husbands parents named his older brother Roger Allen Thompson (RAT) and learned nothing. My husbands initials are also RAT.
    My cousin's oldest is BAD.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    I have met:
    Thunder, Wendy, Rayne Storme.

    Hubby and i sound ridiculous for arguing over our potential childrens names. Ashleigh Abigail, Tegan Allan, Benjamin Micheal, Kaydence Rayne.

    Heck, my dad wanted Kelly and mom wanted Chelsi. I am Kelsi. A friends son is ( it goes...)

    I actually asked if she just fell asleep on her keyboard and liked the way it looked.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    My daughters name is beautiful and unique and always pronounced wrong lol her father hated it when I thought of it too so that was also a plus haha I love unique names. They do get out of hand but we don't need anymore jessicas or Samanthas or megans really. Be creative people :)

    Poor kid. I hated having my name mispronounced and misspelled everywhere. Creativity and kid naming do not go together.

    She actually loves it when people pronounce her name wrong. It makes her feel smarter than the adults that say it wrong. She isn't a "poor kid" she is unique and special just like her name and she also dislikes boring plain names that would make her common ;)

    Just to clairify, my child is not special and unique because of his name?
  • neekosmith
    neekosmith Posts: 47 Member
    I named my daughter Graysen Winter & have gotten crap over it being "too out there" so I tend not to judge other parents.
    With her southern accent, people often think she is stating her middle name is "Winner" so that doesn't help things. With a last name of Smith I wanted to be a little unique.
  • dennik15
    dennik15 Posts: 97 Member
    My daughters name is beautiful and unique and always pronounced wrong lol her father hated it when I thought of it too so that was also a plus haha I love unique names. They do get out of hand but we don't need anymore jessicas or Samanthas or megans really. Be creative people :)

    Poor kid. I hated having my name mispronounced and misspelled everywhere. Creativity and kid naming do not go together.

    She actually loves it when people pronounce her name wrong. It makes her feel smarter than the adults that say it wrong. She isn't a "poor kid" she is unique and special just like her name and she also dislikes boring plain names that would make her common ;)

    Just to clairify, my child is not special and unique because of his name?

    Nope boring name = boring kid :wink: Don't worry though, my unspecial ununique boys are in the same boat.

    Seriously, my kids have a difficult last name and the very last thing I would want to do is make their first name hard to pronounce or spell.
  • bunnybutler29
    I went to school with a girl named Tequila. As you can imagine she had quite a few jokes thrown her way. In my family we have had....Virginia, Ruby, Pearl, my uncle August, Grandfather name is Roland, my other grandfathers middle name is young(he was named after the dr who delivered him) and Bunny :)♡★♥☆
  • TheBackStory
    People get my name wrong a lot, it's Francie, but I get Francis all the time! We have Layla Angeline, Aubrey Hunter and Beauregard Francis.

    Aubrey is automatically thought to be a girls name, but guess what.... It started out as a boys name! My husband and I catch hell all the time about his name. I personally think it's very fitting for a boy.

    Beauregard, well people thought it would be hard for him to learn how to spell. I don't make dumb kids, so we are good.

    Picking names for me was very difficult. I associate names with people I know. I still wish that I could have another boy so I could name him Titus. I have a huge affinity for Greek mythical names.
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    But since it's not... carry on with the judging of others who judge others.

    Ok, as a side note I like this.^^

    However, back to the point - maybe baby naming laws should be more prevalent? Some countries have lists and you must choose a name from the list or pay a fee and get it approved (although not all names are approved).
    I will sit back and judge people for naming their kids stupid things but I draw the line at the givernment stepping in and actually telling people what they can name their children.

    I was being facetious in my first post about removing children from parents who name them stupid names.

    That is good. I was being facetious in indicating that this was a good idea. That doesn't change the fact that there ARE countries which have lists of names that people must choose from when naming their kids. (see link in my first post.)

    I think parents should be able to name their kids whatever they want. I do think some people just don't think or thought they were being cute (seriously - if your last name is Duck you don't name your kid Donald, and yes there is a Mr Donald Duck walking around)
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    I named my daughter Graysen Winter & have gotten crap over it being "too out there" so I tend not to judge other parents.
    With her southern accent, people often think she is stating her middle name is "Winner" so that doesn't help things. With a last name of Smith I wanted to be a little unique.

    That's very pretty! I initially wanted to name my son, River Tate, until my fiancee at the time's family and friends tormented me on the name and things got ugly between us. I refused the names Hunter, Fisher and other crap my son's father wanted to name him because he didn't put any thought into it. Hunter is a name of one of my ex's, and Fisher is the last name of my ex fiancee's sister (someone I loathe and who has a kid named, Arriyah or however you spell the name), and naming my kid Justin with a middle name Time, isn't cute. So, I went to another favorite name on my list and went with Russell.
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    My husband knew a Chris Cross, Cross was her surname after marriage. There has been a Private Parts (not the parents fault). My daughter went to school with a girl called Pearl. The brother's name was Sydney. Pearl and Sydney Harbour. When naming a child, check what the initials spell, *kitten* Andrew Steven Smith...

    My husbands parents named his older brother Roger Allen Thompson (RAT) and learned nothing. My husbands initials are also RAT.
    My cousin's oldest is BAD.

    My initial's are DNR. Lord, I certainly hope the admitting E.R. doctor has a keen eye for detail if ever I need to intubated...
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I went to high school with a girl named Love Seamen. I don't know what her parents were smoking when they signed that birth certificate.
  • pennelope515
    My first name is very normal. (It's not pennelope)
    I always wished I had a more unique middle name to make up for it but sadly thats normal too. My middle name is Lynn.
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    I have quite a boring name (Kim), because I'm half Welsh/half Dutch and my parents wanted a name that's pronounced the same by all the members of our family. They initially wanted to call me Rachel (which I think is a very pretty name) But we since we live in the Netherlands it would be pronounced 'Rah-shell', which my parents didn't like. So they stuck with Kim.

    I'm quite a fan of traditional names. If I ever have a daughter I'll probably name her Catherine, Kate for short (No nothing to do with Kate Middleton, my late mum's middle name was Catherine), And if I ever have a son it'll either be Jack or Owain :smile: