6ft tall ladies! !!



  • amberbabb26
    amberbabb26 Posts: 94 Member
    Also to the girls who want to be in a smaller size it will come i was in an 18 gettin right now here 8 to a 10
  • featherbrained
    featherbrained Posts: 155 Member
    Here's a question for you tall girls:

    I've lived the majority of my life thinking I needed to be below 150 lbs. As a borderline skinny teen, I was 165lbs. Couldn't go lower no matter how hard I tried. As I got older, I set my sights on that magical BMI chart approved 175 (to still be in the healthy range.) I've not been lower than 200 since my 20s and have looked pretty good higher.

    So I just visited the fat2fitradio site, and input the numbers to get my personal goal weight. I said I want to reach a bf% of 25. It told me my goal weight should be 209 lbs. That sounds so freakin' doable.

    So have any of you ladies tried that calculator? Similar results? What do you think?