How do you deal with the sudden 'always cold'



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Yep, it has to do with eating in a deficit. Once you go back into maintenance, it'll go away, even 50lbs. lighter. Eating a little more can help with the cold, but usually, I just bundle up and keep moving to stay warm.

    Edit: I also want to add that I used to be one of those people that was hot all the time! xD Now I'm that other person who's cold all the time.

    I'm not so sure. It's only one data point, but I'm currently eating at a surplus and I'm way more susceptible to the cold than I was one year and 60 pounds ago.

    Same here. I was a lot warmer at 200 lbs than I've ever been at 150, surplus or no.
  • Lichent
    Lichent Posts: 157 Member
    When you lose alot of weight your metabolic rate changes , the body slows it down and as a result people feel cold all the time. That is one of the signs. This Happens when you follow an everyday caloric deficit diet, the body will adjust it is all part of a natural function an evolutionary one. Later the hunger hormones will increase to get you to eat again. Best solution intermittent fasting, a 5 day eat 2 day fast. This doesn't change the bodies metabolism.

    Check out Jason Fung on you tube and Michael Mosely video eat fast and live longer. both describe this process.
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I've always been cold natured. I always bring a sweater wherever I go (if it's to the movies, then I bring a coat to drape over my lap too!), I drink obscene amounts of hot tea, and I try to stay active. At home I bundle up and always have a blanket on. I also keep gloves in my car just in case.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I've gotten chillier too since starting a serious calorie deficit. Keeping active helps. So does a set of silk or lightweight merino wool long underwear.
  • rawclam
    rawclam Posts: 5 Member
    Oh man I am so glad to hear I am not the only one who goes through this! I am down and past my goal weight and maintaining. I am still constantly so cold I could etch Micky Mouse on glass with my nipple, The worst part for me is I am a meat cutter and work with cold product in a refrigerated room all day, yeah I bundle and layer, 5 layers today and its tolerable (think kid in snow suit on the movie "a Christmas Story'). My hands are the worst part, just cant get them to warm up, wearing 3 latex gloves and always have to warm my hands under hot water. I'm not complaining here but its a far cry from being warm in the same environment 2 years ago all the while wearing only a shirt and flannel vest.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    yep. I just wear a cute hoodie & maybe rock a scarf.
    I'm not too weird to wear woolen mittens either :laugh:

    Cool boots that are furry & go all the way up my calves help too. Since I've lost so much weight, I can put on more clothes when I'm cold and not look roly poly:laugh: :drinker:
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    So glad to hear that other.people have the hand issues. ..really was thinking something was wrong me...

    I mean...glad I'm not the only one, but wish none of us had the problem. ..
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    It's not a problem I have, but Chinese medicine theory would say that you should eat "warming" foods, like ginger, onions and garlic. I do actually find that a gingery spicy soup really does warm me up for a long time.

    Alternatively...move to Florida?

    Second the warming foods!
  • miller930
    miller930 Posts: 31 Member
    I was always the hot one, even sweating in the shade while doing nothing at all. I've lost 41 lbs. since Jan 2012 and now I'm freezing all the time and do not have a thyroid or iron problem (just had blood work, everything normal). My husband thinks it's comical that I wear his long wool hunting socks with the instant toe warmers in them every evening before bed, also use the hand warmers sometimes too. Those things are awesome and I'm going to stock up on them right now because they're on sale in the sporting goods stores for deer season. lol:laugh:
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    LOL Glad to know that I am not the only one. I'm not small in any way shape or form, but I've been soooooooooooooooooo cold since really sticking to my calorie and exercise goals. I thought there was something really wrong with me!
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    I'm often cold too since losing weight. When I ride with friends, the windows have to be up. It's worse at work because my hands are always cold. I have to some hot tea or coffee just so that I can warm my hands up on my mug. My iron is fine, I don't eat read meat often but I do eat meat and get iron from other foods and vitamins. I think as previously stated that the cold feeling comes from losing some of our body fat. I keep a sweater at work, always have a tea bag handy, and when break time approacheth I head outside to walk and thaw out.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    50LBS ago I would go out in the dead of winter or 4ft of snow with a light sweater and be fine.
    Everyone called me a polar bear and was amazed how intolerant to cold I was.

    Now I am FREEZING all the time!
    My hands go numb a lot and it's not much fun.
    And it's only fall, the winter is going to kill me.

    It was like an overnight thing.

    Anyone else battling this problem? Haha

    I have always gotten cold, even when I was at my highest of 220. Now, 8 pounds from my goal, I still get cold.

    Want me to knit you a scarf or two? :bigsmile:

    I knit my own sweaters and scarfs because they are how I keep warm. :smile: