30 Pounds By Christmas? 10wks. Start 10/18 JOIN!



  • mshellrung117
    I'm in ! My starting weight today is 225.3 and my goal is 195.3 by Christmas ! ! !
  • JuliaRose73
    Sounds great!!! I'm going to use my Saturday morning starting weight since I haven't looked at a scale since then. I think this is going to be a great opportunity to meet some new people on here and challenge myself to stay on course. I'm lucky since I have a great boyfriend that is willing to meet me at 5 am to work out in the morning. So Monday - Friday... that's where I'll be from 5 to 6:30'ish.

    So on Saturday I was 267.4, which means by Christmas I should be right around 237.

    Should we get a picture of us at the start of this goal and then an ending goal to share with one another come December 25th? It would be like our gifts to one another!
  • tiffnday
    tiffnday Posts: 27 Member
    Can I join?
  • Teeyore
    Teeyore Posts: 8 Member
    Just checking in. I'm in the 'Zone" at the moment. That means that I have my head in the right spcae, have been up & did zumba before work, I've been sipping on water all morning & so far haven't cheated for a couple of days. If I can stay this way I'll lose the 30lbs by christmas.

    I need to check inr egularly to keep me focused. Cheers, Tx
  • Kati613
    I am in I need to use 30, and my husband will be home by x mas. as of today I am at 165
  • canbecanbe
    Is it too late to join my weight in the 10th was 235 I am 227 now on 21st. I would like to be under 200 for christmas
  • canbecanbe
    To quote the great Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, "I just don't think that Brooke could've done this. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't."

    Here's hoping to me not shooting anyone......

    SW = 172
    CW = 160
    Goal = 130

    woot woot! 'but dat's only in da morning.....' anyone know THAT quote?
    that is so funny
  • janeam
    janeam Posts: 16
    Check in. I have drank well over my ten glasses of water. Got up and walked the dog for 45 minutes. I think the poor thing was mad a me for walking so long. Under my calories. I just couldn't eat my excercise calories. I didn't try anything new today but I tried 2 new things yesterday. Special K fruit crisps and Fiber One 90 calorie bars.

    I want to share how much of a challenge this has been for me. I am a student teacher and there has been junk food in the lounge all week. I got booed today with a bag or truffles. I gave them to my cooperating teacher. Tomorrow the staff fills the lounge with goodies. I have bought me a lunch to take to eat in the classroom and have no plan to go anywhere near the lounge. And last night was my husband and I have been together for 19 years and went out to eat. I only ate half my steak. Ordered my steam broccoli without butter and my salad without cheese or croutons with Light Raspberry Vinergerette. I am hoping this 30 pound challenge will keep me motivated to keep this up.
  • canbecanbe
    love i hear you i went to dinner for my sister birthday they all had things like Morton bay bugs and creamy risotto and some one had Gnocchi And i sat there and ordered smoked salmon salad minus the dressing minus the alcohol that every one was drinking and they all looked at me like i was made of swiss cheese mind you they are all 200lbs and over
  • SKYY034
    SKYY034 Posts: 2 Member
    Ok, I'm going to join the challenge with all of you! I just started using myfitnesspal and this looks like a great group to be involved with and inspired by:smile: Great to meet all of you and feel free to add me as a friend!
    my starting weight is 198
    my Christmas weight goal is 168
  • jessnurse1985
    Alright, I used to use this site all of the time and I LOVED it, but as most of you have said, life happens. I started out after nursing school at 215 and lost down to 175, then switched to low carb because I didn't have time to exercise.....needless to say that got me back to yo-yo dieting BAD. I have now learned that the key is moderation, not elimination. Anyways......I want to join with all of you. Do you mind having another person?

    Starting weight:175 (10/19/2010)
    Current weight : ?
    Christmas goal: 145
  • tmahfouza
    tmahfouza Posts: 39 Member
    What a great Christmas gift that would be!! I'm in!

    Christmas weight: 195
  • hbroeska
    Wow! I just saw you have lost 38 pounds! Holy! Way to go! That's inspiration in its purest form. Keep it up!
  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
    just walked but only 41 mins. But now I am off to ride my bike for 45 mins. Got all my water in and under in calories. Yay.
  • hbroeska
    Woops! My last comment goes out to Walking girl 1985, sorry-I|'ve never posted before.
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    I am SO in, we are doing this exact same thing at work! We even have a pot of $750 to see who loses the most weight! I need all the help I can get!

    Current weight 208
    Christmas weight 178
  • sadiesmom
    Checking in. Got my butt to the Y at 4:45 am , yes am, walked 1.5 miles and lifted. Didn't eat enought calories today. Me Bad! That is always my problem, not eating enought. Need to get to bed so I can do it all over again.
  • sadiesmom
    Checking in. Got my butt to the Y at 4:45 am , yes am, walked 1.5 miles and lifted. Didn't eat enought calories today. Me Bad! That is always my problem, not eating enought. Need to get to bed so I can do it all over again.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Today's Update:

    11 cups of water
    Under my calories by 5
    10 minutes of dancing completed
    25 minutes of brisk walking... couldn't make 50 minutes. My foot was hurting too bad. My personal goal is 30 minutes of exercise a day, but if I can do more I will!
  • kelseyleigh30
    i wasn't sure what I as going to do for dance today, but I was the class parent for my 3 yr old daughters class today and she wouldn't do any of it without me. I did about 20 minutes of tap and ballet! I also had 13 glasses of water, stayed under my calories and walked for 30 minutes and rode the bike for 30 minutes!