What does your family say when you lose weight?

Just curious as to what some of your family members say when you start to lose weight.

Personally, my wife is very supportive, but my in-laws and my parents both worry about me and say I'm losing too much weight and will look sickly if I don't stop soon. Mind you, I'm 5'11" and probably 20% bodyfat at 198 lbs. My goal is to get around 175-185 lbs and see how I look and take it from there. They think I'll look sickly at that weight though. I know they're wrong, but sometimes I wonder what prompts them to say things like that.

I think part of it could be that they're just used to seeing me with a little extra weight on me that when I get to a healthier weight, I look too thin, because in their minds they're used to seeing me the old way. My mom will even go as far as to start bringing over more snacks, candy, and other junk food to the house.

What do your friends/family say when they notice you losing weight or adding some muscle?


  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    They are really happy until I started weighing less than them. Then they said to stop ha ha.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    Haha yeah, I think sometimes when people see you getting into shape and making better choices, it makes them reflect on their own choices and fitness level and makes them realize they ought to do something as well.
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    My family tends to start to worry as soon as I start dropping weight. I'm pretty sure they worry because I played a bit with anorexia in high school. My grandma and dad are about the only ones who don't make a big deal about it.
  • primal_cupcakes
    primal_cupcakes Posts: 280 Member
    "eat a sandwich"
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    "Hey! You're not as fat anymore!"
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    "eat a sandwich"

    I've eaten two today, what's their excuse?
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    In the most past they are supportive. My dad has mentioned he is worried that I have lost too much though. He is a retire nurse, to try and reassure him I have weighed in in front of him and that has reassured him a little. I am 5'1", starting weight was 189lbs, now at 127, trying to get to 126. BF% is 21.95
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    what did you do? i need to do that!....that's about as far as that conversation usually goes
  • AngelRobbie
    AngelRobbie Posts: 153 Member
    I have always gotten negative feedback from my family regarding my weight. I've ALWAYS been overweight and they have never let me forget it. I have lost 94 lbs and all I hear is "How much longer until you reach my goal?" I've learned to look no further then the mirror for satisfaction and motivation. I'm doing it for me and me alone!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Members of my family went into denial and started bringing up every time in my life when I was a little overweight. In all the years that I've kept weight off, they've never acknowledged it.
  • Gkfrkv
    Gkfrkv Posts: 120
    Since I was 16, my mom has been telling me I'm to big. But then she keeps telling me to eat more. And the times I have lost weight she gets jealous.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    Nothing! I've lost 11kg (24lb), dropped 1-2 dress sizes and no-one has said "Have you lost weight". Even my husband had to be shown my 90 day weight loss graph before he was impressed. It's a bit sad but I am doing this for me and I definitely feel thinner and certainly feel fitter. I must have carried my excess flab in a tidy way :smile: Maybe in another month, and I really hope another dress size, my friends and family will be wowed. Here's hoping.
  • fatoldladyonamission
    My family are great, very supportive and encouraging. My sisters in law however don't like to mention it just in case I might be smaller than them! Lol! I've given up worrying about it since as soon as I mention, eat less, move more and log everything their eyes glaze over!
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    "You're losing weight too fast" (one pound a week average)
    "You've lost too much weight" (at 32 lbs overweight and 30% bodyfat)
    "You look gaunt" (see above)
    "PLEASE stop losing weight!" (at 25 lbs overweight and 28% bodyfat)
    "You're eating too much meat" (Building muscle mass requires it)
    "Protein powder is dangerous" (see the contradiction?)

    I nod and tell my wife "Okay" and keep doing what I'm doing, because I've done the research and my blood work tells a different story than her "momscience."
  • Crazymonkeylove88
    Before I started really trying to loose weight and just sat around and wined about my size, I asked my grandmother who raised me if I was really that big and she said "well your not skinny." Every time I tell her how much weight I lost she says "Where'd you lose that at between your toes?" Mind you she used to be 50 lbs heavier than I am now and is still 20 lbs heavier than me, you think she would be a little more sensitive to hurting my feelings. She is constantly commenting on my weight and tries to give me old clothes that she has outgrow that are 4 sizes too big for me, when I say that they are too big, She says "you look like they will fit you." I used to be tiny. I used to be a size 4 and 120 lbs after having my first child. I gained 10 to 20 lbs after every child that I have not been able to loose. 3 more kids later and I am tired of being round. I want to be my skinny self. I look in the mirror and don't even feel like I am the same person I was 5 yrs ago. I want to be that girl again. And obviously my family doesn't like my weight gain any more than I do. I quit talking to my family about my weight because it hurts me the comments they make. I feel like a beautiful woman trapped in a round body.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member

    "You're eating too much meat" (Building muscle mass requires it)
    "Protein powder is dangerous" (see the contradiction?)

    My family is anti protein too, and goes on about complex carbs. But they're all happy to eat 1/2 pound hamburgers when I cook them.
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    They all seem to want to know the #'s How much did you lose? How much do you weigh? I never tell and just say I don't know.
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    You look like you've lost weight!

    That's about it...
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I had people tell me I am TOO skinny....I should stop now....I dont'' need to lose any more...etc....but they are all over weight themselves.......they say I am too skinny! Yeah, right!! NOT!! Just do what you feel is right. :)
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    Nothing, a little sad but its truth.