G'Day Everyone

Been using the Diary on my IPhone :-(

Had no idea I was consuming so many calories a day! No wonder I look like the side of a house :-)

Good luck with your weight loss everyone!



  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    it is amazing how quickly those little things add up.
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    I know what you mean! I was shocked when I started logging my food.

    Welcome to MFP and good luck with your weight loss too. You'll find a ton of support here :smile:
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    My biggest shock was that I was adding 150 calories to a cup of coffee by not measuring the amount of creamer i was putting in. Times 2 cups equals 300 calories, which, coincidentally, is just about what i consume at breakfast in total now that I log my calories. Save 300 calories per day, times 50 days on MFP, 15,000 calories not consumed.:drinker:
  • lawrahmck
    It's a bit like that! But once you know, things make sense! Welcome :)
  • texexscott
    No kidding! I feel like an eating machine-hunger crazed food addict.! Thought I was doing great today
    but when I added it all up-I was quite surprised! It is worth the time to track eating--If I thought
    I was going good-I can only imagine another day with no thought except what sounded good at
    the moment! You are right--no wonder!!! (Its nice to know someone else is thinking the same thing!)
  • I did the Atkins Diet years ago and lost a fair amount of weight but could not keep it up because i like a Beer now and then and then and then :-)

    Anyway, as a result of being on Atkins I started having fresh cream in my Coffee because there are no carbs in cream, got into the habit of this.

    When I started this program I was shocked to realise that I am consuming over 600 calories a day just in my coffee!!!!!!!!

    No more cream for me :-( That is 4 beers I could be drinking guilt free :-)

    Funny, I am always saying "yeh but I don't eat that much", looks like I do, but it is in the form of Coffee and Cream.

    Going to give up on the low carb thing completely and just concentrate on Calories in vs Calories out