30 Pounds By Christmas? 10wks. Start 10/18 JOIN!



  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Off to a great start on my day. I ate breakfast , that is something I am not used to doing and am trying to change that. I walked one hour on the tread mill at 3.5 and burned 337 calories. I have half my water in and it is 11 am so I will finish with no problem. As far as talking to my friends about my weight goals and loss I elect not to. Thinking back when I get pressured and people are watching me is when I fail. I know that sounds silly but pressure from people back fires on me. Off to work at 2 pm and taking my calorie counted supper with me. Every one have a great day and lets do this!
  • I'd love to join too.

    Starting Weight: 186
    By X-Mas: 156
  • Today I have already been drinking a ton of water. I am going to head to a salad bar for lunch.. I plan on staying away from the 1000 island!!! I will also do 15 min. of weights on my lunch hour. if time allows I am going to walk tonight after work. Not sure on dinner yet.
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    I'm totally joining in with you guys....

    SW (this a.m.)= 184.5
    GW (12/25/10)= 155

    Status so far...(ACK!) Still need to do cardio, drink water, and watch the cals...back later for results!
  • water = check! and its only 1:30 pm! :) deff drinking a lot more with dinner and my 3 hr class tonight!
    under cals = check! with 120 left
    exercise = 30 day shred
  • I'm in!!
  • Just went walking on my lunch break and had a salad:) I feel good about myself!
  • Checking in as I haven't in a few days. Sorry bout that.

    Today i wont be able to eat with friends/family as i work in an hour. But Water is half way there and i drink at least 9 more during my 10 hour shift. :smile: maybe I will make it 10 more one for every hour. Workout done.. and more will happen at work as I do everything there.

    And as for the new snack... I haven't tried it yet but will with lunch today... Greek yogurt. I will let you know how i like it. :)

    Good work guys and gals. We can do this. :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • I would love to join! I will start today at 264lbs!
  • Let's do it! Been moving slowly through the changes over the past month. Ready to take it up a notch!
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    Ok People...

    Challenge for THURSDAY


    Exercise for 50 minutes! (yes, I'm raising the bar slowly!)

    10 glasses of Water

    Under calorie goal

    Have a healthy dinner with family or friends. Explain your new challenge for yourself. Ask them to encourage you! Also, ask if they would like to join you for exercise and eating healthy.

    Make sure to post your results here! I would love it if we could inspire our friends and loved ones! How cool would that be?
    We would be good examples for our children, spouses, parents, friends, EVERYONE! That would make me feel so good!

    Can't wait to hear all your success!

    Much love and support!




    Checking in for Thursday!!!

    5am 5k run this morning and boy was I sore from my boot camp yesterday!!! I was a slug this morning but I didn't stop, I was so happy it took me 45 min to run it ugh and it usually takes me little over an hour to run 5miles so I was super slow LOL

    I am behind on my water for the day but I have time to make that up, chug chug at lunch lol

    Love Love the dinner idea, I found this recipe, chicken pasta primavera only 410 calories and 9 form fat, that I already have the ingredients for so I am gonna cook it tonight for my hubby and daughter. I am trying to get my hubs back on the work out train or at least eating healthy lol I have slowly been replacing the food in our kitchen with healthier choices and I know he has been noticing because he commented on the coconut milk, and I got him Organic 2% LOL

    Ok, hope everyone has a great Thursday!! See yall tomorrow :smile:
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Exercise for 50 minutes! -- Done! I power-walked for 20 minutes, rode my bike for 20 minutes and did 10 minutes of calasthenics. I also plan on doing a 35 minute DVD tonight, depending on time constraints--tomorrow is math and spelling tests for my girls and we have a lot of studying to do.

    10 glasses of Water -- Done!

    Under calorie goal --Done!

    Have a healthy dinner with family or friends. Explain your new challenge for yourself. Ask them to encourage you! Also, ask if they would like to join you for exercise and eating healthy. -- Done! I am having my sister-in-law over for baked chicken. She is aware that I'm trying to lose weight, and I explained to her all that I was doing.
  • I'm definitely in! :wink:

    Starting 10/18 - 167lbs
    CW 10/21 - 165.4
  • I have also been on the Yo-Yo for months and the weekend gets me every week! I would love to join your challenge.
  • I want in!! i know its late in the week but as of monday 10/18 my weight was 185 so we'll start there. I want to lose 25lbs by xmas but will be thrilled to lose half that as well. Friend request being sent...
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Ok Party People!!! Let's make some noise!! WOOOOOOOOO! haha.... Ok, taking my chill pill... (just kidding...)

    As for today, I am so super proud of myself. I woke up and did 57 minutes of light cleaning around the house without stopping or sitting down. You know, laundry, dishes, straightening stuff, dusting....all that FUN stuff...NOT!

    Then, when my hubby woke up, we decided that we would join the YMCA today! yay! We visited it yesterday to make sure I was ok with the child care. I'm a little bit particular with my 1 year old baby boy. (Aren't all mommas?)

    So, we get there and check Elijah into his little play classroom, and then, we hit the treadmill! Let me just say, I haven't been in a gym in several years, so today's results may seem small to most, but for me, I am so proud of myself.

    We did 20 minutes on the treadmill. I probably averaged my speed at around 4 mph the whole time. !! For a short girl like me, that's a JOG!! WOOO HOO!! Of course I walked at 3.5 for some, and ran at 4.8 for some, so the average I put 4.0. Yay Me!

    But wait, we didnt stop there! We also decided that today we would work arms. We lifted weights on upper body machines for the next 20 minutes! Can you believe it??

    After weights, we wanted to shoot basketball for a while, but the gym was temporarily closed due to a day camp going on for students who were out of school for Fall Break., so we decided to call it quits for today.

    I'm so pumped, but also my arms feel like J-E-L-L-O! (singing that in my head like they do on the commercials! :laugh: )

    As for my calories, I'm doing great so far. I've only had a turkey sandwich and some SunChips. (yeah I know chips are bad, but dang it I love them!)

    Water....Got in 3 glasses so far, so I'm a little behind there, but never fear, I will get it done.

    Also, I'm not doing Dinner with my family because my husband has to work this evening, but we did talk about the 30 pound challenge over our lunch and during the car ride to and from the gym! So yay, modified, but done!! Check, check, check!!

    Ok, I 'm so very proud of all of you! We can do it!

    Keep posting all your amazing successes!

  • Well I'm starting my day off without a lot of sleep last night...

    I wonder if all of those cardio classes got me wired for the rest of the night.

    I started my day off with the some eggs, and some toast (which I prlly couldve done without) Waters Consumption is going well and I'm sure Ill have enough and then some by the end of the day.
    Todays challenge, I'm going out to dinner after a softball game with my boyfriend. THERES GOING TO BE PIZZA THERE BUT I WILL BE STRONG! HAHA And I'm sure I'll be going on and on about all these new things I'm doing. And they know that I've been hitting the gym up everyday!

    Excercise today will be Zumba DVDs in the morning (Hoping to teach a song or two at a class tonight) Then Going to the class.
    And I'm thinking I need to do some sort of ab excecises.

  • Boop81
    Boop81 Posts: 1
    I want to participate in the 30 lbs by Christmas. I joined my fitness pal today (10-21-10) :) My starting wt is 171, my my current wt is 171, my goal wt is 141. I added you as a friend.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    I did awsome getting in the water. But the exercise is hard to get in with 3 kids under 2 . Anybody have any suggestions. I also been good with my calories but I have ate after seven which sucks.

    I have two toddler boys (1 and 2). So I bought workout DVDs that are 20-30 mins. I either try to get them to play while im working out or I try to workout when they are taking their naps. Its a challenge because sometimes they just want mommy or they dont take their naps at the same time.

    Just take it one day at a time. Good Luck! Have a Healthy Day!
  • Then, when my hubby woke up, we decided that we would join the YMCA today! yay! We visited it yesterday to make sure I was ok with the child care. I'm a little bit particular with my 1 year old baby boy. (Aren't all mommas?)

    So, we get there and check Elijah into his little play classroom, and then, we hit the treadmill! Let me just say, I haven't been in a gym in several years, so today's results may seem small to most, but for me, I am so proud of myself.

    We did 20 minutes on the treadmill. I probably averaged my speed at around 4 mph the whole time. !! For a short girl like me, that's a JOG!! WOOO HOO!! Of course I walked at 3.5 for some, and ran at 4.8 for some, so the average I put 4.0. Yay Me!

    But wait, we didnt stop there! We also decided that today we would work arms. We lifted weights on upper body machines for the next 20 minutes! Can you believe it??

    After weights, we wanted to shoot basketball for a while, but the gym was temporarily closed due to a day camp going on for students who were out of school for Fall Break., so we decided to call it quits for today.

    I'm so pumped, but also my arms feel like J-E-L-L-O! (singing that in my head like they do on the commercials! :laugh: )

    I'm so glad that you and your husband worked out together. Me and my boyfriend finally decided to join the gym and go TOGETHER (I HAVE BEEN TELLING HIM THAT WE NEED TO GO TOGETHER but you know men, have to think of it on their own ;] )

    And it has helped so much!! Having the man you love, or even a friend there DOING it is the best.

    I'm happy for you, good for you getting over that hesitation with the child care. I'm sure if your baby knew what was goin on hed be cheering 'GO MOMMY'

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