How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far?



  • Mindychu88
    I've lost a little over 12lbs in 2 weeks, but on that note I'm on a super strict Doctor monitored diet. Just stick to it and you'll lose (:
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    172 centimeters, 32 year old male: 100.7 Kg TO 82.5Kg in about 8 months, went down to 74Kg at one point but am now bulking up and resting at about 83Kg.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I lost my first 75 in 1 year (I was 245lbs to start), then I got my next 11 in about 6 months .... so about 1.5 years to lose 86lbs.
    I then maintained for about another 6 months, then gained 10 back just now getting that back off.

    Good luck to you.

    PS - I never had a consistent weekly loss... sometimes 2, sometimes 0.2, but keep to it as it all adds up!
  • kellybellyjellyn
    Hey there! Hasn't been a fast process with me ! Taken roughly 3 years to lose 90lb ! I had many a cycle where I would lose 2 stone then lose interest, fall off the wagon and gain some of the weight back, but each time I got back on track, the "off the wagon" times would lessen as I got more focused.

    HW 266lb CW roughly 175lb. Want to get to 140lb and see how I feel then! Hoping to reach this weight by Summer! Realistically. I have a pair of size 12 skinny jeans and i've said when I get them on comfortably then I think I will be content with my size !!

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    Good Luck to everyone on their weightloss journeys !!
  • smmoler
    smmoler Posts: 23 Member
    I joined My Fitness Pal in May of 2013 and have lost 30 lbs. I'm averaging 1.5 lbs. per week even though my goals are 1200 calories per day and 2 lbs a week.
    My startegy is not to stress out and remember I might ahve a bad day here and there. My motto' "Slow and Steady"
  • kellybellyjellyn
    I've lost 123lbs in about 15/16 months. At first it was 2lbs a week, but now more like 2lbs a month, because I'm trying to look ahead to maintenance and want to start eating more not less, sooner than later.... If that makes sense. :smile:


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  • Gemma_Louisex
    Gemma_Louisex Posts: 22 Member
    Hey, I started 7 weeks ago and I've lost 27.9lbs!

    I find the calories really accurate and lose the 2lbs, if not more!
    Good luck!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,009 Member
    Hi there! I am new at this (have a week under my belt, and it's going well). I see so many of you with such wonderful stats, and I was wondering if some of you would share how long it's taken you to lose your weight? It is really inspiring to see all of these success stories!

    Also, one more question. If you set your calories at losing 2 lbs. per week, and you follow the amount of calories allotted you, do you find this to be fairly accurate? Or do you lose more? Or less?

    Thanks so very much for any input! Really appreciate it! :)

    It can only be as accurate as you are, both in the information you first supply MFP for setting your daily calorie goal, and of course in accurately logging your calories and sticking to your goal (at least on average). Plus, for some (most?) people it just doesn't come off in a straight line fashion (maybe this is more of an issue for premenopausal women, because of hormone cycles -- but there are other things that can water retention, like more sodium than usual).

    I've lost 21 lbs in about two and a half months (avg. loss right about 2 lbs a week, but I had one week with no loss, another with just a half pound loss, a week with a 3.5 lb loss, and one with a 5 lb loss, and that's with being pretty consistent with my net calories across the weeks -- there's only about 1000 calorie difference between my highest weekly total net calories and my lowest weekly total net calories, so that doesn't come close to accounting for a 5 lb swing, even if lower weekly net calories correlated with higher weight loss that week, which it doesn't). When I first set up my account, I told MFP I was sedentary (desk job) and wanted to lose 1 lb a week, and it gave me a daily goal of 1450 calories. Apparently I am not sedentary, but am somewhere between lightly active and active, at least based on what I burn before accounting for exercise (every week I add up net calories and 3500 calories per pound of weight loss to determine calories used), which is trending slowly downward as I lose weight, and is now a bit over 2200. I recently adjusted my activity level with MFP, again asking for a 1 lb a week weight loss, and it adjusted my daily goal to 1480 calories, which I expect will have me losing about a pound and a half a week initially, or maybe a bit more, since I don't always eat all of my exercise calories back. I probably average between 1575 and 1675 calories a day, and net between 1230 and 1380.

    Don't set it for a 2-lb weight loss unless you have a substantial amount to lose. (The goal on my ticker only gets me out of the obese BMI category and into the overweight category. When I get there, or close to there, I'll reassess and hopefully feel encouraged to set a lower goal. And since I'll have less to lose, I'll make whatever adjustments are necessary to slow down the rate of to around a pound a week, although the lost weight may take care of that for me -- if there's less of you, it takes fewer calories to keep you fueled.)
  • tonyajohn
    I started at the beginning of Sept. 2013. I've lost 18 lbs so far and the majority of that happened in the first 4 weeks. I lost about 12 lbs pretty quickly. The last 4 weeks or so has been much slower, maybe 1-2 pounds a week. I figured it would slow way down the closer I got to my goal and I've recently readjusted my calories to lose 1/2 a pound a week instead of 1 pound a week. I would love to be a goal by Christmas since I only have maybe 15 lbs left but I want to do it as healthful as possible so that the weight stays off for good.
  • romancefan1983
    romancefan1983 Posts: 88 Member
    6 months so far. Started early May and have lost 39lbs so far. Still have 7 more to go.
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    I started my diet/lifestyle change on July13 of this year. 15 weeks later, I'm down 20.8 pounds. I think my average is right at 1.4lbs a week. Compared to some, I've lost quickly but compared to most I've lost slowly. I am short (4'11) and I believe this plays into it a little bit. Myfitnesspal has my calories set at 1290 to lose 1lb a week so losing 2lbs is almost impossible to do in a healthy way:/
    Keep trucking though. I want to lose another 31 pounds and I'm hoping to be up in maintenance mode by my birthday in April.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Really started mid January, lost 62 lbs since then.
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    I hit the one year mark last week and have lost 79 lbs!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    First time around: 190-145 (Oct. 2010 - August 2012). Obviously took the slow approach...
    Second time around: 8lbs since Sept. 6th, 2 more to go to reach 145 again. I'm awesome at gaining and awesome at losing, but maintaining isn't my strong suit!
  • schonsdragon
    schonsdragon Posts: 102 Member
    I have been doing this for a bit over a year. It is slow going but by going slow it keeps the changes at small change at a time so I can adjust to them and lake them part of my lifestyle.
  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    I've lost 14kg (almost 31lbs) since the middle of August (2.5 mos). Been at the same weight for a few weeks though :angry:
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    about 2.5 years - 94 pounds total and I've kept it off for a year. I said I would lose 6 more pounds to make it any even 100 but I haven't actual set a target date for those.
  • Mavalicous
    Mavalicous Posts: 52 Member
    43 lbs in 2 months...wife left at the end of august and I lost some initial weight from the stress of it all. When I saw that I had lost I thought why not really lose the weight and get back to where I was when I met her. So when she left I was appx 270 and today I am 227. I workout twice a day and i love to run. Now that its cold I'm hitting the treadmill at the gym, which is ok but it's harder to push on when all i have to do is hit the little red stop
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I started in March of this year....34 weeks....8 months and a bit so far
  • kiniece
    kiniece Posts: 96 Member
    Ugh. I started April 1, 2013 and still have 14 more stubborn-*kitten* pounds to go!!! But, at this point, I'm doing whatever it takes to get them off =D