Weight loss pills??

iamstronger247 Posts: 47
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
are YOU taking any weight loss pills?? if so what? are they working???


  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Always been curious, but scared to try them.. about what might be in them... if anyone has any good stories, I'd love to hear them to.
  • None of them work which is why they don't get FDA approval. Stick with exercise and eating right and skip the gimmicks. If they really worked no one would be overweight.
  • dion07
    dion07 Posts: 16 Member
    do you mind if i ask you the name of the beverage, tried pills years ago but the beverage sounds interesting?
  • None of them work which is why they don't get FDA approval. Stick with exercise and eating right and skip the gimmicks. If they really worked no one would be overweight.

    so true :) just was curious to see what people have done that worked.. im to scared to take any LOL
  • kmmschaefer
    kmmschaefer Posts: 82 Member
    None of them work which is why they don't get FDA approval. Stick with exercise and eating right and skip the gimmicks. If they really worked no one would be overweight.

    ALLY is FDA approved and doesnt work
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Why use something that is not natural when you can just eat right and exercise and lose the weight. To many side effects. My personal opinion is do it the natural way.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    None of them work which is why they don't get FDA approval. Stick with exercise and eating right and skip the gimmicks. If they really worked no one would be overweight.

    ALLY is FDA approved and doesnt work
    but HCG does?:huh: :noway: :laugh:
  • cnutbrown
    cnutbrown Posts: 80 Member
    Pills contain chemicals.....according to my trainer (who is a certified nutritionalist) excercise and 'clean' eating is the way to go. Add chemicals to your body and your liver has to work harder cleaning chemicals from your body, therefore less time doing its job helping you process fats....
  • I had taken pills called Zantrax 3... it worked i lost 15lbs in a couple of weeks but here is the catch I couldn't afford to get them for about a month and when i tried them again they didn't work worth crap I ended up gain 20 lbs. plus. My opinion is that as soon as you stop you will gain it back. I also tried Letropril (i think thats how its spelled) IT DOES NOT WORK!!!!
    I haven't lost any wieght yet but i would definatly suggest the work out Zumba, difficulty level is at a medium and it doesn't matter if you can keep up or not just as long as you are tryin it is a fun work out and it will get you sweating badly!!!!! It is fun and I LOVE IT!!!:love:
  • IAmDanMarshall
    IAmDanMarshall Posts: 44 Member
    Pills contain chemicals.....according to my trainer (who is a certified nutritionalist) excercise and 'clean' eating is the way to go. Add chemicals to your body and your liver has to work harder cleaning chemicals from your body, therefore less time doing its job helping you process fats....

    ^^^^^ this.

    I've already spent decades putting chemical crap in my body, I'm done with that noise. It's all clean and wholesome foods from here on out. We get enough junk in our bodies just from living in an industrialized society, why make it any worse?
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Yes and Yes

    I lost weight on my own for two months BEFORE I did a weight loss SUPPLEMENT!

    You must have your head straight BEFORE taking a SUPPLEMENT. A pill can't do all of the work, it's something that just gives you that extra help. I have not gain any weight that I have lost back.

    I went to GNC and and asked so many questions and compared products. She told me which ones don't work and which ones do work. Once I purchased the one I wanted to try. My husband went on bodybuilder.com and it's one of the top ten products out of all the types of supplements there is.

    Right now I'm blogging my experience on a SUPPLEMENT.

    **Never let people make you feel guilty for taking a supplement - Bodybuilders take supplements to get bigger...so I don't see a difference!**
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    I take a prescription drug called Phentermine. It is an appetite suppressant to help me while I adjust to my new way of clean and healthy eating. Trust me- I'm not taking it and scarfing down burgers and fries. I eat clean, drink over 100oz of water a day, and exercise. This aid helped me when I psychologically wanted to quit. Now my new way of living is habit and I no longer take the pill. It is a temporary AID to use in addition to leading a healthier lifestyle to make the transition easier... it isn't going to make you lose weight, etc. Nothing is a quick fix. You must eat right, maintain portion control, and exercise. However, don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. I asked my doctor and I'm glad I did!
  • I have thought about taking some several times. What mainly keeps me from trying them is the fact that, although you may loose more lbs taking them, I would assume it would have to be a long term supplement because when you stop taking them you'll gain some if not all the weight back. I don't want to be taking pills for a long time. I choose to just stick to weight loss the hard way because the rewards will be greater in the end :)
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I've always been fearful of any type of diet pills due to possible side effects, i worked in insurance subrogation a few years back during the fen-phen litigation and after hearing about what some of those people went through...i just as soon avoid that and anything else like it.
    I'm with the others that say go about it naturally, get some vitamins or supplements that help your general health, but i would avoid diet pills.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I've always been fearful of any type of diet pills due to possible side effects, i worked in insurance subrogation a few years back during the fen-phen litigation and after hearing about what some of those people went through...i just as soon avoid that and anything else like it.
    I'm with the others that say go about it naturally, get some vitamins or supplements that help your general health, but i would avoid diet pills.
    very true, never know what side effects will occur in the future!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I have thought about taking some several times. What mainly keeps me from trying them is the fact that, although you may loose more lbs taking them, I would assume it would have to be a long term supplement because when you stop taking them you'll gain some if not all the weight back. I don't want to be taking pills for a long time. I choose to just stick to weight loss the hard way because the rewards will be greater in the end :)

    I'm taking a weight loss supplement to see for myself if they work or not. I'm only doing one cycle which I'm just about done.
    Just because reach my goal weight doesn't mean I'm going to stop working out and watching what I eat.

    It's when people stop doing what they were doing when the weight packs back on. If you want you can keep an eye on my blog and see if I gain all my weight back or kept rocking out and forming the best body I can get.

    When I do hit my goal weight it'll be more about toning vs weight loss. While on the supplement I chosen to do a second round of Insanity so the weight loss won't be from muscle and why take a supplement if I'm not willing to put in the hardwork.

    Month 1 of Insanity w/o weightloss supplement (round 1) I lost 5lbs
    Month 1 round 2 w/ supplement I lost 9lbs
  • jhandley
    jhandley Posts: 118
    i think they could work as a motivator - i started healthy trim yesterday - claims to be able to lose 10 lbs in two weeks - that will be a jump start for me to move forward aggresively. i think its all .................. to each their own.............. -
  • I take Mega Tea Green Tea, which burns belly fat. I take Two pills a day, one in the AM and one a littler before dinner, with a full glass of water. And so far since ive taken them, im not as hungry, im more energetic, and ive lost 21 pounds in the month and 2 weeks ive been taking them,
  • I am currently taking oxy elite pro. I had never taken a weight loss pill before but my husband who is in the air force got it for himself at GNC and I decided to try it with him. I have only found great reviews on it which were honest about possible side effects. I have lost 6 pounds in three weeks and my husband has lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks (but he is a bigger buy who has more to lose). I have been working my butt off though at the gym and at home when it comes to planning my meals so it's not like I'm relying on this magic pill to do the work for me. I'm not sure how much of my weight loss I can attribute to the pill, because it may just be from hard work in general. I dont rely on it though and once the bottle is finished (which it will be in about a week) I'm not going to continue on with it. But for all of those who want my opinion, here are the pros and cons:

    Appetite Suppressant
    Energy Boost- No need for my coffee anymore! and I feel like I have more energy to work out
    Weight loss? (like I mentioned before, not sure if the pill is what made me lose the weight)

    Energy boost- If I take the pill and don't work out that day, I feel jittery..like I had too much coffee
    Trouble sleeping- I get tired at night but I find that I can only sleep around 5 hours a night and if I take the second dosage after 1 pm, I have trouble getting sleepy in the first place

    Hope this info helps!!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I am currently taking oxy elite pro. I had never taken a weight loss pill before but my husband who is in the air force got it for himself at GNC and I decided to try it with him. I have only found great reviews on it which were honest about possible side effects. I have lost 6 pounds in three weeks and my husband has lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks (but he is a bigger buy who has more to lose). I have been working my butt off though at the gym and at home when it comes to planning my meals so it's not like I'm relying on this magic pill to do the work for me. I'm not sure how much of my weight loss I can attribute to the pill, because it may just be from hard work in general. I dont rely on it though and once the bottle is finished (which it will be in about a week) I'm not going to continue on with it. But for all of those who want my opinion, here are the pros and cons:

    Appetite Suppressant
    Energy Boost- No need for my coffee anymore! and I feel like I have more energy to work out
    Weight loss? (like I mentioned before, not sure if the pill is what made me lose the weight)

    Energy boost- If I take the pill and don't work out that day, I feel jittery..like I had too much coffee
    Trouble sleeping- I get tired at night but I find that I can only sleep around 5 hours a night and if I take the second dosage after 1 pm, I have trouble getting sleepy in the first place

    Hope this info helps!!

    For me I don't feel even jitters even when I don't workout.
    Now it's hard for me to stay up pass 10pm (I take my pill at 5:30am and 12pm)

    The only thing I don't feel is the Appetite Suppressant.

    The only thing I notice is I sweat more but I love the feeling of sweat. If I'm not sweaty, I don't feel that I worked out hard enough.

    I knew that my body was about to reach a plateau but taking the pills prevented that from happening.

    I couldn't find bad reviews about OxyElite Pro either compared to other products.

    **Oh and how many pills are you taking a day? If you are doing 3 maybe it's too much for your body. It says take 1 -2 pills in the morning and another pill 6 hours later IF needed. I only take two per day...sometimes even one pill if I sleep in later.
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