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Losing Weight To Get Pregnant!



  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    It's great to see so many women doing the right thing and getting themselves healthy before taking on motherhood! Being overweight during pregnancy increases the chance for just about every single complication that places both mom and baby in danger - so way to go, ladies! I'm with ya :-)
  • mychellelynne
    mychellelynne Posts: 122 Member
    I am also a PCOS-er. We have been trying to conceive for 5 years now. I have an appt. to see our reproductive endocrinologist on Thursday (Halloween). I am hoping to give Clomid and Ovidrel another try. I am still losing but would love to be able to do both. Every time we try it costs us about $2500 so we try then wait and pay off the bills then try again. So hopefully this time it works! I am also on Metformin this time.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Good luck to you all!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I was able to get pregnant the first time with a 50lb loss, but I lost the baby. I was then able to become pregnant a second time at a 65lb loss, and I'm 6 months pregnant now. So far the baby look healthy.

    Oh, I also take metformin everyday and started taking it before my second pregnancy.
  • labberto
    labberto Posts: 18 Member
    Hey ladies...... I also have PCOS and after almost 5 yrs ttc, ovarian drilling, clomid and laposcopy, i am currently 36 weeks pregnant with our miracle through IVF.
    I always ovulated, but found losing weight very difficult!!! in the end i lost 23lbs just before my IVF and this in turn made my cycle from 37 days (at my heaviest) to atleast a very average 30-32 day cycle so losing weight defo helped and would recommend this everytime!!! ive gained 50lbs ish with this pregnancy and i get induced on november 6th (so 9 days!! ) .
    Im very eager to shift this weight in the hope when we do have a 2nd it wont take as long!.

    I wish you all the luck in the world! but i hugely believe losing that 20lbs ish really helped my IVF be successful first time!!!

    Good luck! xxx:smile:
  • Tied2BeFit
    Tied2BeFit Posts: 5 Member
    We're not trying to conceive but I wanted to let you ladies know it is possible!!!

    They told me I'd never be able to have children, even if I lost a ton of weight and changed my lifestyle. They said the damage was already done. But I changed my eating habits and worked out anyways. I lost about 40-50 lbs and within about 4 mos of losing it I got pregnant with my amazing son!!!


    That is amazing and congrats! Sometimes Doctors do not know everything! Anything is possible and you proved that! Congrats!
  • Im also trying to get healthy and in shape and lose about 10-15lbs to get pregnant. We've tried for over a year with one miscarriage and I didn't even realize until recently that I had put on about 15lbs total since we got married over 2 years ago. I guess I was enjoying married life a bit too much. In any case I am glad I finally weighed myself after not checking for about 6 months and seeing how much I had gained (despite not feeling like it) because I now am determined to get the extra weight off as I know it can only help with the trying to conceive process. That and just being more toned and in shape in general :smile:
  • Tied2BeFit
    Tied2BeFit Posts: 5 Member
    I LOVE this forum. I realize now that I am not the only one out there with the dream of being a fit mom. Here is to my future babies =]
  • I also wanted to give everyone here hope. We tried to conceive for a year and then I went through a complete overhaul...diet change, acupuncture,and moderate exercise and it finally happened! Now three years later I'm the mother of two little girls. Its crazy how eating poorly and lack of exercise can mess up your hormones! I'm not on here a whole lot, but I have a group on facebook for those doing Beachbody programs (I do Focus T25) which is 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week, about all I can handle with two little ones at home! If you would like to join my group or would just like to be friends shoot me a message back here :-) There is nothing tougher than when you want to be a mother and its just not happening, I've been there, but it can happen, you just need to get your body to restore balance and do what it was meant to do!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    After several years of TTC and the miracle of medicine I have my own two miracles now. I've changed my TTC Obsession (I know you know what that means!) into a getting fit and weightloss mission and want to help others Feel free to Friend me if you'd like.

    Wishing you ALL the best of luck to have your babies in your arms soon. The journey is hard.

  • I am not trying to get pregnant nor will I be Im 45 with one 21 y/o son and my stepson is 18 we never got round to having a child together and then I found out that I had some big fibroids which were the cause of various issues...

    Anyway in 2009 I had a sub total hysterectomy as the largest fibroid was folding my uterus and was too big for treatment to reduce it anyhow at 39 I decided to forgo the possibility of another child.

    I wish anyone on here all the best in their hopes to have a baby and make a family I am very good friends with a couple who are loosing weight to get healthy and to be allowed IVF.. I am thinking of them all the time and hope they can do it..
  • rizlie
    rizlie Posts: 1
    I also started losing weight to get pregnant. A year ago my doctor told me that most women gain 15 pounds during pregnancy and it would be a good idea to try to lose that. I had much much more than that to lose, but he was so matter of fact about it and didn't shame me for being obese that I finally found the will to start losing weight.

    My husband wasn't ready to start having kids, but once he saw how much weight I've lost and how committed I am, he's finally on board.

    MFP has been a lifesaver for me. Now I use fitbit too to help keep me motivated to stay active.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Been there done that, and I just wanted to wish you all the best of luck. Back when I was making babies, I loved the website pregnancy.org. Check it out....lots of great info, great people. I'm still close friends with some of the women I met there.
  • Hi girls, I posted some of this in my original thread but it's great to see I'm not alone in trying to get pregnant here. My husband and I started trying in May of 2011, I had been on a diet plan and lost about 15-20 pounds and was in the "average" range when I got pregnant the first time but had an early miscarriage. Since then we had no luck until this August when we finally saw a fertility specialist and did Clomid/ovidrel/IUI. I got pregnant but had another early loss. All of this craziness had led to lots of stress and some depression, which I've used as an excuse to be lazy and let myself gain weight. I've decided to take control of what I can control and make myself healthier. We're trying again now for the first time since our most recent loss, and I'm hoping that a better diet and some exercise will make a difference. I'm 5'6" and weigh 175, so I wanna lose about 25-30 pounds. Please add me if you want a friend for this journey! Best of luck and baby dust to everyone!
  • KBoddu
    KBoddu Posts: 237 Member
    Totally my reason!! We are going to start trying around December next year so, I have plenty of time if I can just stay on track! ;) Food tastes so good... Dang it!!
  • Wishing all of you luck in your journey! I'm also here to lose weight before trying to conceive! It's nice to know I'm not alone! :)
  • natasha8812
    natasha8812 Posts: 15 Member
    I have PCOS and my doctor said I have to get my weight down to improve fertility she gave me xenical orlistat to aid the weight loss but it made me feel rubbish and gained a few lb so I have stopped taking it.
    I want to lose a total of 90 lb as soon as possible really. So its super healthy eating and exercise in my house :)
    Feel free to add me for encouragement and support xxx
  • toniweightloss
    toniweightloss Posts: 6 Member
    I feel this way as well after I get to my goal weight and maintain it I would like to have a second child but I dont want to gain much weight
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