So called important questions...



  • VegasJellyFish
    VegasJellyFish Posts: 12 Member
    I've seen many posts here. As to be expected there are questions regarding calorie intake, having your family participate in your life changes, weight loss, exercise and so on...

    But i just read a post asking about spanking children. Seriously?

    This is a weight loss and nutrition site. It is not a parenting or child abuse site. These types of posts have no place here especially entitled everyone please read or important questions or any such thing.

    I find it inappropriate to post things that have absolutely nothing to do with weight loss, nutrition, or exercise here. There are a great many sites that deal with a great many things. This is a site to discuss nutrition, weight loss, exercise and such things. Other topics have no place here.

    We do not sign on to discuss spanking children or what color to dye your hair or should you go green or whatever...

    I understand I am venting, but am I completely wrong?

    HMMM i have to say i agree when i saw the post i thought oo this could be an interesting question about weight losss and nutrition. I think it is inappropriate. I mean I am all about the love and support but this could have been sent to a private message as opposed to a general post . That way this person can get support without upsetting others. :smile:

    I completely agree. There is so much to go through on this site and having to go through these types of post just make it even harder.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I only found the post to show very BAD netiquette. Typing a post in all caps is completely unnecessary. I didn't read more than a few lines before moving on. I have a few pet peeves with this site, but don't need to air them out here.

    This I agree with. Typing in all caps and using text abbreviations are two of the primary things that make me stop reading a post. I am learning to tame my inner editor for my grammar pet peeves (your/you're. etc. and "could of" instead of "could've" or "could have"), but the all caps and text-speak is really annoying. You're on a message board, not texting.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Was that particular post a waste of time? I don't know.

    Was this post a waste of time? I don't know.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I find myself chuckling over the inner editors in all of you-- cracks me up.

    My two cents-- yes, agreed, MFP is a wonderful tool to form friendships and glean all sorts of encouragement in our lives, fitness and otherwise. From a personal standpoint, I've had many discussions with my friends here about all sorts of topics. However, I have them in a specific thread where we all meet.

    I'm a little uneasy, always, about throwing out the personal questions to the whole site-- but, realize that's just my own uneasiness.

    As I posted in the mentioned thread, my concern with the post about spanking was that the post may have been intended simply as a grenade thrown to start an uproar. A year or so ago, somebody posted a question about gay marriage-- and then simply sat back and watched the melee that ensued.

    In this case, the original poster DID continue in the discussion, so I don't think that's the case. But, my antenna went up, just the same.

    Bottom line for me-- I agree that I'm queasy about the personal things outside the realm of fitness being discussed openly-- but realize that's just me. I wouldn't do it. I don't usually read them. And don't usually respond. As long as the discussion remains civil and polite, I got no problems.
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Was that particular post a waste of time? I don't know.

    Was this post a waste of time? I don't know.
    My thoughts exactly
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    HMMM i have to say i agree when i saw the post i thought oo this could be an interesting question about weight losss and nutrition. I think it is inappropriate. I mean I am all about the love and support but this could have been sent to a private message as opposed to a general post . That way this person can get support without upsetting others. :smile:

    I agree with this.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Post as you like, read at your own risk. We are all here together. Live with it.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Post as you like, read at your own risk. We are all here together. Live with it.

    How do you really feel, Merv?
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    That pretty much covers this topic... :tongue: :tongue: I do have some political issues but this is not the place for that. :noway:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    People should post what they like in a suport community. Obviously the poster felt very stressed and felt the need to air - live and let live!

    Other people dont have to read it or respond.

    Why stress over the little stuff OP? You read the post, you responded, then you start another post about it?? :laugh
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I only found the post to show very BAD netiquette. Typing a post in all caps is completely unnecessary. I didn't read more than a few lines before moving on. I have a few pet peeves with this site, but don't need to air them out here.

    Like I just said, why stress the little stuff? Ever thought that the poster using caps is new to the internet and has no clue about 'netiquette'?? Jeez!
  • buggaboo73
    OP....You sound like a very logical and unemotional person, this I can see from your responses, you don't get upset you just say what you have to say. You are probably a Math major, correct? Or science. That's fine, even good at times. I respect the way you are replying to these posts and not getting upset.

    But you have to have a little tolerance for the fact that we don't all like to color in the lines the way you do. Also, it's a weight loss forum, not NASA. :wink: Protocol tends to be a bit you have to keep that in mind, breathe deep and keep perspective. That's my advice.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    well, 2 things, there's no specific rule on the site that bans the posting of non exercise or nutrition related posts, the only restrictions are around politics, religion, and basically anything that's considered flaming or abuse. I don't think this post falls into that category. That's takes away the thought that it might be against the rules. As to whether it's appropriate, that's debatable, but it does focus on a subject that could be (loosely) associated with mental health, which is part of the purview of this site. MFP is based around health and fitness, not just nutrition and diet. So I don't see why it's a problem. Is it offensive to someone? I have a hard time believing in that, but ok I guess it's possible. If someone finds it offensive, they simply need to report the post as such using the report link and that will be the end of it (if Mike and Al agree). Problem solved.