Lady to give out "you're too fat for candy" letters?



  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    More power to her, was following a school bus the other day home(sigh) and almost all the kids that got off were obese or at least overweight.
    If you don't want your kid to get letters, stop sending them around to beg for candy.

    If you don't want kids coming to your door "begging" for candy... then turn your effing light off and save your self-righteous tripe for people that care.

    If anyone calls or implies my daughter is fat and thusly contributes to disordered eating, I will come after them to help pay her psychiatric bills.
  • ToolRat
    ToolRat Posts: 42 Member
    Next she'll be telling them there is no Santa...:angry: Santa?????
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    More power to her, was following a school bus the other day home(sigh) and almost all the kids that got off were obese or at least overweight.
    If you don't want your kid to get letters, stop sending them around to beg for candy.
  • TheBackStory
    Hell, there was a shooting not too long ago in my town bc a persons kid didn't get a piece of birthday cake.

    Now that is a whole new level of crazy...
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    cant write the words i want to write.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Part of the problem of letting your child trick-or-treat at strangers houses is you have no control over what they are given by any particular house... don't want your kids to get nasty letter? Don't let them go to stranger's houses. Not saying she isn't mean spirited for thinking of doing this, but it doesn't really surprise me that there are people out there like this. I was NEVER allowed to go out to just any house on Halloween growing up... We went to people's houses we knew ONLY. Best way to protect yourself from stupid people, and if a friend/relative was the one handing out that crap, then you have another issue all together!

    While I don't particularly agree with it, I do understand why some people do go trick or treating at "strangers" houses. In my neighborhood, the majority are retirees whose kids are college aged or older. There are a handful of us with elementary school aged kids... and there are really only a few (out of over a hundred homes) that participate in trick or treating. But, I would rather go to the festivals anyway. They are more fun.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    So.. a letter explaining that your child is a little overweight
    getting your *kitten* kicked
    Getting your tires slashed
    getting your house egg'd
    getting thretened to the point of needing to move.

    And we wonder whats wrong with society today....
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    I would punch that chick if I was a kid and she didnt give me candy
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Yeah, I hope sure really likes eggs.

    And I ration my kids' candy anyway.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    When I was a kid, in my neighborhood she would have her whole house burned to the that I am grown and more professional I would probably sue if she said that to my child. People tend to forget that WE HAVE NO IDEA what others are going thru. To lower a child's self esteem is a horrible thing to do.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I think it is disgusting that this lady would even consider handing that letter out to children.
    But some people commented that giving the letter to the parents would be ok. Um, no, it isn't ok with me.
    Sure, you have a right to your opinion, but guess what, we didn't ask for it? If you don't like Halloween or have a problem with society and obese kids, that's fine, but then just mind your own business and keep it to yourself. Parents have a right to raise their kids how they want - and if they want them to go trick or treating, that is their business. Put a sign on your door that says no trick or treaters and be done with it.

    Speaking of which, my husband and I were reminiscing about Halloween the other day, how when we were little kids we would get a HUGE bag of candy and just eat as much as we wanted to. My mom never took it from me or controlled how much I was allowed to eat. It was there for the taking, and I ate as much as I wanted to (which is disgusting now that I look back at it).

    I don't have any kids now, but if I did - after Halloween I would certainly be hiding the candy and controlling how much they were allowed to eat (which would be very little, not very often). I think for most kids anyway, the fun is in the actual act of going Trick or Treating, not in how much candy you can stuff in your mouth every day afterwards.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Taunting kids on halloween - gooood luck with all that ma'am.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    Holy *kitten*! The nerve! I live in a VERY fat state and I hate seeing how large some parents allow their children to get, but that does NOT give some stranger the right to hurt that child's feelings to make a point!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,041 Member
    I have a friend (a school nurse) who feels the same way about passing out candy. She passes out glow in the dark slap bracelets. The kids love them. Much nicer than an unkind letter and probably more effective.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Not specifically agreeing or disagreeing with anyone's comments, but I posted this here since it is a fitness and weight loss site to see/I was curious how fitness and weight loss minded people think (I was thinking different than the regular people on the comments on FB), and I am quite honestly surprised that no one is arguing the merit of seeing a problem with childhood obesity in this country. Everyone is just commenting on how angry it would make them.


    Carry on with your comments.

  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Holy *kitten*! The nerve! I live in a VERY fat state and I hate seeing how large some parents allow their children to get, but that does NOT give some stranger the right to hurt that child's feelings to make a point!

    MS, TN, or AL? :)
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    Not specifically agreeing or disagreeing with anyone's comments, but I posted this here since it is a fitness and weight loss site to see/I was curious how fitness and weight loss minded people think (I was thinking different than the regular people on the comments on FB), and I am quite honestly surprised that no one is arguing the merit of seeing a problem with childhood obesity in this country. Everyone is just commenting on how angry it would make them.


    Carry on with your comments.

    I agree that childhood obesity is a HUGE problem; however, it is no one else's right (unless they are family, friends, doctor, etc...someone who cares about the person in question and is vested in their well being) to advise them on what they deem is appropriate.

    Your posting got us all riled up for sure. :wink:
  • myprana
    myprana Posts: 66
    Trick or treating comes with an expectation of getting a treat, usually candy sometimes money or stickers or whatever. This woman handing out a smarmy letter is like a food bank advertising to the needy that they'll be handing out food, but then when the needy arrive there's an hour-long religious preaching session they have to listen to first. It's rude to advertise one thing and then pull a switcherooney. If this woman is going to answer her door with a candy jar in her hands, she ought to not falsely advertise her intentions.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    It's likely not that we (people on this website who find this offensive) don't agree that childhood obesity is a problem, it's just that this woman's "solution" does not actually do anything to help the problem. All she is doing is fat shaming children. She'll likely give one or two kids body image issues that will last a lifetime, but do nothing to actually help their health. Even us "fitness -minded" people have feelings. :D
  • TheBackStory
    Not specifically agreeing or disagreeing with anyone's comments, but I posted this here since it is a fitness and weight loss site to see/I was curious how fitness and weight loss minded people think (I was thinking different than the regular people on the comments on FB), and I am quite honestly surprised that no one is arguing the merit of seeing a problem with childhood obesity in this country. Everyone is just commenting on how angry it would make them.


    Carry on with your comments.


    These are children we are talking about. If this lady feels the need to say something so badly, then say it to the parents. No need in screwing with a kids head!