anyone gain or lose weight from E CIGS



  • blunderwhere
    blunderwhere Posts: 24 Member
    I am not a smoker, but I do struggle with cravings, especially for sweets (as many people do). I just picked up a vaporizer and nicotine free e-liquid which I am starting to use in response to or to prevent the onset of cravings. So much of craving certain foods is associated with triggers and habit. I thought this might be a harmless and, hopefully, effective replacement activity to use to give me something to do when they hit, or when I know I usually have cravings. Reminder, I use only the e-liquid that contains NO nicotine. I realize that people who are trying to smoke may want the nicotine. I am just restating that the e-liquid is available with and without nicotine. No point in adding a bad habit to an already long list.
  • Jimjohnhoward
    I'm 66 and have been smoking since I was 19. Seven months ago, I started vaping and never lit a real cigarette again!! I feel better, smell better, and have lost my smoker's cough. I am 20 pounds overweight, but I have had the extra weight for about a year. Since ecigs contain nicotine, which I think is the ingredient that raises metabolism, I don't think it's possible that they make you gain weight. And now I've begun an exercise routine to get down to 130 pounds (I'm 5'7"). Summer is coming!!
  • FLKayakAngler
    I Switched from a pack a day parliament light smoker to vaping. Started with the cheap gadgets but now i'm using a itaste m134 with a iclear30 head, and Drakes Dracula 6mg nic juice. I used to weigh about 135lbs i'm 5'11, since the switch I've lost a significant amount of weight. I'm now down to 118lbs. I saw a Dr and blood work has been taken to check all the important stuff.

    I'm not saying vaping has made me loose weight but I've started thinking that its possible something in my body doesn't like the vapor.

    I'll know more when the blood results come back. hopefully its nothing serious but 18lbs is a lot to loose in just about 4 months for my size.
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    Have been vaping for almost four years. Was smoking over a pack a day for 30+ years. I don't think vaping has had any effect on my weight either way.