How often do/should you weigh yourself?



  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Every day, can't help it. I weighed even when I knew I would hate the numbers and wasn't doing anything to lose weight. It actually helped in a little in keeping myself from gaining past a certain point.

    I have a digital scale that is a little off - it will vary by 1.5 lbs from moment to moment. I think of it as a Magic 8 Ball. If I don't like the first number I see, I step off, nudge it a little and step back on. I take the lowest weight I can get three times.

    I chart my weight on MFP and have gotten used to seeing fluctuations so I don't stress. It's nice to see a downward trend, even if the chart looks like an EKG.
  • JPG1313
    Every afternoon when I wake up, I work nights
  • fordermommy
    fordermommy Posts: 12 Member
    Every morning, after bathroom break. It is how I start my day off because it tells me "hey, you're dieting lady!", and works as a little reminder to make positive food choices :)
  • JCNL2006
    Once a day at night but I should do it less often !
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, but I don't get upset or discouraged by the little gains and fluctuations. I mostly do it for interest...I like to see the patterns in my weight loss and notice the patterns in the fluctuations depending on where I am in my cycle and stuff. I'm kind of a nerd like that :wink:
    same here. i usually weigh myself daily just out of curiosity.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Mondays..... post workout.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    Once a month or every 2 months to keep from getting frustrated with the scale
  • Go4it1985
    Go4it1985 Posts: 169 Member
    I think it's recommended that you don't weigh yourself everyday due to weight fluctuations.

    As a general rule (and I follow this most of the time) I weigh myself once a week around the same time on the same day.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I weigh every 3 or 4 days. Just often enough that if there's a loss or a gain showing for two weigh-ins I know it's "real".
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    usually every day....

    weighing in isnt bad if it doesnt affect you psychologically.... its people who freak out and drop into severe deficits who really should throw the scale in the plan:)
  • Fight3rBoy
    Twice a month
  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    I've heard alot of advice that says to get rid of the scale or weigh yourself less, but I do it every day. I don't obsess about it. I just really enjoy getting a good idea of my average weight, so I weight every morning then record my weekly average into my spreadsheet which has a pretty graph to show how my weight fluctuates :)
  • billymacintosh
    billymacintosh Posts: 71 Member
    Once a week max, I find my weight fluxuates day to day with water gain/loss etc - at least that's the theory!
    Billy x
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I weigh myself tuesday morn after being up but not eating for about an hour. I always weigh less after being awake longer, not first thing. Don't know why and I take my measurments monthly.
  • kinkykiddo
    I weight myself every few weeks or so. Like between 4 and 8 times a year. I don't find myself obsessed at all with the number on the scale and find myself to look smaller than the scale says, which most who know me will agree with. I have no need nor desire to place too much power in whatever number the scale decides to show me.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Every day. Keeps me on the straight and narrow.
  • sassypants0923
    sassypants0923 Posts: 7,188 Member
    Daily... I like to know what triggers my weight and it keeps me focused.
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    usually every day....

    weighing in isnt bad if it doesnt affect you psychologically.... its people who freak out and drop into severe deficits who really should throw the scale in the plan:)

    I weigh myself once a week ... after my morning workout. After I do it once I start to look everyday ... but i resist. It effects me psychologically when its good or bad.

    I don't see how people never use the scale, but overuse is a problem.

  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    Daily. It keeps me from going into denial.

    I gained 8 lbs recently when my scale was broken and I hadn't gotten around to buying a new one.