Halloween Candy Poll

docdrd Posts: 174 Member
I am curious as to everyone's strategy for Halloween candy. Do you give out candy that you like (and therefore hope for leftovers) or do you buy candy that you do not like and are happy to give away?

For what it is worth, I bought full sized bars of stuff I do like. I am hoping that our house gets mobbed and it all gets taken or else my progress could be severely impeded as Lord knows I will not throw it out or give it to the savages in my office :-)


  • linzchapates
    hmmmm usually I would buy things I loved and hoard the remaining candies for myself. This year, I did not buy anything as I have my daughter to take out and no one will be home to hand candy out (meaning, had i bought some... I'd have eaten it all. I mean all of it) So, my biggest challenge this year will be not eating the candy/treats my daughter brings home... it shouldn't be that hard, who steals from a kid? LOL

    Happy halloween! and fyi- full sized chocolate bars?? way to go... those houses were always a hit when I was a kid!
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    I give out toothbrushes so people egg my house.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    I don't think my apartment complex allows trick-or-treaters - at least my old one didn't - so we have no plans to hand out candy. However, if I was handing out candy, I think I'd get some that I liked, and some that I didn't. I don't generally eat candy that isn't chocolate, so maybe one bag of that plus some other non-chocolatey goodness. That way if I did decide to attack the candy bowl, I can't eat the entire thing. :)
  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    I usually get what the hubs and I like...but eventually get sick of the left overs so he takes them to work for his minions!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    We live in the country, on a busy road, our farm is all fenced... we never get trick or treaters. I don't buy candy for Halloween, no point. My hubby always insists that somebody may drive out here and so gets one bag. Since he will end up eating it himself he gets stuff he likes, this year Hershey's special dark with almonds.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    I used to give candy to my sister's friends year round. Then, more "friends" started showing up and then more and more lol.
    I loved giving them candy, they were so polite and would come over "May I have some candy, please?"
    We always got candy to give away, which was probably a mistake, but the kids loved it lol. It was mostly those "dum dum" tiny lollipops, so I'd give them one each, and they'd be perfectly happy with blue lollipop lips :P

    But here, I'm not worried about trick-or-treaters, just our neighbor's kids.. They're polite, but they like banging on my window to get my cats' attention when they think no one is home, which is actually quite annoying. But I'm not a sour puss, so I let it go haha.

    When we used to have candy, we'd have too much.. So would rather not have ANY candy in the house. I even threw out the honey.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    No buying for me, people cAnt just come to our apt door.
    We go trick or treating and if kids get Almond joys im not holding back!! :-p
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    we get hundreds of kids - no joke. We live in a huge community - parents drop their kids off and come back for them later............we spend about $70.00 on candy - I try to buy stuff I don't like - I'm a chocoholic - so I buy sweet/non chocolate stuff - sweet-tarts, Nerds, Jolly Ranchers - anything WITHOUT chocolate and I'll be okay.............
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    I eat all the candy.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    I give out toothbrushes so people egg my house.
    Sounds like a great way to get some protein.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Depending on how many trick-or-treaters you're planning to have, if you go to Sam's or Costco and buy the vending machine packs of candy bars, I actually think that ends up being cheaper than buying several bags of fun size bars at the grocery store. I also like to have giant lollipops. Kids seem to love those.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I eat all the candy.

    Ditto. I hand out candy I don't like to kids, but there isn't much I don't like, so they'll just have to deal with it. :laugh:
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I buy what I like and have listened to the neighborhood kids tell me what they like which is ironically not chocolate but sour gummies type candies. Also so many began turning down taking any candy with nuts/peanut butter, so I have completely stopped buying any candy with that in it. When I know its slowing down and I am going to lock up for the night I dump my entire candy bowl into the bags of the last group of kids. so no way I will have any left overs they will get the all the loot!
  • tkdgirlms
    I have no trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood but we have trick or treat at work (public library) and this year I got the Angry Birds fruit snacks. I've ended up with several left but they aren't too bad nutrition-wise compared to candy.
  • ewarlow
    ewarlow Posts: 71 Member
    Im screwed no matter how I look at it.. three small children trick or treating.

    We get 205-230 kids every year and do full size choc bars/chips so I told the hubs to buy extra chips and give the chocolate first. Ill raid the "fun size" Im sure but it'll be self control all the way
  • Buhbee
    Buhbee Posts: 108 Member
    For myself I went to Target and bought the Unreal Candy. Its still candy but not as terrible for you. To give to everyone else I just did the generic variety bags you get at the store. What I have done in the past is store leftovers in a jar and once in a while give myself a little treat so I don't grab for the pint of ice cream and so forth. The minis are the way to go!
  • Lauraplane
    Lauraplane Posts: 63 Member
    My strategy this year is, I am not handing out any candy! Been kind of down, missing my grand-kids and hating that they are all so far away and seeing the other kids makes me sad. I am turning off the porch light and all the lights in the house and hiding out.
  • dmoppy
    dmoppy Posts: 45 Member
    We buy the full-sized combinations from Costco - because I always thought it was cool to receive the full-sized candy bars when I was a kid. We don't have a lot of kids come by in our little "side" neighborhood - too many open lots in our development - so it's not a huge expense (v. the person with 700!).

    We buy the candies the kids will eat if left over and it is a temptation for me and my wife, but I'm "saving room" in my budget for a bag of M&M’s or Twix.

    Sadly (well maybe happily) this has been a week of birthdays (3) in my family so between the pie and cake and eating out I think I'm going to have to run a marathon to burn it all off.
  • lizzzylou
    lizzzylou Posts: 325
    I eat all the candy.

    Agreed. I'm not a candyist in the least.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    On a good year we get close to 1000 trick-or-treaters, so my strategy is always to get the best deal in not-terrible candy (a mix of chocolate and fruity ones). Shouldn't be anything left to tempt us later, but we'll ferret out some of the best ones to snack on while we give the rest out.