**Controversial** Eating 1,200 Calories or Less



  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    So really what it comes down to is not about how much calories you are eating, but are you getting your nutritional needs met. If your body is fine on all it's levels then it shouldn't matter how many calories you eat! Calories are just you to express how much energy a certain food is going to provide the body. Some might need more, some might need less.
    Society is focusing too much on calories...forget the calories people, there are no calories!!! .... lol....

    If you are new and reading this thread - Please do not listen to this advice.

    It is potentially dangerous and almost assuredly harmful to your weight loss efforts.
  • Amanda12Y
    As someone who uses a wheelchair for mobility I've had multiple discussions with my nutritionist on this topic. Because only half my body aids in burning calories, even though I am incredibly active we have decided to stay around the 975 calories in mark. This will change on the five days I work out and will also change when I start ski season in a few weeks. Then we increase it to 1,100 calories. I'm curious to see the results, and whether I will be able to maintain eight hours a day of skiing on 1,100 calories. Aging has slowed my metabolism significantly and I will always be a work in progress. Hopefully this helps with the progress.
  • stellakhenizy
    Many people eating less than 1,200 will be getting insufficient nutrients
    and worse will slow their metabolism down
    it is a generalisation

    like many things in life - its not that simple

    age, exercise, what you are actually eating, current weight etc etc all play a factor too

    I'm losing weight on over 1800 calories a day, and enjoying it !

    but do take care not to go too low as you will find your weight loss stalling .........
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I never "got" that one either. If you eat the calories you burned, then how the heck are you supposed to lose weight?
    This may be fine for someone maintaining, but not me for sure. If I eat burned calories up then I can't lose a thing.

    MFP gave you a calorie deficit BEFORE exercise. You eat exercise calories back to prevent the deficit from becoming too big.

    When calorie deficits are too big.....you lose fat+muscle.....when the calorie deficit is moderate (and you exercise) ....you lose just fat.

    So.....do you want to KEEP your body fat % ..... or reduce it?......It's up to you.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    So really what it comes down to is not about how much calories you are eating, but are you getting your nutritional needs met. If your body is fine on all it's levels then it shouldn't matter how many calories you eat! Calories are just you to express how much energy a certain food is going to provide the body. Some might need more, some might need less.
    Society is focusing too much on calories...forget the calories people, there are no calories!!! .... lol....

    If you are new and reading this thread - Please do not listen to this advice.

    It is potentially dangerous and almost assuredly harmful to your weight loss efforts.

  • Ladyangel23
    I have walking 2-4 miles daily and have been eating approx 1000-1200 calories a day. But have only lost 7 lbs in 2 months I am eating the right foods and drinking lots of water. Just had my thyroid checked and am in low to normal range so tht is not the problem. Any suggestions as to what I can do to sipped up this weight loss? I'm 5'3 and 176 ibs. Need to get to 130!
  • Samuraiko
    Samuraiko Posts: 180 Member
    SOMEBODY will argue about anything you post.

    "Look, if I *argue* with you, I must take up a contrary position!"
    "Yes but it isn't just saying 'no it isn't'."
    "Yes it is!"
    "No it isn't!"
    "Yes it is!"
    "No it isn't!"
    "Yes it is!"
    "No it ISN'T! Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says."
    "It is NOT!"
    "It is!"
    "Not at all!"
    "It is!"
    "Thank you, that's it."
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I am amazed with all the diet & nutrition experts out here on the forums.... Im so fortunate to be surround by such expertise. I feel so.............happy

    Including yourself it seems!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Some people just want you to achieve your weight goal healthily, and if you eat under a certain amount of calories per day, that's at risk.

    I personally find it hard to eat more than 1000 or 1100 some days. Some days it takes a lot of effort. But I know it shouldn't.

    I dont know how?

    For example, when I was in high school I was in the 160's, played football & was on the track team. I would have a bowl of cereal, CaptN' crunch or Frosted flakes, and walk to school. For the most part I packed my lunches, PB&J sandwich with a small bag of chips & a soda. Walk home from school and go about my thing until dinner time... Normal average home cooked meals that included meat & vegetables of some sort. I was slender, healthy and very active... up until I got my drivers license and first job.... then instead of walking or bike riding I was driving, instead of having home meals I was spending my money eating out w/my dates, next thing ya know I was putting on the weight... got up to 211 at my heaviest .....connection?

    I see absolutely no problems eating 3 small meals a day, I've done it, Im sure a lot of you out there have grown up with days similar to mine back then.... so whats the issue? Society is focusing too much on calories...forget the calories people, there are no calories!!! .... lol.... But guess what? Today I had a bowl of cereal, had a PB&J sandwich, and tonight Im having chicken with mixed vegetables and I also would like to add that Im fortunate enough to be able to walk to & from work.... weighed myself this morning at 169.6lbs.... Enough said.

    This explains absolutely nothing. And why shouldn't society focus on calories?
  • RonW956
    RonW956 Posts: 105 Member
    Some people just want you to achieve your weight goal healthily, and if you eat under a certain amount of calories per day, that's at risk.

    I personally find it hard to eat more than 1000 or 1100 some days. Some days it takes a lot of effort. But I know it shouldn't.

    I dont know how?

    For example, when I was in high school I was in the 160's, played football & was on the track team. I would have a bowl of cereal, CaptN' crunch or Frosted flakes, and walk to school. For the most part I packed my lunches, PB&J sandwich with a small bag of chips & a soda. Walk home from school and go about my thing until dinner time... Normal average home cooked meals that included meat & vegetables of some sort. I was slender, healthy and very active... up until I got my drivers license and first job.... then instead of walking or bike riding I was driving, instead of having home meals I was spending my money eating out w/my dates, next thing ya know I was putting on the weight... got up to 211 at my heaviest .....connection?

    I see absolutely no problems eating 3 small meals a day, I've done it, Im sure a lot of you out there have grown up with days similar to mine back then.... so whats the issue? Society is focusing too much on calories...forget the calories people, there are no calories!!! .... lol.... But guess what? Today I had a bowl of cereal, had a PB&J sandwich, and tonight Im having chicken with mixed vegetables and I also would like to add that Im fortunate enough to be able to walk to & from work.... weighed myself this morning at 169.6lbs.... Enough said.

    This explains absolutely nothing. And why shouldn't society focus on calories?

    It explains what worked for me if you read........what worked for me was to eat sensibly, live a active lifestyle and I was maintaining a healthy weight. When I changed my eating habits & begun driving my car around instead of walking or biking, then that is when my weight gone up......
  • illuvatree
    illuvatree Posts: 185 Member
    Some people just want you to achieve your weight goal healthily, and if you eat under a certain amount of calories per day, that's at risk.

    I personally find it hard to eat more than 1000 or 1100 some days. Some days it takes a lot of effort. But I know it shouldn't.

    I dont know how?

    Did you mean that health is at risk due to a certain amount of calories? Because it can be. It depends on weight, activity, and many factors, but it does. Not only that but if you eat so few calories and then start eating normally again, it might not be what your body can handle anymore and you just put weight back on. But honestly, around 1200, you should be careful, but I don't think it's an absolutely terrible amount.

    For example, when I was in high school I was in the 160's, played football & was on the track team. I would have a bowl of cereal, CaptN' crunch or Frosted flakes, and walk to school. For the most part I packed my lunches, PB&J sandwich with a small bag of chips & a soda. Walk home from school and go about my thing until dinner time... Normal average home cooked meals that included meat & vegetables of some sort. I was slender, healthy and very active... up until I got my drivers license and first job.... then instead of walking or bike riding I was driving, instead of having home meals I was spending my money eating out w/my dates, next thing ya know I was putting on the weight... got up to 211 at my heaviest .....connection?

    I see absolutely no problems eating 3 small meals a day, I've done it, Im sure a lot of you out there have grown up with days similar to mine back then.... so whats the issue? Society is focusing too much on calories...forget the calories people, there are no calories!!! .... lol.... But guess what? Today I had a bowl of cereal, had a PB&J sandwich, and tonight Im having chicken with mixed vegetables and I also would like to add that Im fortunate enough to be able to walk to & from work.... weighed myself this morning at 169.6lbs.... Enough said.

  • MichMunchkin
    MichMunchkin Posts: 94 Member
    Some were telling me the same thing...I listened and guess what I got fatter ;( ...So I customized my own to eating 1000 calories for the most part I stay under my caloric count, so within the last 10days I went from 228 to 219.

    OK, I really don't mean this in a snarky/snotty way....but you do realize that losing 9 pounds in 10 days is not healthy in the slightest, right?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
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