upset & discouraged :(



  • aklove907
    aklove907 Posts: 118 Member
    You know what? You didn't gain it in a day. Wise words by one of my friends here on MFP. This happened to me just this Tuesday when I ate a whole pint of ice cream. It happens! Just pick yourself up and do better the next day :smile:

    ^^ This right here! You can do it! Just pick yourself up and dust off! Start tomorrow with a good healthy breakfast, and start all over. You just need to take it one day at a time. It will happen, just be easy on yourself!
  • jimethanowen
    Yep, we've all been there! Think of the positives from had a healthy breakfast & lunch, you walked and you spent time with friends on a holiday!! Sounds like you are starting over today and ya know what, holiday binging is expected:) This one day is not going to define how you are as a whole....stay positive, love yourself and your friends!!
  • Brallen1969
    Self sabotage is my biggest enemy...I too along with everyone else has done what you have done, than we feel like F it, why am I wasting my time and being miserable about it, I am a failure at this anyway right? Those thoughts I am sure we have all dealt with...well they are all lies and you are not those things. If I go to a party like that I KNOW I am going to eat those things so I do...I just try and do it in moderation along with everything else in life. One day, actually meal is what happened, that does not undo all t he good choices you made. Focus on the positive my friend, it is a journey not a moment! You are a kick *kitten* woman I am sure, stay positive and move on!!
  • ladypenel
    ladypenel Posts: 88 Member
    Great post OP and excellent advice which I'm going to remember as I too tend to stumble and hiccup on a regular basis! Thank you everyone! :drinker: :heart:
  • seattlegryphon
    One thing I've been working on (and it's been working) is to not expect perfection of myself. Because sooner or later, I will fail and that used to be the signal for me to comfort myself (with food), beat myself up (with food), or be angry at myself (and stuff the rage down with food). So when there's a party, I tell myself I can have two treats or a glass of wine, followed by a glass of water. And I know that the next day the scale will go up slightly and that's life. But I really enjoy that glass of wine and treats! It makes life more reasonable, so that I'm building a life of good choices, not a slavish devotion to the scale and counting calories.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    You're aware. That's good. Here's a great rule of thumb I tell my clients.

    You can have a bad day, a bad week and even a bad month, but if you stay pretty consistent, you'll never have a bad year. It happens.
    Lots of people have great intentions when it comes to certain events, but sometimes you have to let loose. Don't have negative feelings towards food. When one does, they fight temptation every day. Always better to figure out how you can fit those foods in that you like within reason.

    Just chalk it up to one bad day then get back on track.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    Love this!
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    This is something I've had to conquer - the 'inner negative voice'.

    Be kind to yourself - CUT YOURSELF SOME SLACK!

    You are a good, decent person - would you talk to someone the way you talk to yourself? NO!

    Turn off that inner negative voice - look in the mirror and tell yourself you ARE worth it, and GO, GIRL!!

  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Sorry, didn't have time to read all of the responses, so, if what I say, has already been said, please forgive me. I am having a few health issues right now and can't read too much, so with that out there;

    I see many very positive choices you did put forth! First of all, you identified and awkowledged how you were feeling when you got up that day.

    Next, you fueled your body properly both by starting with a healthy breakfast, bringing a good lunch!!

    You avoided the candy and other junk at work throughout the day.

    You walked to the party at your friends house, after working!! That is big right there!!

    You planned ahead and brought something you could eat, if you CHOSE to!!

    This is the variant. Life is about choice. You should NEVER beat yourself up over food, as that IS unhealthy and will lead you to feel that things are 'forbidden' or 'off limits' and when I do that, I am over it!!! You need to accept, that some days, you will amaze yourself withhow easy it is to stick to exactly what/how/when you want to eat and some days life just happens!!!

    Food is fuel. Nothing else. It's not evil, not an enemy or something to fear!! You did SO many GOOD things throughout your day!! Does that mean to continue to undo good progress in one night? No of course not, but maybe instead of going, thinking you wont partake of any party food, you go in with a plan of 'calories to spend'. Fix a plate you can then munch on throughout the party, being a tray of fresh vegies as dipping those saves a lot of calories over chips, have a glass of wine as a spritzer with diet 7 up or soda water mixed in, so that two glasses of wine is actually only 1!!

    Make a plan that allows you to induldge within reason and I find I usually do not overeat as much as I would have!!!

    And remember all the good things you did and build on those successes!!
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Wow. This is why I love MFP. I would agree with almost everything I read, especially that the tools we're using require consistent use to build up. I'll add one more thing to the list, and this has helped me a lot.

    If you were going down the highway and had a flat tire, what would you do? You'd stop, fix it (or get it fixed), and go on with your day after a hiccup. Who would get out and slash the other three tires?? No one would!! So you had a flat. Fix it (by starting over the next day) and get on down the highway.

    Lots of good luck to you, and don't be afraid to do a little hard work, too. I'm early on, but this is the most successful I've ever been and my attitude now is, why can't I reach my goal? The longer I do it (I'm on my 116th day), the more a part of my life it becomes rather than a "diet".

    THIS is amazing!!!!! So simple yet so right on!!!!!!!!!!
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    LEARN from it and move on. Use the info to reflect back on what your temptation triggers are ... You didn't have a bad day - you had a bad few hours. From what you shared, the rest of your day leading up to the party was full of great choices. With the holidays coming up you may be faced with other party temptations. Reflect back on what didn't work for you this time and change your plan of attack for the next time - even if that means the plan is to let yourself enjoy the food presented, but within moderation. Sometimes when we give OURSELVES permission to indulge, it is no longer so tempting. Good news is, I guarantee you will have another opportunity to practice ... and it sounds like the rest of the time you are doing well with making good choices. Focus on that and congratulate yourself on all the other small successes throughout each day.
  • alittleteapot
    alittleteapot Posts: 25 Member
    Everyone else has said pretty much everything I wanted to say, so I'm going to leave you with this. A few months ago, having already lost 9 lbs, feeling great, and having had a very healthy & calorie-conscious day, I scarfed down a WHOLE Entenmann's Louisiana Crunch Cake. A whole one. At 1am. That's 2970 one sitting. I felt horrible afterwards and was depressed the next day. I told a friend who told me the same things everyone has said here. I picked myself up, brushed off the disappointment, and made sure I upped my workout a bit for the next few days and, at the end of the week, I still had a loss. A small one, but a victory nonetheless. It'll be okay. :)
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    You're human- it happens!!! And don't think of it as what it will mean for the future- it will only turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy (that's totally happened to me). Positive thinking is important in this process. Move on and leave it behind you
  • ldonahue74
    ldonahue74 Posts: 53 Member
    it was one mistake, dont beat yourself up over it. i go over all the time (lol), and granted, my loss is slower than others', but it is still a loss
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    That's just one day. When you realize this is a lifestyle change it will become a bit easier. You will learn to adjust to days like this. You will also learn it's not always what you eat it's how much of it you eat. The only thing I have changed in my food selection is: 1) I try to make the chips Lays Lights...if I can find them! 2) The Ice Cream is now sugar free.

    I have been on here for 994 takes time to get this down and we all have our own pace. Just keep reminding yourself why you are doing it...commit to readjusting when you have days/times like this and understand that it take 90 days to create a habit.

    Best of luck!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I've logged in over 450 days in a row...I've lost almost 80 pounds. You'd think I'd have this down pat, right?


    4 days ago...I put away something like 3,500 calories. Woke up the next day feeling gross because I'd eaten so much. That night, I once again put away about 800 calories over my goal. Woke up the next day feeling gross again. That night, once again about 3,500 calories.

    It happens. What matters is that today, I have things planned better. I'm making better choices than I did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. It's okay that I messed up, because that's life. I'll work out, I'll stay in a deficit more times than I don't, and guess what...I'll keep losing weight.
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    One thing I learnt in this journey to a healthier lifestyle is that... we are only human. Old habits are difficult to break, so instead of seeing what you did later on in the day as an indication that you failed overall, see it as progress. Afterall, you made good choices for the first half the day! You have to give yourself credit for that. Because otherwise, would you have done before you embarked on this journey? No! So yes, you are doing well and I applaud you.

    Another thing is that you have to learn to give yourself a break. Be firm with yourself, but be forgiving too. Look at the positives of the day instead of focusing on the negatives.

    Trust me, that was your first setback, and it won't be your last. Learn to accept that you did it, and then pick yourself up and move on!
  • loosinit42806
    loosinit42806 Posts: 142 Member
    Believe me i know~ that was my yesterday minus the yummy food yiou suggested!
    i ate candy and ice cream and (MCDONALDS) which i dont even like all becasue i was in a hurry to eat and take my children trick or treating!
    I havent felt well so i wanted the icecream to sooth my throat which it didnt so i was eating empty calories!!! uhhh so mad but like the others said! today is a new oppurtunity to start fresh and continue your journey to a healthier you!

    keep up the good work at least you see your bad habits im stating to see mine!(emotional eater)
    i dont eat when im hungry i can be bored and just eat!;(
    so stay focused and if you ever need any help inbox me!!
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    You will have bad days and bad meals. This is about your life and lifestyle, it is not black or white, all or nothing.

    Beating yourself up will only make you feel worse. Write what you wrote and move on. Today is a new day.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Curious: are you another person who tries to avoid fat because it is high in calories? And at the party you were attracted to all the high fat foods? If you said yes, I would suggest that you may be malnourished. If you are eating a very low fat diet, please stop. You will find yourself satisfied with less food if you eat more fat (and reduce carbs/sugar). I supposedly had binge eating disorder. Wrong. As soon as I resolved being malnourished, BED vanished.

    Like others said, it's in the past, move on. Do better today.
  • supersparklegirl
    Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who responded to my cry for help. I'm very touched by all the kindness and wisdom you've shared. I'm usually a very private person so it has felt like a profound experience to reach out and then receive this abundance of good and kind support. I want to give you all a big hug! :)

    The result of this support has been a dramatically different day than I would have had without your encouragement and ideas! I went from being down in the dumps this morning, exhausted & convinced that I was a hopeless case, to remembering I really did have the power to get up, dust myself off and keep moving forward. And, that's what I did today!

    I ate lots of wonderful healthy food I love. I went for walk to Starbucks, and then (once I was caffeinated and because it was 70 degrees on Nov 1st in NY!) I even went for a run! I was playing the soundtrack of your encouragements in my head as I walked to the park & I really did feel this great surge of energy because of it (& kicked butt exercising/totally enjoyed being outside and working out!)

    I know learning/re-learning how to eat in a balanced, healthy, sane, sustainable, & enjoyable way is a day-to-day process with many ups & downs, but as for today, I MAY HAVE BEEN DOWN, BUT I'M NOT OUT!!!

    (P.S. I plan to re-read this thread for encouragement & great ideas tomorrow!)