Being more open with my vegetable consumption is difficult.



  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    The importance of eating veggies is grossly overstated.

    They are awful as a fuel source (good for fat people wanting to get thinner in this respect though).

    Though they contain a good amount of vitamins/minerals, they certainly aren't the only source. Vitamins/minerals are one of those things you don't get extra credit for, there is no difference between getting enough and getting much more than you need. Getting enough is pretty easy to do without effort, most people do not have nutrient deficiencies, even if they hardly eat any veggies at all (or take multivitamins).

    Don't feel bad if you aren't eating piles of veggies every day, they aren't nearly as important as some would have you believe.
    Where do you get your vitamins A, C and K?
    Stomach content of hunted animals.
    Really? And so why did so many pirates get scurvy?
    Scurvy dog pirates hunted moose and deer on the ocean?
    No, But they were eating the meat they brought with them and not getting fruits and vegetables. That meat came from hunted animals, I would assume.
    I guess you missed the stomach contents part...which was actually just a tongue in cheek (heh) comment.
    But, see above. It's not an unknown practice. It's used in the north where veggies besides berries are few and far between.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    This is so me! Oh, and I just spewed diet soda all over my shirt front! :laugh:
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    The importance of eating veggies is grossly overstated.

    They are awful as a fuel source (good for fat people wanting to get thinner in this respect though).

    Though they contain a good amount of vitamins/minerals, they certainly aren't the only source. Vitamins/minerals are one of those things you don't get extra credit for, there is no difference between getting enough and getting much more than you need. Getting enough is pretty easy to do without effort, most people do not have nutrient deficiencies, even if they hardly eat any veggies at all (or take multivitamins).

    Don't feel bad if you aren't eating piles of veggies every day, they aren't nearly as important as some would have you believe.
    Where do you get your vitamins A, C and K?
    Stomach content of hunted animals.
    Really? And so why did so many pirates get scurvy?
    Scurvy dog pirates hunted moose and deer on the ocean?
    No, But they were eating the meat they brought with them and not getting fruits and vegetables. That meat came from hunted animals, I would assume.
    I guess you missed the stomach contents part...which was actually just a tongue in cheek (heh) comment.
    But, see above. It's not an unknown practice. It's used in the north where veggies besides berries are few and far between.

    Vitamin C does exist in small quantities in certain very fresh organ meats
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    When my buddy gets a moose, the call goes out to grandma to come get the stomach and make a traditional stew type meal from the contents...

  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    When my buddy gets a moose, the call goes out to grandma to come get the stomach and make a traditional stew type meal from the contents...

    Why do you shy from paleo diet ;)
  • The importance of eating veggies is grossly overstated.

    They are awful as a fuel source (good for fat people wanting to get thinner in this respect though).

    Though they contain a good amount of vitamins/minerals, they certainly aren't the only source. Vitamins/minerals are one of those things you don't get extra credit for, there is no difference between getting enough and getting much more than you need. Getting enough is pretty easy to do without effort, most people do not have nutrient deficiencies, even if they hardly eat any veggies at all (or take multivitamins).

    Don't feel bad if you aren't eating piles of veggies every day, they aren't nearly as important as some would have you believe.
    Where do you get your vitamins A, C and K?
    Stomach content of hunted animals.
    Really? And so why did so many pirates get scurvy?

    I don't think he said they aren't important...I think what he's trying to say is that you don't have to force down a gazillion servings of veggies per day or meet some magic ratio of green:colored varieties per day. many people on MfP act like veggies are all that matter and the be all end all of healthy eating...meanwhile their other macro nutrients are sadly lacking, especially fat.

    To the OP...I like mine roasted personally...but I love veggies...especially the ones that you have on your "NO" list.

    Thanks! I also need to learn more about other nutrients that I may or may not be lacking. Just not sure where to go for information so any and all pointers are greatly appreciated!

    My no list of veggies is quite disgusting to me, although I will eat sun dried tomatoes in a sand which
  • RunBrew
    RunBrew Posts: 220 Member
    For corn:

    Peel off the husk and clean any silk off you can.
    Make a mixture of a little melted butter, salt, pepper, cayenne, onion, and garlic.
    Heat grill as hot as it'll go.
    Place ears directly on the grill, baste with butter/spice mixture.
    Turn every 4-6 minutes, or just as they get grill marks. Continue basting each side.
    When all sides are done, remove and sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
    Bask in the compliments of friends and family.

    Place spears on aluminum foil
    Drizzle with small amount of olive oil and liberally season with coarse salt
    Cover with aluminum foil and make an envelope.
    Shake the pkg to cover all asparagus
    Bake 5-6 mins at 400F

    This can be done with potatoes, squash, and green beans too.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    Just keep trying different ones! I personally hate some of the most "common" veggies (onions, cucumber, tomatoes, celery...) but I love things like beets, kale, brussel sprouts, asparagus, artichokes etc. There are vegetables out there that you'll like, you just have to find them and have fun trying them :)
  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    The vegetables you eat are just fine! Greener vegetables are vitamin loaded so don't be so tough on yourself.