Goal Weight Reached But Now I Want to Get Ripped



  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    I have friends that lift weights and they all say low weights lots of reps and they are all ripped

    negative ghost rider....
    Bro, how do I tone my upper left ab? High reps or should I start taking creatine?
    Creatine is a steroid, trust me! The amount of bro-science on myfitnesspal is awful haha strongman lifts to build the most MASS high reps is for toning!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Just wanted to say congrats on your progress, cant wait to see pics after you have been lifting awhile
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    Congratulations on your victory. You've really worked hard and it shows. Your body fat must have dropped many % points. Besides the lifting I am wondering about another option.


    Have you looked into or thought about surgery to take that extra skin off. I doubt it will ever fully tighten up. You may qualify. Of course I don't know what your medical finances are like in regard to insurance, etc.

    You remind me of some of those picked on Extreme Weight Loss. I am inspired by their victories too.

    If I have spoken out of turn or offended you I can assure you I only mean well.


    You skin WILL tighten up some naturally over time so i would suggest maintaining this loss and strength training before considering having the skin removed. It may not end up being that big of a deal, however, it may not improve.

    Just saying i would wait before i consider to see if it improves at all.

    You really need to get a Body Comp Done to see where you are. Having also lost a LARGE amount of weight, I struggle with the lose skin issue, but I am seeing great results by lifting. I think you will be shocked at your actual Body Comp. I would SERIOUSLY suggest finding a Personal Trainer that understands your goals, and can help you reach them. Also, get your body comp down to under 10% (this is typically the level to see Abs) and see where you are with lose skin, it might not be as bad as many are saying here.

    Congrats on your excellent weight loss!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Creatine is a steroid, trust me! The amount of bro-science on myfitnesspal is awful haha strongman lifts to build the most MASS high reps is for toning!


    creatine is just a supliment, its naturally found in foods.

    Its not a drug.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I have friends that lift weights and they all say low weights lots of reps and they are all ripped

    negative ghost rider....
    Bro, how do I tone my upper left ab? High reps or should I start taking creatine?
    Creatine is a steroid, trust me! The amount of bro-science on myfitnesspal is awful haha strongman lifts to build the most MASS high reps is for toning!
    What? Creatine is an amino acid, not a steroid. You're babbling about broscience but you seriously have no idea what you are talking about. High reps is cardio (endurance) work. For the record, there's no such thing as "toning." It's a bull**** meaningless term that the fitness industry bastardized to try and make money. Muscles have "tone," which is a state of constant partial contraction to maintain posture. You cannot make them look "toned." Low reps and heavy weights will improve muscle tone much faster than high reps ever will, because high reps will never overload the muscle to force adaptation to increase its tone. Tone is a muscle defense mechanism, that's all. Example: bench press. When you take the bar off the rack and drop it to your chest, your pectorals stretch (eccentric part of the movement.) When faced with a heavy enough load, the pectorals respond by Immediately beginning to contract to resist the stretch. That contraction is "muscle tone" and is also known as the stretch reflex or "bounce reflex." The same thing happens with the hamstrings and glutes on the downward part of a squat, hence "bouncing out of the hole." Low weights and high reps will not overload the muscles to a point of adapting to a stretch reflex.

    To look "toned" as far as the bastardization by the fitness industry goes, you just need a calorie deficit, because all they mean is low body fat.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Oh my goodness this thread got all full of funny.:laugh: :laugh:
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I have friends that lift weights and they all say low weights lots of reps and they are all ripped

    Not this.
    Agreed. You want to overload the muscles, rather than fatigue them.

    Isn't it low rep ranges of 5-6 to build mass, but 10-12 for muscle hypertrophy.

    Actually low rep ranges for strength... yes to the hypertrophy. But when people say lots of high reps people grab the little dumbbells and do sets of 20-30, which isn't going to build appreciable size. So I guess it's all relative. "Lots of reps" isn't clear. I was being facetious with my first comment.

    And here i was thinking i have been doing it all wrong.
  • bceltic
    bceltic Posts: 135 Member
    wow, congrats! What a wonderful accomplishment!
  • Hey bud. Congrats on your weight loss.

    That's the first, and the easiest step for people in our shoes. The next portion (getting ripped) will be a multi-year journey involving bulking and cutting. Before I give you advice I'll let you know I was in your shoes before; went from 320 down to 160 at 5'7-5'8ish and had so much loose skin I had to wear under armor everywhere I went....

    Now onto the information you want in regards to getting ripped and fixing the loose skin.

    Currently your BF % is likely around 25% approximately.

    Look at the skin on the top of your hand. It's loose, but firm. You can likely pull it out an inch. That is due to low fat deposits. You currently have massive fat deposits everywhere in your chest and mid section. The "10%" body fat region is where you need to be, BUT you need to be at that percentage with a healthy muscle mass.

    Which leads to my next advice... "HOW" to get that healthy muscle mass.

    You'll need to BULK (which means you'll gain weight, deal with it, trust me it'll work) by figuring out your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and eating ABOVE your maintenance (approximately 1000 calories works fine, not above) while following a strict workout program that focuses on strength development. I would honestly suggest Kris Gethin's DTP program (bodybuilding.com has it).

    You'll want to bulk for about 3 months (12 weeks) then cut for about 4 weeks (cutting is also described on Bodybuilding.com forums, henceforth known as BB.com) and do that back and forth.

    After approximately a year you'll have put on a solid 10-15 pounds of muscle and hopefully stayed at the same weight. You MAY need to do another year of that, but once you get to about 15% body fat at your current weight it'll be time to get shredded! (or ripped, whatever term you wish to use.)

    Honestly, there is so much info we could go over but truthfully there is so much "broscience" out there that anything I tell you will be ripped apart by critics or bro-scientists.

    You'll want to avoid too many supplements as they're a waste of money, creatine + protein powders are typically the only thing I recommend, along with a multivitamin. (IN B4 Creatine/Protein shakes are steroids)

    Eat lots of varied foods; meal timing has been proven by double blind studies to be irrelevant to "gains"; but it is important to get a decently varied meal approximately 2 hours pre-workout.

    If you have any questions I'd suggest BB.com for ya bud! Good luck!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    looks like you got the loose skin issue my friend, or will. if you find a way to deal with that without surgery, i'd like to know how.

    As he loses the layer of fat that is still clinging to his skin, it will shrink substantially.

    OP. I wouldn't worry at all about the loose skin (not sure why others seem so worried FOR you). Sheesh.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I have friends that lift weights and they all say low weights lots of reps and they are all ripped

    negative ghost rider....
    Bro, how do I tone my upper left ab? High reps or should I start taking creatine?

    Tense when squat-rack curling.
    I have tried that. Maybe I need to work on my mind- skeleton connection so I can target that tendon better.

    Get someone to spin the weights at each end of the barbell.

    That gravity, bro.
    What is that physics? I didn't know it was important for muscle shaping. Thank bro! Quick question? What do I do when I have to use the bathroom? I have to go really bad but I don't want to lose my gains.

    Take one scoop casein pre-bathroom and immediately take a scoop of whey post-excretion. Two scoops if you're really serious about your gains.

    Will you cup your hands in times of need?

    Hijacking this thread...seriously??
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Freaking fabulous, man. Add me if you want a weight lifting buddy. I've been on every day for a year and a half.