Unsupportive Boyfriend and House



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    just break up
  • ravengal
    you're like "why cant I have it my way?" - the answer is its not your house, and you are making a problem by expecting everyone else to change when you can be the change or orchestrate the change.

    you are making yourself a cage to live in by not making the best of your current situation. accept people for their faults, and adjust as much as you can to fit your lifestyle with the lifestyles of those around you.

    Wise words!
  • kordell70
    kordell70 Posts: 49 Member
    There is an old saying "I am the king or queen of my castle." When you live in someone else's home you must abide by their rules which means they do not have to change how they interact with you. However, you are the queen of your personage. You can say no to the food and stay in the home & be subjected to some comments you do not like, you can move away, you can give in to them and be miserable, you can talk to them and get some compromise (if it is possible), etc. You have many solutions which are not complicated in any respects. You merely make them complicated because you wish to make a certain decision knowing the outcome and you hate the outcome. If you hate the outcome, then make a new decision.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Hello there! I'm 22, 5 foot, italian as all hell...and I know how it is!

    I feel a lot of people here aren't understanding how Italian families work and the incredible focus on food and large portions. It is a culture, a custom, and often a source of offending people who don't understand healthy eating sadly.

    I was overweight my whole life. Not significantly, but not unnoticeably either. Growing up, my family would praise me when the scale went up, and eventually I hit a point around 6th grade where I was like "wait...this isn't a good weight for me...why are they cheering?" My doctor also bluntly said "you'd better lay off the Burger King sweetie" (I always hated him >_<)

    But the blunt truth is that they never will change. I have so many italian friends with mothers that are in DIRE health conditions and will not give up stocking the house with sausages, white bread, and bag upon bag of pasta. Thank God my mother is not in dire conditions yet, but I do also deal with the same battle. My mother likes to rinse out the pasta sauce jar with cream to get every last bit...that kind of situation.

    You have to decide which is more important to you. The fact that he defends his mother so much is a bad sign...he should be supporting you! Even if you aren't eating the same foods- I don't get why that's anyone else's problem! But I do understand your position and how it offends her, though you don't mean to. They really are just like that.

    The other day I went to my aunts and it's been 300 days of healthy eating for me. My mom asked what I'd like when we go there because of my eating requirements, and to make everyone happy I said "chinese food". I got a steamed veggie and shrimp plate, ate some lo-mein, a giant dumpling, and half a can of Coke (the craziest day I had in a while). I had worked out all morning, so I wasn't too concerned. And I was proud that nobody in my family would think I was "eating weird food" either. Needless to say, after stuffing my face, my aunt says, "So, when are you going to start eating NORMAL food again?" Umm....what is this? Some outer space food?

    They just don't understand. When I was vegan for 6 months a while back, you should have heard the comments from my extended family. My mom understood, but everyone else was like "you're going to die! you can't survive without animal protein!" despite my arguments about substitutes and the vitamin content of green leafy vegetables.

    Do this for you- ignore everyone else. If she gets that pissed at you- or if he does- then it's their own problem and you deserve better than that. No one should have to try and please everyone just to eat a damn meal!

    My heart is with you...I hope this situation leads to a healthier happier you in the end <3

    Even with all the good Italian cooking all she has to do is like 45 min of cardio a day. She could watch a youtube video and do some zumba in her room. Plus Italian food is bomb so she should just get a little bit of everything and then work out, but dont eat like 3 pieces of lasagna in one sitting and then a bunch of other stuff. Or have a piece or two of the bread during dinner just not 5. Not all Italian people are over weight so they have obviously figured out a way to eat that food and stay thin.

    I'm guessing not because OP has stated the BF is trying to lose weight as well. I'm kinda inclined to think then that THIS Italian family IS overweight. Something OP is trying to avoid them doing to her.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    You are a guest in someone else's house. Keep your yap shut, be gracious and make the best of it. If you force him to choose between you and his mother you WILL lose. My advice would be to put your weight loss plans on hold until you're out of the house. It's only a few more months, right? It would probably be wise to try and stay on mama's good side, too - if she's thinks you're just a complaining prima donna she's probably got enough power over her son to torpedo the whole relationship. And maybe ask her to teach you how to make some of your BF's favorite meals so you can cook them for him sometimes.

    I agree with many of the people here that I would be very wary of getting involved with a man who has never had to take care of himself (get ready for a future as a domestic servant whether you both work full time or not), but that's a different issue.
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    I truly can understand your frustration. but perhaps try a different, softer tone.
    'cause you catch more flies with honey than you do with vnegar.

    these are some of your comments:
    " I explain to him that there are healthier ways than pasta crap every single night.
    Those are cheap and easy food items. Which is why you're supposed to avoid them.
    I just needed to get some advice from someone outside this crazy house.
    When I voice my frustrations I get criticized so harshly ."

    mmmm... with that tone in your voice, wonder why he isn't supportive? you are attacking his mom's cooking, her core, her reason for existing, who, I'm guessing is around 50, has been doing this all her life, and learned from her mom, who learned from Her mom,etc. family tradition !!

    It's her house. Don't expect her to change her shopping, her cooking & her snacking habits in her house.
    Be respectful & appreciative of what she puts on the table. You can always choose to eat smaller portions.

    You might consider asking to cook with her, or ask her to show you how to cook a dish or two. (food flattery goes along way with us italians!!)
    offer to help her in the kitchen several times.
    after doing that a few times, offer to make a vegetable plate. another time, offer to make a salad to compliment her main dish.
    Play it off that you want to learn & help. and don't say anything that can even remotely be construed that she makes poor choices, or your choices are better than hers. if you can win-over your boyfriends mom, it will pay off for years, and all of you will be soooo much happier.

    honey, just kiss up a bit.
    Keep your eye on the prize ( you just don't have to let her onto what the prize is)

    btw ~ I'm 1/2 italian & my ex-husband was 100% Sicilian.

    This is great advice. If you keep up with the put downs and negativity you are going to ruin your relationship with your inlaws. Not a good idea for a great foundation to your relationship with your boyfriend. Chill out and find better ways to express yourself. No one is making you gain weight but you.
  • goodnamegone
    I think living with him and his parents in itself is a stressful situation. I am guessing culturally for him it's normal to still be living at home but for me it would be weird and perhaps for you too.

    And he's right, it's up to you to choose your portions but if I was in a house with an Italian Mamma cooking I'd be doomed too since that's in my opinion the most delicious food ever.

    What you might want to do is eat super duper light during the day and then have smaller portions at dinner and up your exercise regime.

    If this man is your soul mate then make it work where you are and make it work for you too. Work around the situation and find ways for you to be under your calorie goal every day.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    LOL. what a ****ty situation. WTH did you move in with your boyfriend, when he still lives with his parents? Your situation is akin to a live enactment of my version of hell.

    Either this relationship won't last, or it will leave you miserable and unfulfilled.

    get OUT of there asap.
  • LoisLane11
    LoisLane11 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow, some of you people are fairly/incredibly rude.

    To be clear, my boyfriend and I both have fine jobs. He just isn't ready to look for houses until the beginning of the year.

    And to those who say I am not being force fed, that is correct, however, it becomes pretty hard to resist when after you put your plate in the dishwasher, she grabs a new plate, fills it with new food and brings it to the table where you are sitting to chat with everyone as they finish dinner. I understand that this is not physical force feeding, but it makes you look like a **** if you go dump back in front of the other family members (who come to visit once a week for dinner)

    I understand this is her house, which is why I stated its difficult to lose weight, because I don't expect her change, in fact, I never stated that. Why would I move into someones house and expect them to change? I didn't, I don't and I won't, so stop being rude and get over it. That is why I said its difficult, since I'm not expecting them to change, I'd like a little support when it becomes difficult to resist that second helping at dinner, or picking at the millions of snacks lying everywhere.

    Seriously, where did some of you people grow up? In a world where "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?" Didn't get taught?
  • LoisLane11
    LoisLane11 Posts: 10 Member
    Oh and too all those freaking out over my choice of words to use "Pasta Crap"

    If you're on the website, you know as well I do that white pasta is just bad, empty calories. She is not using wheat pasta here. Calm down. I know italian cooking is good... thats why its difficult to resist when there are gobs and gobs of it in the fridge every single day.
  • LoisLane11
    LoisLane11 Posts: 10 Member
    Honestly, do those of you think I tell my mother in law that her food is crap? I don't. Because it isn't.

    I know she's italian, but her family has lived in America for 3 generations, enough blaming this on culture. I'm a 2nd gen Hungarian, and my Grandma was a gypsy, I should blame any negative behavior I have on that! Even though (just like my mother in law) I have never been to that country, nor do I carry many of those traits.

    Being any race or culture doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful, which she is when she brings me a plate of food after 4 polite no thanks yous. (Most of this is after I ate food right in front of her) She is incredibly rude in that regard. So stop making excuses for her.
  • CallMeRuPaul
    CallMeRuPaul Posts: 151 Member
    i feel your pain! and for the most part, i do not fall to temptation, but i do indulge a bit here and there.

    i agree with a lot of what everyone is saying. why are you with this dude? you're putting him up on a pedestal, but it sounds as if he isn't doing anything for you. drop the zero! get with someone that shares your same feelings and interests about food and fitness.

    pasta isn't a bad thing as long as you have it in moderation, but that's with anything. my wife used to the cooking in the house and it was all fried, high in sodium, high in fat, etc. so i do the cooking now. i've replaced the red meat with fish and chicken and i make lots of veggies with every meal (when i say "make" i mean i "heat up" veggies - thank you birdseye steamfresh!!!). i also try to have a salad at lunch or dinner each day.

    if you don't want to cook for your boyfriend and his parents, do your own thing. cook separate meals and have you a piece of baked fish, brown rice, a big serving or 2 of veggies, a baked potato/sweet potato and a big salad with a bit of italian dressing. maybe they'll look at you and eventually want to change their ways.

    good luck.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    With the limited info we have, I agree with getting out of the house. You don't necessarily have to break up with your boyfriend, but at least move out on your own. Then insist that he moves out on his own too. This will give you a chance to see how he manages his own life without mom's help, and you'll have full control of your own surroundings. Only after at least several months of this, think about living together again--probably just as renters to start.
    I like this suggestion a LOT. A close friend of mine married a 'mama's boy' and its been a constant source of problems in their marriage. She owned her own home for years, and he moved straight from his parent's home to hers when they got married. His mom cooked everything, packed his lunches, and did all his laundry, and he expected her to do the same for him.

    I'm a firm believer that every person (man or woman both) needs to stand on their own two feet in this world before they can be a fair and equal partner in a relationship.

    Good luck to you! :drinker:
  • Rawfoodsho
    Wow, some of you people are fairly/incredibly rude.

    To be clear, my boyfriend and I both have fine jobs. He just isn't ready to look for houses until the beginning of the year.

    And to those who say I am not being force fed, that is correct, however, it becomes pretty hard to resist when after you put your plate in the dishwasher, she grabs a new plate, fills it with new food and brings it to the table where you are sitting to chat with everyone as they finish dinner. I understand that this is not physical force feeding, but it makes you look like a **** if you go dump back in front of the other family members (who come to visit once a week for dinner)

    I understand this is her house, which is why I stated its difficult to lose weight, because I don't expect her change, in fact, I never stated that. Why would I move into someones house and expect them to change? I didn't, I don't and I won't, so stop being rude and get over it. That is why I said its difficult, since I'm not expecting them to change, I'd like a little support when it becomes difficult to resist that second helping at dinner, or picking at the millions of snacks lying everywhere.

    Seriously, where did some of you people grow up? In a world where "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?" Didn't get taught?

    So you both have jobs and an income to buy your own food, so you could easily buy your own healthy foods. So you are saying after a huge meal she fills you up ANOTHER whole plate of food? Uhh learn to say no? Is EVERYTHING Italians cook carb filled and unhealthy because it looks that way? Cant they make you a nice salad and some steamed veggies? You think she is disrespecting YOU by bringing your grown up self plates of food? If you cant stand up for yourself and put your foot down enough for them to listen that sounds like your problem. If your boyfriend is overweight and so is the rest of the family changes are if you ended up married you would be cooking that same unhealthy white carb crap for him. You could easily cook separately. Now I moved back in with my parents in my mid 20s for about 4 months and YES when my step mom cooked a big meal she would get offended if you brought back taco bell when she cooked a big dinner for you, but I still had control over portion sizes and she still always made vegetables. His mom cant make a caprese salad and some vegetables for you? You say "why would I move into her house expecting her to change" well you KNEW how that family ate before you moved in? This wouldn't happen to someone like me, after the 3rd ask I would of blown up on his mom and told her to F-off and stop asking me if I want food. If the bf is a pansy and stands up for his mom, hes OUT. But really, put this old lady in her place....How hard is that?

    You say they have lived in America for 3 generations and it has nothing to do with culture. Uhhh it has everything to do with culture. Italian men live with their parents until they are married off, they ALWAYS eat that carb filled unhealthy food. This is how their families raised them. It has everything to do with their culture.
  • Rawfoodsho
    i feel your pain! and for the most part, i do not fall to temptation, but i do indulge a bit here and there.

    i agree with a lot of what everyone is saying. why are you with this dude? you're putting him up on a pedestal, but it sounds as if he isn't doing anything for you. drop the zero! get with someone that shares your same feelings and interests about food and fitness.

    pasta isn't a bad thing as long as you have it in moderation, but that's with anything. my wife used to the cooking in the house and it was all fried, high in sodium, high in fat, etc. so i do the cooking now. i've replaced the red meat with fish and chicken and i make lots of veggies with every meal (when i say "make" i mean i "heat up" veggies - thank you birdseye steamfresh!!!). i also try to have a salad at lunch or dinner each day.

    if you don't want to cook for your boyfriend and his parents, do your own thing. cook separate meals and have you a piece of baked fish, brown rice, a big serving or 2 of veggies, a baked potato/sweet potato and a big salad with a bit of italian dressing. maybe they'll look at you and eventually want to change their ways.

    good luck.

    Isn't pasta pretty much ALL they cook with? Italian food is pretty much the worst. 200 calories for 2 oz noodles dry, well that is like 15 noodles. I dont eat spaghetti because I end up eating like 1200 calories just from noodles and sauce. Plus all that food is empty calories and bad carbs.
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    living together is a preview of marriage. Is this what you want for the rest of your life? Why is he making all the decisions? He doesn't want to buy a house until next year after he knows you can live together well. Will his family move into the house he/you buy? If not, this "experiment" isn't a fair assessment. He sounds very controlling and you sound submissive. If you are to have a good future together, he should be telling his mother to stop pushing food at you because you are trying to cut back. Either you are exaggerating or you are setting yourself up a for a lifetime of abusive marriage. Yes, abusive. Not physical harm necessarily but certainly mental abuse where you are not in control of what you want to eat, do, etc. If that works for you, great, good luck. If not, get out while you can do so easily.
  • Rawfoodsho
    living together is a preview of marriage. Is this what you want for the rest of your life? Why is he making all the decisions? He doesn't want to buy a house until next year after he knows you can live together well. Will his family move into the house he/you buy? If not, this "experiment" isn't a fair assessment. He sounds very controlling and you sound submissive. If you are to have a good future together, he should be telling his mother to stop pushing food at you because you are trying to cut back. Either you are exaggerating or you are setting yourself up a for a lifetime of abusive marriage. Yes, abusive. Not physical harm necessarily but certainly mental abuse where you are not in control of what you want to eat, do, etc. If that works for you, great, good luck. If not, get out while you can do so easily.

    Even if they get their own house, he will probably end up being one of those guys who visits his mom daily and brings her food home anyways..... Plus like I had said if she ends up married to him she will be cooking this same bad, unhealthy food for him.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    What else is she serving besides pasta? Marinara sauce? Vegetables? Meatballs? Chicken? How is this different than any "American" dinner in terms of nutrition?
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Wow, some of you people are fairly/incredibly rude.

    To be clear, my boyfriend and I both have fine jobs. He just isn't ready to look for houses until the beginning of the year.

    And to those who say I am not being force fed, that is correct, however, it becomes pretty hard to resist when after you put your plate in the dishwasher, she grabs a new plate, fills it with new food and brings it to the table where you are sitting to chat with everyone as they finish dinner. I understand that this is not physical force feeding, but it makes you look like a **** if you go dump back in front of the other family members (who come to visit once a week for dinner)

    I understand this is her house, which is why I stated its difficult to lose weight, because I don't expect her change, in fact, I never stated that. Why would I move into someones house and expect them to change? I didn't, I don't and I won't, so stop being rude and get over it. That is why I said its difficult, since I'm not expecting them to change, I'd like a little support when it becomes difficult to resist that second helping at dinner, or picking at the millions of snacks lying everywhere.

    Seriously, where did some of you people grow up? In a world where "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?" Didn't get taught?

    Sunday morning greetings LoisL Your plight has been established and is a sensitive one, where you're feeling as though you're in a gavage situation.

    The Italians' warmed, cold and hot salads are aplenty (the varieties). Are you open to asking your boyfriend's Mother if they have family recipes for traditional family salads? Italians use lentils, seasonal vegetables, beans, faro, fruits, cheeses and cold meats at the very least. Surely, there is an opening here for you to acquire some kitchen real estate for yourself. Start here first then after a few lessons and dishes, have your man suggest to his Mother if you could get some refrigerator and cabinet space. I'm focusing on purely salad dishes because I don't rightly know what your splits are. I know you have an aversion to pasta but what of proteins? You would rather get your carbs from vegetables, meaning more food on your plate vs less food on your plate@pasta carbs.

    Let's change the focus. I believe that in order for us all to be supportive, you would need to furnish us all with (i) your daily caloric allotment and maybe open your Food Diary, (ii) your workout regimen plus frequency and duration, (iii) hydration level, (iv) sleeping pattern (How many hours? Restful or restless?), (v) without stating what your career, is your job one that requires you to be sedentary (desk) or mobile and fairly active? (vi) Are you on some form of birth control, where the side-effect is increased appetite? *Forgive me for asking these of you, but in order to support you fully, this is actually more important than focusing on your Boyfriend's mother and their Heritage, when it's to be about you and your desire to lose your vanity pounds to equate and/or better your body when he'd first met you*

    Have you made further considerations@my suggestion, to possibly inculcate some HIIT or another form of cardio? Short spurts of exercise for big burns to earn eating calories on top of your allotted goals.

    Do you own a food scale? Are you able to graze whilst eating? You are seemingly finishing your plate before everyone else, warranting her need to refill your plate. You'd stated 4 servings. Chew more and slowly; Interact with the table more to fill in eating time, where you're talking more and are eating less. Drink water whilst eating and sip slowly. Cut up your food into the tiniest possible morsels to suit your cutlery. Do not roll the pasta. Cut them up slowly ~ Fill in the dining duration, with other dining tactics, politely. Graze, graze, graze is your friend when food is abundant and courses are aplenty. Some people who practice proper dining etiquette even during family style dining, consider it blatantly rude to stand up from the table, when others are still in mid or towards the end of dining per course. Not to excuse your boyfriend's Mother's actions but that's to protect you from the scrutiny some on the table may have.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Oh and too all those freaking out over my choice of words to use "Pasta Crap"

    If you're on the website, you know as well I do that white pasta is just bad, empty calories. She is not using wheat pasta here. Calm down. I know italian cooking is good... thats why its difficult to resist when there are gobs and gobs of it in the fridge every single day.

    Understandably you favour your boyfriend's Mother's cooking, hence your complaint, hence your perception of an unsupportive house and boyfriend. I think people are reacting to your explosive choice of words, "crap" and "cheap" and "dump." They are loaded and cocked trigger words @direct responses addressing "pasta crap."

    White flour is not bad for you. Semolina is not bad for you. And your body does not delineate between sources of carbs unless of course you have a medical impediment. I know you do not or you'd have stated it before now. The only medical advice you'd divulged on this thread is where your boyfriend's Family Physician had stipulated that you need to lose some weight. No emphasis on allergies or health dietary sensitivity.

    Have you considered IIFYM as a possible avenue to suit the foods available in your boyfriend's family kitchen and your inability for self-control with food? IIFYM would create that safety blanket, for the white flour, semolina pasta, oils, candy, chippies, cookies, et al.

    ETA: Bold Code