Over 50 with 30lbs to lose need encouragement



  • Well I wish I were in the same boat as you ladies but I am only 48 and I need to lose between 142 and 178 pounds. I have waited all these years to really get serious about this and now my health is gone and I do need encouragement and friends who are going through this too. I am really ashamed of myself for going all this time without thinking of what this weight would do to my health. Please keep me in your prayers as I start this journey and I hope to make many new friends here as well. You all are in my prayers! P.S. I will post a photo soon.
  • maeld51
    maeld51 Posts: 3,415 Member
    51, already taking hormones, get practically no exercise! I spent the last year eating everything I wanted apparently. I was using weight ignorance as an excuse, never got on the scale. I went to the doctor for a checkup, got on the scale and was crying by the time the doc walked in. I decided that day that I was going to lose the weight now because it only gets harder the older we get. I input EVERYTHING, count every single calorie. Sticking to it will work! Only 38-40 lbs to go. I don't weigh every day, I think that can be a little discouraging. Twice a week on the scale is good.
  • hi, I am 51 and weigh 180, hoping to get back down to 135. Like you, I started here months ago, but never kept up with it! Giving it another try today!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • VeeGeeMom
    VeeGeeMom Posts: 21 Member
    Over 50 and much more than 30 to lose but I am on the way!
  • peprwpr
    peprwpr Posts: 56 Member
    Im 49, and already lost 39lbs, but I still have at least another 30lbs to go. Feel free to add.
  • I have about 110 pounds to lose [I'm 32]. I try to keep myself motivated by remembering that although 110 pounds feels so far away, time will still continue to tick away. I can spend those moments making healthy choices that culminate in me losing those pounds [hopefully most of it by next summer], or I can pysche myself out by focusing on the entire amount and end up in the same place next year that I am now. Cheesy by true: we need to take it one day at a time! :-) Glad you're on MFP!
  • Good for you! Trying once is admirable, but to pick yourself back up and try again is wonderful!

    I'm at least 65 pounds overweight, but that's if you go by my new ideal and not what I was in my twenties. I had lost 50 pounds over several years, but I've gained half that back thanks to a new husband who is a VERY good cook. He's finally realized that we are both getting unhealthy by the extra weight and that we will age a whole lot faster if we do nothing about it, so when our church started a weight maintanance program, we were ready. We went to the first meeting last night and started today. So far, so good!

    Anyway, I'd love to offer you encouragement, and I'd ask for yours too. Even the smallest change is a step forward, and even if you only take one extra step each day, it is progress!

    Take care, dear one. I look forward to getting to know you...

  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    add me if you want, I'm in same boat and it can be challenging and we have to watch each other's backs and support each other! Plus I use a wheelchair. You can DO this!
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi ALl...Im 51, in menopause and I have lost 40 pounds over the last 7 months and still have 25 more to go...feel free to friend me! The more friends and support the better :bigsmile:

    im on 1200 calories a day, I do yoga 2 x's a week and try and get to the gym a few times a week. At this age its a struggle...so easy to put the weight on and very slooooooowwwww to take it off!

    Taking it one pound at a time.
  • skelley331
    skelley331 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 56 and need to lose 24 lbs, I'm currently on the Metabolic Research Center weight loss program and I've lost 10 lbs so far using their program but have lost 8 lbs when i started MFP so 18 all together! I would love for anyone to send a friend request, it's nice to see how everyone else is losing lbs!!
  • DERBS21
    DERBS21 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi I'm 54 with 45 pounds to lose still, this is my first time on MFP. Just started one week ago. I would love to be your friend and we can help each other with motivation and encouragement. Welcome back!
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    Feel free to add me if you wish. I've actually lost 50 lbs but my ticker only reflects what I've lost since being on MFP. I still have a ways to go so we can support each other. All the best to you on your journey.
  • sweetyedie
    sweetyedie Posts: 104 Member
    I'm 63 and have a whole person to lose about 125 lbs. add me if you'ld like.
  • AprilFoolGirl
    AprilFoolGirl Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you to all the people that have sent friend requests directly to me. I didn't think to come back and look at the posts. This is all new to me.
  • pc2gmr
    pc2gmr Posts: 1
    Hi everyone,

    I'm 55 and really need to lose 30 lbs. I have tried every diet known to mankind! About 6 years ago, I went through a terrible divorce just as I turned 49, I had no trouble losing weight. In fact, I hadn't been that thin since high school. I was never hungry, I never thought about food, I didn't exxperience any hunger pangs. In short, as far as weight loss goes....it was great! The weight stayed off for about a year or so. Then with menopause and a new job that required sitting at a desk all day, the weight just started piling on.

    I would love to get ideas on how to get started and would REALLY appreciate having support as I give it another try. I downloaded the MFP app on phone and hoping to make a serious change.

    Hope to meet others on this difficult journey of losing weight in your 50's!


  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    Take one day at a time!! Add away!! Good luck.
  • I'm 52 and have gained 30 lbs in four years. I have lost 10-15 lbs on various diets but always gain it back. I am 5'2" and weigh 150 as of today. I have arthritis in my hips and ankles and can't walk without pain and swelling. I ride a bike a couple of times a week but don't get the workout i used to when I could hike and walk plus I still suffer for a day or so afterwards. I'm very knowledgable about nutrition but I just can't get enough energy to figure this out. Does anyone have any suggestions? : (
  • lgrix
    lgrix Posts: 160 Member
    I'm 57 and been trying to lose 30 lbs for about 10 years. Good news, I have not gained any and am down 5 lbs from when I joined MFP.
    I ran my 5th marathon 2 weeks ago and am currently swimming most days of the week to reach my goal for the year. Started swimming distance 2 years ago, took lessons so I could feel comfortable in open water swims in order to be able to do triathalons. I did 4 sprint tri's this year, very fun. Not fast in anything, just comfortable. More like zen experience when I do distance exercise, except for the triathalons, pure adreneline rush for 2 hours!

    Exercise, not a problem, losing weight? can't figure it out, although the combination of running and swimming has resulted in a drop in dress size.

    Interested to see what does and does not work for others with similar goals.

    Anyone can add me as well.