Ideal weight for 5'7?



  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 638 Member
    I'm 5'7"! My weight as of this morning is 143. I look amazing at 135, but my ultimate goal at one point is 130! I'm at no means fat, my bmi is 22.5 I think. I just want to have slimmer thighs since I carry all my weight in my thighs and *kitten*!

    Same here.
  • burbacka1132
    burbacka1132 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5'7" and at 139 right now. I want to get back down to 130 or 132. I was hovering at 134 for a long time (success!) but less than a year ago: new job, new city, new living it was challenging to do proper meal planning. The weight crept back on and I really do NOT want to go clothes shopping for bigger clothes!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I'm 5' & 7.5" and am shooting for 145. If I was younger, I'd probably set my goal at 135, but at 55 (and post menopause) I have to be honest and say that 145 is probably a more reasonable weight to maintain. I don't want to get to goal and find it impossible to hold on to.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    I am 5'7 and a half (yes, it counts), currently at 295, aiming for 165

    I dont believe that I have been 165 at any point in my adult life, so I would love to see it, plus I am bottom heavy (always have had these massive thighs and booty) and I am unsure of what I will look like at that weight. I always joke that I am built like a midget with a long torso and short thick legs (hubby likes em, me not so much)

    First goal is 265, next one is 247 (1lb less than what I weighed on my wedding day), next is 220, then 208 (what I weighed after having my first child) then 199 (onederland, of course) then 180. I believe that 180 will be my evaluation point. 165 is UGW for right now though.

    I currently fluctuate between 1200-1500 cals, depending on exercise (which hasnt been the most consistent lately)
  • EllennD
    EllennD Posts: 96 Member
  • BrookeBQ
    BrookeBQ Posts: 163 Member
    I'm 127 pounds and maintaining now. Anyone can add me. 1640 calories a day :)
  • forthemoney
    forthemoney Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 5'7.5 (I agree, that extra half counts!). Two years ago I was down to about 155 and a size 6. I felt and looked great. Healthwise, my doctor thought I was fine when I was a little heavier, but I felt better at 155. So that's my goal now.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Probably around 180 if competing for Ms Olympia, or ~110 if you're aiming for Olympic marathon.
  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    I am 5 ft 7 before i lost weight i was 159 lbs i am currently 138 and feel really happy at this weight, but want to loose a bit more so when christmas comes i can have a few treats and still be at a good weight,
  • isbef72
    isbef72 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'8" and small framed. (So close) post kids my weight has fluctuated a lot. I'm currently in 160s and feel huge. I look good around 140, acceptable at 155. In my early 20s I was around 100 lb. so very thin. I thought I looked great. Everyone told me I looked sick! So I guess I would like to get back into 140s.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I'm 5'7" and 57 years old. I had weight loss surgery (top weight was 386) and currently weigh 234. My surgeon siad my ideal weight is 160. Funny thing is in high school I weighed 160 and was 20 pounds overweight. :laugh: But at my age that's what I'm supposed to weigh I guess. My personal goal is get below 200 and see what I look and feel like then. If I get to 160 great! If not, but I can get and stay below 200 I will be happy.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    :drinker: Hooray for the 5'7ers of all weights...tis the best height of them all ;)

    I'm shooting for 147lbs...with the ability to drop another 10lbs for special occassions! I've been told that I 'carry weight well' (blugh, hate that expression!) and that I don't look my weight (currently 189lbs), so I think that should be fine. I'm also starting a heavy lifting program and I'm not sure that it's possible at my height to weigh less than 130lbs and still be as strong as I need to be for the program.

    Oohh also, calories are 1600 a day on average. However, I like to chill, have fun and not worry about weighing and counting at the weekends, so I've started shooting for 1200 on week days and then use my 'saved' 2000 over the weekend.

    Good luck to you all!
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I'm 5'7" and aiming for 145-150. I have a large frame, so anything smaller then that I look sickly. Lowest was 129 and that was too skinny. I'm currently 186.2lbs. 42lbs gone already. :)

    Daily calorie goal is 1630.
  • dessyjo
    dessyjo Posts: 176 Member
    I'm 5'6", my goal weight is 150. MFP has me set at 1200 and I burn a little under 400 calories a day with exercise and eat back every single one.
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    I am 5'7 and my weight now is 127. Thats where I feel comfortable. Everyone is different!!
    Wow! LOL! That was my response January 2012, Now I'm 144 still wearing the same size 4 I am now eating ALOT more, lifting ALOT heavier weights looking and feeling better!! Stay off the scale ladies!

    This is fantastic, and it's right where I want to be. I'm 5' 6.5" and about 126 lb. After maintaining for several months and trying to figure out what I want to do I've decided to do a slow and steady bulk. I don't know where I want my weight to end up but I'm going to push hard and work on some big strong muscles!
  • sarah456s
    sarah456s Posts: 98 Member
    Ooh, this is where all the 5'7" women are!

    My goal is 140. Last time I was under 160, I was pretty happy, and thought I looked OK. Last time I was under 152 or so, I was very happy, and thought I looked good. I think under 145 I would be thrilled, but it's been so long since I've been that weight that I've forgotten what I felt like there.
  • Hi! I'm 5'7" and I'm not sure what my frame is exactly - I have a 5.5" wrist and a 26" waist, so it would seem that I have a small-ish frame, but my shoulders and hips are wide! My shoulders are 19" across! My hips measure 41"! In the past 2 years, I have gained a lot of weight and went from 120 to 150. While it's been a transition, I'm healthier now, because I was anemic before. My measurements went from 35-25-36 to 38-26-41. I think my body was probably the best at around 136, but, I've gotta say, with the broad shoulders and smaller waist, my boobs look pretty awesome right now :) I still do hope to lose some weight though, because I do have a bit of cellulite, and I liked my butt better before. I don't feel fat, and I wouldn't really want to go back to 120 pounds - I looked really bony and my ribs stood out (I wasn't anorexic, but I did try too hard to lose weight) and I STILL didn't feel good about myself. Physically, I think I'm most comfortable at about 133-140, weight wise, but really, it's all in your mind. I wasn't happy at any weight I was at, and I'm beginning to realize that you really have learn to love your body whatever weight your at. It doesn't matter that I was a size 0 and now am about a 10. What matters is that I try to eat healthy and that I value myself.
  • aprilricks86
    aprilricks86 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm somewhere around 5'6" and a half :) Just this year I decided to kind of "crack down" on myself and be healthier and stronger. As far as weight is concerned, right now I'm around 135. What I pay more attention to is how I look rather than the scale. My husband and I were doing insanity for a few months and I really noticed my body fat lowered dramatically but I didn't have much muscle underneath the fat so I just looked skinny without much definition. I was around 127 / 128 at that time and that was probably the flattest my belly has ever been! I could actually kind of see abs! lol . . . Now my focus has moved to gaining more muscle by lifting at home and at the gym while still keeping up the cardio to lower my body fat. I have no idea how much muscle I've gained but I definitely have! Weightlifting is where it's at!! I feel so much stronger and just tighter overall.
  • lilac20046
    lilac20046 Posts: 1 Member
  • I'm 5'7 (and a half!!! lol) and I currently weigh around 164. My goal is to get down to 155 by the end of December. I honestly am content with my weight at the moment, considering I was at 192 at the end of September. Everyone is built very differently and it's a curious thing how some carry their weight.