*LOSING* weight during the holidays.... ?



  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    So how long is "in the holidays" cause last time I checked only 2 of those days are "eating days" and a couple days of a party or two on top of that isn't going to derail your efforts either. Thinking of the holidays as an entire season vs just a few days is the kind of thinking that will though.
  • illuvatree
    illuvatree Posts: 185 Member
    Smaller portions and more exercise. And depending on whether you're cooking or around when it happens, record the recipes so you can see exactly what you're eating and how much is an acceptable amount. Idk, that's probably what I'll do.
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    So how long is "in the holidays" cause last time I checked only 2 of those days are "eating days" and a couple days of a party or two on top of that isn't going to derail your efforts either. Thinking of the holidays as an entire season vs just a few days is the kind of thinking that will though.

    ...says someone who has never worked in a school environment. Haha. There will be at least 3 or 4 "Thanksgiving" meals for me this month (work, friends, family, parties), plus a plethora of cakes, cookies, pies, etc, dropped off in the break room for all faculty to eat.

    Christmas is even worse... it'll start the first week of December and go through New Year's.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    Unless you're hosting the feasts, you don't have to be around the food all the time. If you are seeing relatives and friends, make the holidays about sharing time with them. Even better, find non-food things to do with them, if you can, like hiking, biking or even shopping (shudder.)

    As far as the feasts themselves are concerned, really when you think about it Thanksgiving dinner really includes a lot of healthy foods and you can pick and choose those things. Or, as others have suggested, you can plan the rest of your day so that you can have your favorite foods. Also, if there is a particular food you especially look forward to, like grandma's pecan pie, then choose that for your spurge and limit other things.

    Rather than sleeping in front of the TV football games after the feast, maybe take a walk, instead.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    So how long is "in the holidays" cause last time I checked only 2 of those days are "eating days" and a couple days of a party or two on top of that isn't going to derail your efforts either. Thinking of the holidays as an entire season vs just a few days is the kind of thinking that will though.

    ...says someone who has never worked in a school environment. Haha. There will be at least 3 or 4 "Thanksgiving" meals for me this month (work, friends, family, parties), plus a plethora of cakes, cookies, pies, etc, dropped off in the break room for all faculty to eat.

    Christmas is even worse... it'll start the first week of December and go through New Year's.

    I'll see your holiday meal and raise you an Italian upbringing lol. Every meal I have outside my home is a challenge. See my diary yesterday for an example and we're nowhere near the holidays. I do that once every 2 weeks at my MILs. My plan is to skip a meal, sure it's not perfect but I have to consolidate somewhere. If lasagna is to be the "first course" of a meal then I have to have an action plan lol
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    Echoing a lot of what has already been said, food moderation and extra exercise. I plan on eating whatever food I want to on thanksgiving, xmas eve, xmas and new years eve (notice I said "whatever food I want" but I didn't say "however much of it I want"). But a huge issue for me is what I drink. I can easily drink 1,000 calories sans alcohol! I plan on only drinking water to keep my calories freed up for food. I also plan on running every single day (I usually only run 3 or 4 times a week). I'm not thinking I will lose *much if anything but I'm just hoping not to gain. It's only about 7 total days to get through without over indulging! good luck! :0)
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I'm currently up about 6lbs from my lowest, and I need to get that back off. When doing things right, I can easily do that in a month or so, and I'd like to continue forward, but we're in the holidays!!

    Just how long are your holidays?!?!?
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I lost weight through the holidays last year and what made a huge difference was that I can eat whatever I want ON THE ACTUAL HOLIDAYS, but not all those days in between! I do a 5K on Thanksgiving every year so it eases the calorie blow a little, but I eat to my heart's desire on Thanksgiving. The day after Thanksgiving I need to go right back to normal. If I gorge on leftovers for another 3 days, that's when I put weight on. Same thing with Christmas. I also allowed myself to indulge at 1 Christmas party, but not 5 of them like I normally would. Everything in moderation got me through the holidays with a loss. You can do it!! :)
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    I try to increase my workouts and the intensity of them right before social gatherings-- so I can eat a little more and not feel guilty. But by eating more, I pick the things that I really want to eat and don't touch the ones that I don't want as much.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Any REALISTIC tips on how to actually lose (not just maintain) weight during the holidays?

    count calories.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Move more.
    Continue to track your calories.
    Drink water.
    Don't make everything about food; enjoy the company of the people around you.
    Don't stress about it so dang much.

    And again...count your calories.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member

    3 holiday threads...
  • dacspace
    dacspace Posts: 109 Member
    As a person who cooks Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, I will be using some healthier alternatives in my recipes. This is a bit challenging as I'm pretty sure a few of my family members are bloodhounds and can sniff out anything healthy within a two mile radius!

    On Thanksgiving day, I have signed up for a 5K run that morning. I plan to throw the turkey in the oven, head to the event then be back home to start the other food for the day. That way I can have a bit extra without feeling too guilty. I hope to find another event close to Christmas too!

    I'm going to log everything even on Thanksgiving and Christmas so that I don't go overboard. Logging is sanity for me and will definitely help me on those two heavy eating days. I don't expect a lose the weeks of Thanksgiving or Christmas but I also don't expect a gain. There is no reason I can't have a lose for the weeks in between. Thanksgiving and Christmas are only one day; a logged cheat day as I like to call it; so I'm going to treat it as such.

    Since I am the cook, I plan to have a veggie tray out early so that I can snack on it instead of little "sample" bites of this or that as I'm cooking. I will probably pop a piece or two of minty gum to keep my mouth busy too!
  • EMSchell2009
    EMSchell2009 Posts: 17 Member
    I make a list of things that are worth extra calories. Then I carefully decide what I am going to eat. For me turkey is hit or miss, but I will want some pumpkin custard and whipped cream. mashed potatoes are wonderful and Gluten free stuffing are a must, but I can easily skip gravy. Planning is key.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    So how long is "in the holidays" cause last time I checked only 2 of those days are "eating days" and a couple days of a party or two on top of that isn't going to derail your efforts either. Thinking of the holidays as an entire season vs just a few days is the kind of thinking that will though.

    ...says someone who has never worked in a school environment. Haha. There will be at least 3 or 4 "Thanksgiving" meals for me this month (work, friends, family, parties), plus a plethora of cakes, cookies, pies, etc, dropped off in the break room for all faculty to eat.

    Christmas is even worse... it'll start the first week of December and go through New Year's.

    Willpower and planning.
  • nickalow11
    nickalow11 Posts: 99 Member
    I've found that if the food isn't absolutely amazing, it just isn't worth eating. Fortunately for me, there's only 1 meal out of the 3 or 4 that will be THAT good. Keep moving, it will all even out.
  • Saezimmerman
    Saezimmerman Posts: 93 Member
    So how long is "in the holidays" cause last time I checked only 2 of those days are "eating days" and a couple days of a party or two on top of that isn't going to derail your efforts either. Thinking of the holidays as an entire season vs just a few days is the kind of thinking that will though.

    ...says someone who has never worked in a school environment. Haha. There will be at least 3 or 4 "Thanksgiving" meals for me this month (work, friends, family, parties), plus a plethora of cakes, cookies, pies, etc, dropped off in the break room for all faculty to eat.

    Christmas is even worse... it'll start the first week of December and go through New Year's.

    A lot of people talk about just eating on the day of, but that's a difficult thing to do when so much of our social life revolves aroung potlucks. I try to keep in mind the following:
    1) I know what my dish tastes like - no need to waste the calories on it.
    2) cookies break - if i have to try it, I'll split with someone.
    3) don't stand near the chips and dip - get a plate and walk away
    4) stick to water - less wasted calories and better judgement come time for dessert

    The other thing to consider is that a lot of the attendees at these holiday parties are on here too. Maybe we could make a challenge to healthy up our favorite recipes.
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member

    ...says someone who has never worked in a school environment. Haha. There will be at least 3 or 4 "Thanksgiving" meals for me this month (work, friends, family, parties), plus a plethora of cakes, cookies, pies, etc, dropped off in the break room for all faculty to eat.

    Christmas is even worse... it'll start the first week of December and go through New Year's.

    I'm a school counselor, so I get what you're referencing. HOWEVER, you and I both know there are options. First, with the four Thanksgiving meals - turkey is a lean protein, so go nuts. If you like and want to indulge in some of the higher calorie sides/desserts, pick and choose which are the best from the four different meals and have each option only once. Still gets you out ok.

    Second, let's discuss the staff lounge. Most of that stuff is crap...and I don't mean in the "food and sugar is evil" way. I mean, most of the stuff dropped off at the lounge is not so great tasting. I'm an admitted baked goods snob, but let's be real. Some grocery store cupcakes with greasy frosting are not worth the cals. If you know a certain parent or local bakery is dropping something off that is guaranteed to be out of this world, then have some. If it's your regular, run-of-the-mill cookie, let it go.

    Realistically, there's only one way to get throught he holidays without gaining weight, and that's to count cals and exercise some will power. OP, look how far you've already come with your weight loss!! Let that little ticker be your motivation when the going gets rough.
  • karinschoultz
    karinschoultz Posts: 50 Member
    I try to really increase my exercise during this time. Lots of towns have a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. Then when its time to eat, I only eat the items I LOVE! Mashed poatoes and gravy, mac and cheese, just not tons of it!!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    All of the above. Plus, it helps me if I start eating with the lower calorie items first. Keep in mind I only eat what I like - I'm not advocating filling up on something yucky just because. Also, don't eat quickly - enjoy what you're eating to the fullest.

    Thanksgiving dinner? Start with the salad if there is one. Then turkey/ham/etc + lower calorie veggies (if any). Follow with high calorie sides (mashed potatoes, stuffing, candied sweet potatoes, etc). End w/ dessert + coffee.

    For me, that ensures I fill up on the things that won't blow my calorie budget. I'm then happy with smaller portions of the higher calorie stuff.