whey isolate



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Unfortunately Dr. Mercola does not have a good reputation. Thank you for sharing that piece of information with me.

    I have to have faith in some doctors.

    I believe that Dr.Oz is reputable.

    Let me emphasize that I am only referring to soy protein isolate. Soy in pure forms are fine.

    Dr. Dean Ornish is another reputable Dr. that also believes in this.

    I think you should read this:

  • SideSteel I appreciate that article.

    I know about Dr. Oz's integrative approach to medicine.

    I actually like it and find it very intriguing.

    It is intriguing to me because I would be ignorant to assume that science is the only source of real knowledge out there in this world.

    It is a faith based decision.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    SideSteel I appreciate that article.

    I know about Dr. Oz's integrative approach to medicine.

    I actually like it and find it very intriguing.

    It is intriguing to me because I would be ignorant to assume that science is the only source of real knowledge out there in this world.

    It is a faith based decision.

    You like the fact that he endorses things like raspberry ketones?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Unfortunately Dr. Mercola does not have a good reputation. Thank you for sharing that piece of information with me.

    I have to have faith in some doctors.

    I believe that Dr.Oz is reputable.

    I have not heard of any supplement having anything to do with this topic. Maybe you can tell me what supplement that is that has to do with this topic? Please.

    Let me emphasize that I am only referring to soy protein isolate. Soy in pure forms are fine.

    Dr. Dean Ornish is another reputable Dr. that also believes in this.

    Dr Dean Ornish specializes in CAD.

    He recommends extremely low fat diets - which is very controversial and can have a lot of negative health impacts. I would not use him as a basis for my nutrition decisions either.
  • Ducey99
    Ducey99 Posts: 26 Member
    The best advice I can give to those above is to follow research, not people. People often link to website, or videos, or blogs, but rarely to articles.

    Maybe Dr. Oz is a 'quack' that doesn't mean he's wrong about everything. People have tend to have opinions. Facts speak for themselves. Reputable, peer-reviewed journal articles are basically the only place I get information with regards to nutrition and health.

    You could list a thousand things any of these Dr.'s are wrong about. It has no bearing on whether or not they are correct regarding any other topic. On the flip side, Isaac Newton was into alchemy. The point is, trust science not people.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Whey isolate is much better than soy protein isolate so you have made a good choice. It does not really answer your question but I thought I would share that it is important to stay away from soy protein isolate.

    Why is that?

    Phytoestogens...estrogens are not your friend if you are trying to build muscle. Estrogens help the female body store fat for healthy pregnancy, among other things. However, if you were a perimenopausal female, then soy protein isolate might help with the symptoms. Your mileage may vary, it doesn't work for everyone. I won't be trying it because I'm allergic to soy beans, but that's a whole other reason to stay away from it.

    ETA: this is basic physiology/biology and has nothing to do with GMOs, clean eating or anything particularly controversial in science.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    SideSteel I appreciate that article.

    I know about Dr. Oz's integrative approach to medicine.

    I actually like it and find it very intriguing.

    It is intriguing to me because I would be ignorant to assume that science is the only source of real knowledge out there in this world.

    It is a faith based decision.

    Faith based decision? No, it is an ignorance based decision. "The dangers of soy protein" are not backed by credible science.
  • Ask the workers at the supplement store. Whey is used to get to your Protein intake if you can't get that much in food. Just like every one is saying. Body builders need A LOT of protein, and I sure as hell am not able to eat that much chicken breast. haha.
    I asked the guy at the store about Whey Iso or Casein because my brother uses casein. He told me that Whey is good for post workout and is fast acting and Casein is slow acting, you would have it before bed.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Whey isolate is much better than soy protein isolate so you have made a good choice. It does not really answer your question but I thought I would share that it is important to stay away from soy protein isolate.

    Why is that?

    Phytoestogens...estrogens are not your friend if you are trying to build muscle. Estrogens help the female body store fat for healthy pregnancy, among other things. However, if you were a perimenopausal female, then soy protein isolate might help with the symptoms. Your mileage may vary, it doesn't work for everyone. I won't be trying it because I'm allergic to soy beans, but that's a whole other reason to stay away from it.

    ETA: this is basic physiology/biology and has nothing to do with GMOs, clean eating or anything particularly controversial in science.

    Please look at the link I provided. This ^^ is not supported.
  • Ducey99
    Ducey99 Posts: 26 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Earlier in the thread. Assuming that is directed at me.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    You want to ingest 20-25g of protein immediately following resistance training. Whey protein is an excellent choice. It's also recommended that for maximum benefit this should be taken as a 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein. Don't over do the protein in one sitting though, because you can't really utilize protein ingested above ~ 30g every 2-3 hours.

    If you lift late in the day, you should also consider having some protein right before you go to bed. Here's a study about that. https://secure.footprint.net/gatorade/prd/gssiweb/pdf/117_SSE_Van_Loon.pdf
  • Ducey99
    Ducey99 Posts: 26 Member

    Earlier in the thread. Assuming that is directed at me.

    Ya, sorry! I just can't find it..
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I need to get to my other computer to pull more, but:

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Earlier in the thread. Assuming that is directed at me.

    Ya, sorry! I just can't find it..

    ooop - sorry. Got my threads confused :flowerforyou:
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    1. eat ANYTHING with protein
    2. lift
    3. hydrate
    4. rest properly
    5. repeat steps 1 through 4 to acquire desired results

    From my experience: Whey and creatine is an expensive waste when I have a freezer stock full of delicious chicken breasts. Too each their own though.
  • Ducey99
    Ducey99 Posts: 26 Member

    Earlier in the thread. Assuming that is directed at me.

    Ya, sorry! I just can't find it..

    ooop - sorry. Got my threads confused :flowerforyou:

    Whew! I thought I was losing it haha
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Earlier in the thread. Assuming that is directed at me.

    Ya, sorry! I just can't find it..

    ooop - sorry. Got my threads confused :flowerforyou:

    Whew! I thought I was losing it haha

    lol - no, that would be me. =)

    This is the one I thought I had posted.


    "In conclusion, it appears that both soy and whey supplementation in free living resistance training men results in lean body mass accretion without negatively affecting serum androgen levels."
  • Ducey99
    Ducey99 Posts: 26 Member

    This is the one I thought I had posted.


    "In conclusion, it appears that both soy and whey supplementation in free living resistance training men results in lean body mass accretion without negatively affecting serum androgen levels."

    Great article. Thanks!
  • Reality,

    I do not believe that you read the article or understood what I was referring to.
    I was responding to an article on Dr. Oz's approach to medicine.
    His approach to medicine is integrative and I believe in that approach.
    I have a great respect for science. I would say more than the average person.
    I have faith is in science. However, I am also a believer than science is not all of the real world knowledge out there.
    So maybe I believe in some Dr.'s that some people may call quacks.

    I only was sharing the information that I gathered on soy protein isolate not all soy proteins.
    I do not want people to get the wrong idea.