Maintenance Survey



  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?
    This is my third significant weight loss (1st- as a teen; 2nd- after baby #1; 3rd- after baby #2). I'll use the current one to answer the questions. I've been maintaining about 1-2 years. I lost all of the "baby weight" plus a couple of lbs when baby #2 turned 1.

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?
    Yes, my initial goal was 139.9 (so I could say I weighed in the 130s). I actually hit this goal when my daughter turned 1 through cutting back from pregnancy/bfing cals and light cardio. When she turned 1, I joined a gym. When I joined the gym, I adjusted my goal to 129.9 (so I could say I weighed in the 120s- I'm 5'2 and 33 if that matters). I've also started to adjust the focus of my goal from weight to strength as I have added strength training.

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?
    Not really, I just noticed that I hit my weight goal one day.

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?
    I still use my "goal" cals as my "goal" cals for the day, but I don't freak out if I eat more. I just know I have to eat somewhere between 1500-2000 cals/daily. If I don't plan to exercise that day, I try to stick to the low end of that range; and if I exercise, I know I can eat at the higher range.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?
    Harder on n0n-exercise days to stay at the low end; easy on exercise to eat at the high range.

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?
    I added desserts back in...a small amount of chocolate every couple of days. As for some of the other crap I cut out (soda, mayo, etc.), I haven't added those back on a regular basis. I cut out soda YEARS ago...back when I initially lost weight as a teen. No nutritional value in soda. Even chocolate has health benefits. I also don't drink diet soda. I think it tastes like battery acid...yuck.

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?
    I don't log food. I keep a running tally of cals in my head. This is a strategy that I learned YEARS ago also, so it comes second nature to me.

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?
    I do an "official" weigh-in at the beginning of the month and write it down or log into MFP. Then, I weigh myself usually at the beginning of each week, but don't track those little weigh-ins.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?
    Kind of...if I hit 135 (I'm at about 128 right now). I would probably start to cut back on cals.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?
    Not really. I have changed my routine, b/c I wanted to add strength-training to my cardio. I still work out about 5 days a week, I have just changed what I do.

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?
    I don't really have any future goals per say. Right now, I have been focused on fitness goals. Weekly, I try to increase the weight I am lifting based on what areas I feel I have been slacking in.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?
    Track cals, but don't become obsessed. Cardio, cardio, cardio, and then add strength-training when you feel that you are ready. Eat foods that are nutritious, but allow yourself to "splurge" SENSIBLY. Change your mindset from WEIGHT to HEALTH.
  • theycallyoumister
    theycallyoumister Posts: 222 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining? Since March 1st 2013
    2. Did you adjust your initial goal? I went 5 lbs lower
    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal? No
    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once? Bumped it
    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals? Tough adjustment
    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake? More protein
    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day? Probably for 6 months. I don't feel the need to be a slave to the diary anymore
    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP? Weigh daily. If it's the same I don't log it
    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories? 2.5 lbs plus/ minus (overall 5 lb range)
    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level? Not much except I don't walk outside now that it's cold
    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc? Same goals
    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share? Don't lose sight of the "big" prize. Don't slip too far past where you feel you can comfortably get back to goal weight (i.e. within a week)
  • TChavtur
    TChavtur Posts: 2 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining? 2 months
    2. Did you adjust your initial goal? No
    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal? No
    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once? gradually
    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals? Having a hard time, keep losing
    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake? Non I did not remove any to lose, I just reduced serving size.
    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? yes If so, do you complete your diary each day? yes
    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP? Once a month
    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories? No
    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level? Same
    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc? I changed the way I eat, I hope to continue to eat smaller portions and keep the diary to remind me not to over eat.
    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    bump to read later :-)
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?
    It will be two years this December

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?
    Yes, I had to. Once I hit my goal and increased my calories, I dropped 10 more lbs over about a three month period. This is the weight my body likes, and this weight has been very stable. I figure I must be doing something right...

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?
    No. i ate around 1400 calories a day right up until goal.

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?
    I increased initially by about 240 calories. Lost more weight, and increased by another 100 calories. Still lost weight. Rinse, repeat. I finally settled around 2000 calories a day.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?
    Very easy. Sometimes I'm not hungry enough for 2000, while other days it doesn't feel like it's enough, so i eat more. It all evens out.

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?
    During the week, I haven't added back any more junk. The quantity of the healthy choices however, has increased. The frequency in which I eat out has increased from about once a week to two to three times a week.

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?
    Yep, yep and yep!

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?
    Once a day, and I record my weight once a week.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?
    My weight fluctuates between 125 and 130. If I'm over 130, I cut back.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?
    Yes, I cut my workouts back from 5x a week for an hour to 4x a week for an hour.

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?
    To maintain what I have. I love this new body - my goal is just to enjoy it - I've earned it!

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share? I won't ever stop logging, and will never go back to mindless eating. The ice cream for dinner days are over...
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining? 6 weeks I think

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal? First wanted to be 128, then decided to go for 125, ended up at 123

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal? No

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once? All at once

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals? Easy because I can eat so much more!

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake? I let myself have a sweet tea or soda once a week or so previous rule was no calories from drinks

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day? Yes and yes

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP? Every week but only log weight change if 3 lb or more and if weight change lasts a week

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories? 125 if my top weight

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level? Not at all but eat back all of calories now

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc? Warrior dash, squat and deadlift body weight

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share? Nope!

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?

    Couple of months

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?

    I lost another 3kg after hitting my initial goal while I was trying to work out a maintenance balance. It's all good, I like it here :)

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?

    Not really. I reached my initial goal and then fiddled around a bit, which is how I lost the extra.

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?

    It was gradual.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?

    Insanely easy :drinker:

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?

    I ate most things in moderation while losing, so it was only a matter of bumping up the servings.

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?

    I just trialled not logging food in October. I'm still at the same weight. I'm happy not logging it for now as I think I've found my balance. Will log again for a bit if I feel it slipping away at any stage.

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?

    I weigh once a month, same as I did when losing. Haven't logged anything lately because I've stayed about the same.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?

    I don't have a 'number', I just go on how I feel.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?

    Much more focus on strength/resistance training and finding a good mix with cardio (running for me). I work out at the same amount or more now, and eat whatever I feel like lol

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?

    I like the way I look, I like the way I eat, and I'm happier and healthier for it. I want to continue this way :) Get stronger and fitter :)

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?

    Slow and steady. Set a goal and take the steps to accomplish it - but be prepared for it to take a little while :smile:
  • FrancineM62
    FrancineM62 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello maintainers! I hit my goal weight a couple weeks ago and am in the process of adjusting my calories each week to transition to maintenance. I thought it might be helpful to put out a general questionnaire to get a feel for how everybody handles this phase of the journey in their own way. Feel free to answer only what you want or add questions I forgot.

    1. How long have you been maintaining? 6 months
    2. Did you adjust your initial goal? yes
    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal? No
    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once? all at once
    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals? fairly easy
    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake? Didn't really add anything new, but it felt like I could eat 3 normal-sized meals again.
    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day? I log in every day and complete about 90% of the time.
    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP? weigh and log once a week religiously
    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories? 3-4 lbs
    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level? workouts less frequent, not so much because of being on maintenance but because of work schedule increase (I teach)
    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc? want to increase fruit and vegs; workout more
    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?

    GOOD LUCK!!! It CAN be done!

    Thanks for your time! Congrats on your past and continued success!
  • sklebar
    sklebar Posts: 117 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?

    Since March 2013

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?

    Yes, I am actually 17.6 pounds (8 kg. more than my goal weight)

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?

    Not really fast enough.

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?

    Nope. I was worried about gaining weight. Yeah, I got a bit nervous, especially because I recently retired from sport.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?

    A bit better and I'm feeling better.

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?

    Bread, cheese, extra snacks and some healthy fats like olive oil, etc.

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?


    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?

    Every day for both. Particularly as I'm trying to increase my calories.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?

    Yes. The last three days, I've weighed way too low, so I had a cheat day properly today and upped my calories a bit more. I rejigged a bunch of calculations and BMR.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?

    A bit more disciplined, but varied, so I never get bored. I try and get in 4 to 5 hours per week.

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?

    To get my weight up to 66 kg.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?

    Watch your weight a bit at the beginning, so you don't lose too much. Bump up calories and don't be afraid to splurge once in a while to keep motivated.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
  • sheltony
    sheltony Posts: 73 Member
    SO glad for this post. Looking forward to reading ALL your maintenance stories! Thank you all for sharing, it makes a huge difference to know when we reach our goals, we can keep the new improved version of ourselves 4 life!
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    Bump :smile:
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks for this post - great reading to see how others have been maintaining! I just hit my goal weight, and started on maintenance in the last week. I am upping my intake by 100 cal every couple of weeks until I hit my maintenance calories.
  • capperboy
    capperboy Posts: 99 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?
    2 years
    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?
    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?
    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?
    Yes this is one of the more difficult aspects of maintenance. There is a lot going on. I both cycle and jog. With loss of weight, requirement for calories drop plus I have found that my body is now more efficient in burning calories. I set MFP to loose 1lb per week and add back all my exercise calories (estimated from HRM not MFP)
    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?
    It fluctuates some days is good some not so
    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?
    None to diet I reduced portion size.
    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day? Yes
    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?
    Weekly but do not log
    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?
    Of course 2-3 lbs but after race this can easily be more
    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?
    Increase in speed
    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?
    Keep on keeping on
    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?
    It takes determination and the journey is harder than you think.
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining? 
    A little over 2 months.

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal? 
    Yes. My goal was 120 but I was still unhappy so I changed it to 115.

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal? 

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once? 
    All at once bc I couldn't wait to start eating more!

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?
    Too easy.

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake? 
    I ate more of what I was already eating. I added more nuts, avocado, cheese & pb :)

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day? 
    Yes & yes.

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?
    I weigh myself once a month but I hardly ever log it into mfp unless it's more than 3 pounds.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories? 
    Haven't reached that point yet but if I fluctuate 4 pounds in either direction then I'll adjust.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level? 
    I started lifting heavy &i love it!

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?
    I want to gain strength, build muscle, & eat healthfully everyday. 

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share? 
    If I could do it again, I'd gradually increase my calories instead of jumping in all at once. Upping it all at once made me super paranoid if I was eating too much. Also I would have waited until I knew what my maintenance cals before starting lifting heavy. I honestly didn't know if I was gaining muscle or fat or if it was water weight from the increase in cals.
    I went from 1200 to 1850-2050 & luckily it's been working for me.
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?

    3rd time. This time I've been at it for 3.5 years.

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?

    As this was not my first time I lost a substantial amount of weight, I didn't "start" out with goals. I decided to eat less and exercise more at a level that I knew I could sustain. And weight was lost.

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?

    I was "maintaining" when I was at the peak of my weight.

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?

    No. Nothing changed.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?

    As I never changed my calorie goals, it was neither hard nor easy.

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?


    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?

    I never logged to begin with. I tend to eat the same foods and meals on a weekly/daily basis.

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?

    I almost never weighed myself on my third round of weight loss and almost never weigh myself now. When people ask me how much weight I lost, I can honestly say I don't know. I may weigh myself for curiosity sake once every 8-10 months. I tend to determine whether I'm regaining or not on what hole of my belt I am using.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?


    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?

    If anything, I am much more vigilent about my exercise regime. I try to set certain exercise goals. I run more. I do races.

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?

    My current goal is to run in as many different places as possible. It's not about the distance or time of exercise--it's about exploring parts of the world while getting my cardio in.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?

    Don't eat something just because it's good for you--actually like it. Maintaining a consistent workout plan is so important. Lastly, I was not more stupid and lazier when I regained the weight. I'm also not smarter and better a human because I lost it either. I am what I am.
  • rememberalwayss
  • doriharvey
    doriharvey Posts: 89 Member
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining? Almost 2 years

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal? Nope, I turns out the original target number I came up with worked well for me

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal? Yes, 10 pounds from goal weight I set MFP for 0.5 lb/week loss (instead of the 1 lb/week I was aiming for previously)

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once? See #3- I was only running a 250 calorie/day deficit for the last 10 pounds so once I hit maintenance, I added another 250 calories to my diet and that was it.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals? Shockingly easy.

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake? Nuts- handful of almonds as a snack daily

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day? Nope. I stopped logging about 6 months into maintenance. I felt at that point that I had a really good idea of what a reasonable portion size for me looks like and I was right…I haven’t gained or lost any weight since I stopped logging.

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP? I weigh about once a week and never log it into MFP. I haven’t logged a weight here since I started maintaining

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories? 145 is my goal weight but I allow for fluctuations of a few pounds. Generally, as long as my favorite jeans are fitting right, I don’t sweat it.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level? No different.

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc? I am reasonably active. I eat healthfully (scratch cook, not much comes from a box, diet is heavy on plants, etc.). I am just maintaining this weight and lifestyle.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share? It sounds lame but it truly is a lifestyle change. If you are just “dieting” until you lose the weight, I guarantee you will gain back the weight. Accept that if you are going to keep the weight off, that this is it. Figure out a way of eating and exercising that will work for you for the rest of your life.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining? 16 months

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal? Yes. I was aiming to lose 30 to 40 pounds. I lost 50.

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal? No

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once? I can't really remember.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals? It's more food...very easy!

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake? None. I refused to give anything up so nothing has been added back in.

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day? I've logged almost everyday since I joined MFP in 2011 but my goal is to move away from daily logging and eventially log only once or twice a week.

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP? I weigh daily.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories? Yes, indeed! 3 pounds triggers a slight decline in food and a slight increase in exercise.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level? Instead of doing 45 minutes on the elliptical 4 to 5 times a week, I do 35 minutes 3 times a week and two days of weights. Two rest days a week.

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc? Go up on the weights, decrease my resting heart rate, make meditation a regular practice, and do my 12th half marathon in 2014.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share? Yes. You have to have a plan for maintenance just as you had a plan to lose weight. Maintenance doesn't just happen.