5'8" Woman and Curious About Other 5'8" Women



  • huligoo
    Im 5'8 and 240 lbs
    Right now Im stalled and trying to figure out what else I need to do to get my metabolism moving...
    I do have insulin resistance and pcos and thyroid issues...
    my weightloss is slow....
  • pinkhippie
    pinkhippie Posts: 10 Member
    Im 5 8.5 and trying to still lose pregnancy weight. My baby is 18 months old...

    I'm trying to get to 145 but I would be happy with 155. Before babies my weight tended to fluctuate from 150- 155 and I wore a size 10. I have gotten down to 176 lbs and wearing a size 14. I started at 197 lbs. My highest weight ever. Each pregnancy I started with a little more weight and ended up at a higher weight than before. I have 3 kids.
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    I am 5'8". Started at 173.8 and set my original goal to 145 but am now at 131.2 and really like the way I look and feel.
  • soonerkt87
    soonerkt87 Posts: 39 Member
    I am 5'8" and I am at 195 right now, I would love to get down to my highschool weight which was 150-160. I am a size 14 right now but I was a size 12 in highschool so I am fine with that but so ready to get this weight off!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I'm at 208 right now (down about 55 lbs) and wearing 16 pants and xl tops. I don't have a final weight goal in mind, but I'm shooting for wearing size 10-12 pants and a medium top. I am curvy and large framed with an enormous bosom, so I can't imagine being in smaller clothing. I doubt I will ever be in the 'goal range' of the insurance charts! I wore a size 7 for a while as a teenager and even then I thought I was too skinny--all of my bones stuck out through my clothes!
  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 347 Member
    I was 199 now i am 165. I want to lose at least 10 pounds, and tone up!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I am a 5'8" woman, but I'm already taken.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I'm 5'8", 44 years old. I started at 152.5, currently 138.5, my initial goal is 135. I might lose five more pounds after I get to 135 though, I'll see. At 135 I won't be dramatically smaller than I am at 138.5, and I think I want to lose one more dress size, just for kicks. :drinker:
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    im 5'8 weigh 161 atm but thats gunna change soon enough im in baby making mode lol when i finished with the baking id be extremly happy to be at 160 again any lower than that i find it hard to maintain, back in the day i weighd in at 132 i looked sick then 145 but now i can not seem to get there without working my *kitten* of ,...... 160 pound it is !!!
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    I am 5'8 and started at 199. I am down to 183 but would like to be 160ish.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm 5'8" and started at 210; currently I'm 164 and some change. My goal weight is 157, but I worry less about the scale than I do about BF% now. I comfortably fit into a size 8 and that makes me dang happy!
  • Queen2day
    Queen2day Posts: 68 Member
    I feel out of place posting on this thread - not because of my height as I am 5'7.75", but because most of the previous posters started out much less than where I am currently at. With that said,

    SW: 338
    CW: 280
    GW: 165 - To be re-evaluated when I get closer.

    Honestly, I haven't weighed less than 200 since I was in high school, which was way too long ago since I am 51 years young. LOL However, the lowest I have been in my adult life was 203 when I was in my late 20's and my most recent lowest weight was 235 approximately 6 years ago, but unfortunately being involved in an abusive relationship I gained 100 pounds in a year - totally outrageous. [Never a good idea to turn to food for comfort.] When I was at 235 I felt great even though I knew I had more to lose.

    It has taken me nearly 2 years to drop approximately 60 pounds, which I find discouraging, but nevertheless, I know it is progress in the right direction. My biggest challenge is to firm/tone up, which has been difficult, especially since I had knee surgery 3 weeks ago.

    At my highest weight of 338, I was wearing size 32 jean and 3X tops. Currently at 280 I am wearing size 26 jeans [which are getting lose] and 18/20 tops. I so want to get completely out of the plus sizes!!!

    For exercise, I have mostly been walking - try to walk at least 3 miles per day some days I shot for 5 miles, but it is tiring as I do all of my walking at one time without stopping. I have been trying to locate some home DVD's I can manage, but haven't had much luck as I stink at squats and lunges with my knee issues. :(

    So many of the success story posts are very motivating and inspirational, but many are from much younger people. It does get more difficult to lose with age. I'm open for any suggestions that will help me start losing consistently again as I was stuck at a plateau of 297 for 10 months and only in the last 3 months have managed to get down to 280. I now have a wonderful man in my life who is truly awesome. :)
  • lavender_fairie
    lavender_fairie Posts: 76 Member
    CW- 175ish
    GW- 130 (so I can put on 5 maintenance lbs and be the weight I was when I got married.
    I'm 5'8.5" I don't know if my goal weight is realistic after 10 years and 2 babies tho.
  • brittmar25
    brittmar25 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 5'9 with a goal weight of about 175 (That puts me in Jr's size 11/13 and medium tops)

    I have an entire closet full of these clothes that I'm itching to get back into.

    Right now I am 236. Please feel free to friend me!
  • hels4397
    hels4397 Posts: 100 Member
    SW - 276
    CW - 221.5
    GW - under 199

    Unfortunately I have genetics going against me. But, my friend helping me to push more, and run longer - so here's hoping! I haven't been down under 200 since HS (I just turned 30 in August).
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    If it helps any, I will be 54 in two weeks. :)

    And just for the record, the 9 lbs to go on my ticker is my goal for December 31. I will reevaluate after that and set a new "short term" goal.
  • raegrove
    raegrove Posts: 37 Member
    This is for the ladies out there who are 5'8". What is your goal weight? I started off at 190.0 lbs and I have dropped to 163.7 lbs. My ultimate goal for this year is 155.0 lbs. because that is the weight I look healthy at.

    What about you guys? I know we all have differing body types, but I am curious about you!

    We are very similar! I started out at 185 (after having 2nd baby) and am at 162-163ish. original goal was 160 but thinking 155 would be great.
  • janettebishop940
    GW 123
    Small/medium frame
    I weigh 129 now and still have some wobbly bits to lose!
    Planning to lose 5lbs over the next few months and trying to exercise and walk most days
    I'm back to pre pregnancy weight now so pleased to have found this site so I could do things properly.
  • LipstickOn
    I'm 5'8 and I weigh 156 lbs give or take... My weight usually fluctuates from 154-160 -_-"
    My lowest weight was 151 and that was like 9 months ago -_-""""" I was on a good diet but the high school food and low impact cardio made me reach a plateu so I stopped dieting and now I'm back up at 156lbs...I recently started working out at the gym about 3-4 days a week but my diet still sucks because college only has fast food and my schedule makes it hard for me sometimes to eat a home ..
    Well anyhow, After thanksgiving, I'm gonna start a new diet so that by May 2014, I can reach my goal weight of 130 lbs.... So only 26-28 lbs to go! I hope I can make it ;)
  • emilymayzes
    I'm 5'8 (almost 5'9) and currently weigh 137lbs. Started around 160lbs. I am currently 5lbs away from my goal weight of 132lbs! :)