
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Wait.... a chat room!?


    s8erQT: a/s/l?????
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Clearly you didn't mean it as racist. Some people will take any suggestion that there is a difference between two races as racism... but that may be because often a simple noticing of differences is what starts a racist statement.

    AT any rate, Japanese, Chinese, Korean people are not genetically thin anymore than the rest of us. I assume you were talking about the more Eastern part of the Asian continent, because that is what most people think of when they talk about Asian food. The foods that were traditionally eaten in Japan, China, and Korea were not the grease laden, meat heavy dishes that are served in the Asian style restaurants in the U.S.

    Going back before modern times, Asian food was heavy on the vegetables, in some cases the fish, and rice, but meat and heavy greasy foods were rare. Meat was more of a garnish than a main dish. Most asian people also worked hard physically from sun-up to sun-down (just as most Americans did before modern times) and so the calories and carbs they did eat were burned off.

    Now that modern Western ways are being adopted by Asian cultures, their obesity rates are climbing. The same thing happens when Asian people move to the U.S. and abandon their traditional diets in exchange for the SAD diet.

    Even before modern times, an Asian person who overate would get overweight. The sport of Sumo Wrestling from Japan provides examples of this.

    That is not to say there is no physical difference between races, but whatever differences there are when it comes to metabolising food are slight at best, and not enough to make a significant difference in weight when the same diet and activity level is followed by both.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    It does not sound racist to me, just the usual over sensitive people online.
  • Absolutely not racist. You sound like you have a very scientific understanding of how genetics can and DO play a role in many aspects of life.

    Don't worry about it.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Nah, people are overly racially sensitive because the discussion can easily become a slippery slope.
    We are quite racially mixed in our household, I was born in Trinidad to Indian & Chinese mixed parents.

    People can be weird. I don't sweat the details :drinker:
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    Why does it have to be an Asian woman?

    Thats SEXIST!
  • Nope nothing racist about that. What you stated was truth to a degree, I studied Forensic Anthropology last year and Asian bone structure tends to be a lot smaller in framing and overall size than Caucasian or African, and female bone structure, in general tends to be smaller than male. In addition to this muscle size and distribution tends to be different in males and females, making women naturally appear slim and men more muscly. (For the guy screaming sexist in the above post) :)
    It isn't racist or sexist, it's science, it's not like you were being abusive.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    Wait.... a chat room!?


    s8erQT: a/s/l?????

  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Personally I don't think it was racist But I am not Asian. You were just making an observation though. I'm also laughing at some of these comments by white people. I don't have anything against white people but I think they have no say in whether or not something is racist if it doesn't have to do with their own race. I am not saying all white people are racist but since white is the dominant race i don't really think they know when they're being racist or know what it's like to be on the receiving end.

    You do realise you just made a sweeping generalization about white people, don't you? You assume none of us have ever been on the receiving end of racism. I won't give examples because it will only fuel racism of all kinds, but I will say that even a small amount of research will reveal that sometimes people are discriminated against because of being white, and that there are some people who hate all white people. So yes, sometimes we ARE on the receiving end of racism.
  • So many people confuse racism and stereotyping and it really annoys me. That's a big pet peeve of mine. People like that need a dictionary. Racism is the belief that one race is superior or inferior to another race in any aspect/way/shape/form because of their race. Stereotyping is saying something like Asian people eat a lot of rice, or White people eat a lot of Lobster (or whatever White people are stereotyped to eat), or Black people eat a lot chicken. Or something like all Americans are fat & lazy, or all French people are rude jerks. None of the former scenarios are racist because it's not saying that any of those races is superior to another or inferior to another. It's stereotyping because it is generalizing a characteristic of someone solely based on their race. The latter are not racist either because they are not about a race but about a country's citizens and instead it is also stereotyping. Most countries have multiple races amongst its citizenry. But many people would say all of these are racism because they don't understand the definition of the word and get bent out of shape about anything mentioning race.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    I guess I was surprised because nothing I said was derogatory, or suggested Asian people are less because they are different, and I certainly didn't mean to cause trouble. The truth of the matter is that even though we are all equal, the truth is we ARE different - it's not a bad thing, but it seems making that observation has people upset. The reaction surprised me. I'm genuinely sorry if anyone does find this rude or ignorant, and I guess that's why I'm posting - was I racist?

    I've actually taken quite a few courses on diversity and multiculturalism and this issue was something that came up often- "is it wrong to say that people are different?"

    You were not racist at all. In fact, refusing to acknowledge the differences from various cultures is what's racist. Everyone wants to "be an individual" and "express themselves how they want to" but no one wants to give that right to others - it's a fact of humanity, we're just not all the same (though some are more similar than others, depending on where they genetically come from/grew up).

    Don't let other people's ignorance deter you.

    ETA: and agreed with the person above stating most people confuse racism and stereotyping - lol I should have realized that too
  • I don't see it as racism, but making generalities of people from any ethnicity can be problematic and many times incorrect. Basically we are products of our parents, what traits and characteristics they brought to the party and their parents before them (i.e., high blood pressure, weight, height, predisposition to certain types of cancern, etc.)
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
  • gurse
    gurse Posts: 9
    yes, people hate white people too. but do you realize that no matter how much people hate white people it's still not racism. racism is about believing a race is superior to another and everyone knows white people always have the upper hand at least for now. so no matter how much minorities hate on white people, they are still the dominant race.

    I say we should all just hug it out though
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Its to the point that any disagreement is met with some label, racism, sexism,bullying etc. I know who and what i am, and I know what i think about others, so I dont really care if someone puts a label on me.
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    It's the culture and not just the food they eat .I have read up on this subject before and it says most americans are over weight due to our culture...French people for example take there time at dinner and do alot of talking over 2hrs(more then eating).In America it is accepted socially and is ok to grab fast food all the time in a hurry and all you can get Buffets.I read one time the average person in America is a size 12 in pants and it's a ok size that is to be expected living in our society ...I think it's a observation more then a thing of being racist is what you sound like
  • rmh1262
    rmh1262 Posts: 10 Member
    Not racist at all. Observation and/or fact!
  • b7bbs
    b7bbs Posts: 158 Member

    I don't think it's racist.

    This. Not racist.
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    Every thing is considered racist these days. It's sad!
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    yes, people hate white people too. but do you realize that no matter how much people hate white people it's still not racism. racism is about believing a race is superior to another and everyone knows white people always have the upper hand at least for now. so no matter how much minorities hate on white people, they are still the dominant race.

    I say we should all just hug it out though

    I disagree with this 100%. Racism can effect any race.
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