80lbs in 8 months, does that sound reasonable?



  • williamsa522
    You would need to up your cardio and probably start lifting weights to increase your metabolism, as the calorie deficit to reach that goal will be high.

    Came here to suggest weight training. Even if the pounds don't come off as readilly as you would like them, the definition you gain in the interim will more than gratifying. You don't have to fear becoming a she-hulk or anything, women aren't usually able to pack on that kind of muscle naturally.

    Lifting weights differs from cardio in how the length of time during which calories are burned. When you run or do HIIT or other cardio excercise your body burns calories only while performing the activity but ceases shortly after your cool-down. When you train with weights, your body continues to burn calories for sometimes up to hours after you are done. Combining your current routine with some moderate weight training will help make you feel better and make you look better even if the scale isn't moving "fast enough" for you.
  • Daws387
    Daws387 Posts: 46 Member
    A lot of good info on this thread for you AprilEternity.

    I definitely agree with avoiding the deadline thing, especially so far in the future. Plus you may love how you look after only losing half of that weight.

    Maybe focus more on BMI (for health) and body fat percentage (for health and looks). I bought one of those digital scales from Wal-Mart that shows all that stuff for about 30 bucks...you could trade in the sauna bag lol.

    I advise adding in some weight training because it burns additional calories and promotes more fat loss than muscle loss. Also sufficient protein consumption helps too.

    As for the water retention issue, from my experience it's usually temporary when you first start a new workout. I also find that drinking MORE water fights water retention. Basically your body is feeling like it isn't getting enough water (likely caused by dehydration from the sauna bag), so naturally it keeps any water that it can, making you heavier. So by drinking more water than your body feels it needs, then it will get rid of excess water instead of retaining it. You'll pee a lot but that's a good thing.

    In terms of setting goals, what worked best for me was setting small attainable goals (5 lbs down from my current weight) and recording my weight once a week, while keeping track of body fat %. Maybe give that a shot.

    You seem like you have the diet thing under control. I guess just stay within your MFP calories and macros and you'll be fine. Best of luck and feel free to ask more questions. I'm no expert but I'd be glad to help if I can :)
  • AprilEternity
    AprilEternity Posts: 53 Member
    Awesome! I can totally see the difference, you look great at 170. :) Do you mind if I ask how tall you are? I guess I will just try for maybe 40 or 50 lbs. I think maybe at my height that 140 might just be a pipe dream anyway, lol.
    I started at 220, and in 8 months i've only lost 50lbs. I think it would be very difficult, sorry.

    I also started around 220, I think I 'might' have hit about 60 lbs lost in a year. I mean even if you only lose 40 that's a BIG difference in clothing and looks - I have pix every 10 lbs in my profile if you're curious. Trust me, based on looking at most people around me now having lost a few lbs, you WON'T be the 'fat ugly wife' ;)
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    First, I'll second that you look great- and great job on the 30 lost!

    Maybe rethink your goal- I'm 5'5 and my goal is 140-145. I bet that at 150-155 you will look a.m.a.z.i.ng. Just don't stress it- you'll know your goal when you reach it.

    I definitely agree with the weight training comments. A few years ago I lost about 24 pounds- getting me out of the obese and low into the overweight range. Now I am hovering at the healthy range, and working on the last 15, as well as toning. In the last month I've lost 5-6 pounds (3 kg) and (because of the weight-training ) toned a lot. I've gotten more compliments from these 5 pounds than the last 25. Lol

    I kinda disagree with the clean eating comments though- I think you'll free better and get more bang for your buck (feel fuller) if you eat "clean," nutritious food, BUT overall calories in- calories burned is what gives results (so you could get your calories from only donuts. but you may be crummy). In my opinion and experience. Though I have found that eating healthy stuff allows me more food- so what works for you.

    Best of luck!
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    All good advice above. I'd summarize mine as:

    Don't set a goal of 80lbs in 8 months. You probably won't achieve it, no matter how hard you try. I lost 74lbs in 9 months, and I can't imagine it coming off any faster. Just set a goal of losing 80 lbs as soon as it happens.
    Ditch the sweat suit.
    Do what exercise you can - lifting weights is seen by many as the only answer, but it isn't. Cardio will get you there if that's all you do (it did for me!).
    Eat as well as you can, but at the end of the day weight loss is really about calories, not macros.
    Drink lots of water to flush the sodium out.
    Your muscles will retain water while mending themselves after exercise.
    You will not gain significant muscle mass/weight from cardio, or even from strength training on a calorie deficit.
    You may be eating too LITTLE - you don't say what your intake is, and your diary isn't open, so I can't tell. But when I started exercising more my weight loss slowed to a stop and I had to eat more.
    Oh yes - and build up your stamina simply by doing it as much as you can, and then doing it a bit more over time! The c25k program showed me that little gains over time really add up to something impressive (I'd never run anywhere before June this year, but last weekend I ran my first 10k race!).
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    That's about what I lost. Part of it is because we all tend to lose a lot faster at first, then it slows down significantly. I think I only lost 3 pounds in October. I just keep plugging away.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    As you lose weight, the rate at which you continue to lose will slow down so be prepared for that. Good luck!