need to lose weight fast!



  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Clip finger and toenails
    1 ounce maximum

    2-6 ounces

    Drastic Haircut / Headshave
    4-12 ounces

    Cut/Trim Hair
    1 oz. (ladies) 3 oz. (men)

    Remove a wart
    1 oz.

    Take a diuretic
    1-3 pounds (temporary)

    Take a laxative
    1-2 pounds (temporary)

    Colon Therapy / Enema
    2-3 pounds (temporary)

    0-2 pounds (temporary)

    Run a marathon on a hot day
    3 lbs (women), 5 lbs (men) (temporary)

    Amputate your arm
    10-25 lbs (way too permanent)

    Amputate your leg
    15-45 lbs (again, not advised)


    Take a big pee.
    up to 1.5 pounds

    Take a big dump
    up to 2.5 pounds

    Go barefoot
    1-2 pounds

    Go Naked
    1-8 pounds (summer vs. winter)

    Contact lenses vs. Glasses
    0.3 pounds

    No liquids all day
    1-2 pounds

    No food all day
    2-3 pounds

    No salt all day
    0-1 pound

    Don't wear underwear
    1 oz. (thong)-2 lbs. (granny panties)

    Exfoliating face wash

    10 lbs maximum per surgery

    Donate a kidney
    3 pounds.

    Breast Reduction Surgery
    5-15 pounds typically.

    love it
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    Just cut back on sugar and carbs and'll lose weight in no time. Drink alot of water and exercise too. You might drop a couple pounds but like others are saying, there is no quick way to lose weight. It takes time and perseverance.
  • gattogurl
    gattogurl Posts: 12 Member
    You are
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Not sure that my experience will help you, but I can generally lose between 4 and 5 pounds in one week if I stay focused and disciplined.
    The first week of a weight loss plan can be the toughest or the easiest depending on the choices that you make and how your body adjusts to a new routine. The key is keeping it off so the clothes still fit. :>))
    In my experience, if I add a lot of cardio (run, bike, swim, breathe hard and sweat lots) and focus on eating 1200 calories per day (mainly lean meat, vegetables, egg whites, and low fat cottage cheese) success is attainable.

    I wish you the success!! Believe in yourself and your goals.

    ^^^ Yep; quickest way to lose water weight is eat under 20g carbohydrates/day, and cardio like a mofo for a week. You won't lose much body fat %, and you'll be exhausted as F, but you'll have technically lost "weight".
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    now THAT was funny
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Spanx & whole body "fat-squeezers"

    Lots of laxitives & dieuretics

    No soild food - water, caffeine and protein shakes

    After that, start cutting off parts.....

    There is NO safe & quick way to shed weight that won't be back on in a few days of normal "living".

    So basically, get a bigger uniform :ohwell:
  • So from what I gather, you are basically looking for a miracle worker, in order to lose weight in a week. Don't worry everything and anything is possible if you keep those spirits high. Not very long ago, I was pretty much in the same situation when I wanted to fit into my wedding dress so I started working out, started eating a low carbohydrate and fat diet and surprisingly lost enough weight to fit into my wedding dress with minimum alterations. It wouldn't have been possible if I wouldn't have come across, which gave a boost to my rapid weight loss plan in the most natural way.

    Julia Robinson
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Old thread. The OP already bought a bigger uniform.
  • karlsantiago
    karlsantiago Posts: 90 Member
    lots and lots and lots of green tea!
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
  • perkypeppermint
    perkypeppermint Posts: 2 Member
    ok ..... now thats some great advice !!!!! I LIKE !!!!
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    If you're looking to be employed by a reputable company than I would suggest letting them know honestly up front that you need a bigger size uniform. If it's Hooters then you can just squeeze yourself right in there, look a little hotter & make a lot more tips! If either is not an option, look for button extenders, step up the healthy eats, run, run and run like your being chased by zombies & suck it in & keep that up til you fit in to them. Last and final option, look for another job that will give you the right size uniform or one that doesn't require one. All the best.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member